4The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 30, 2001 /Mountainview Drive family's Halloween display in front yard like something out of horror movie By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion ecorating pumpkins doesn't quench Mifltomian Dave Camneron's tirst for Halloween fright. lnstead, the Mosintainview Drive resi- dent annually tumns bis front yard into something out of a horror movie. "Halloween is sors of like my Christmas. It's really neat with ail thse kids tIsas corne by. It's a lot of f'un. 15's juit somnething I love to do," he said of the cemeteîy scene he constnscted on bis front lawn. For tlsree years now, Mr. Camneron bas worked to top the previous year's decora- tions. The scene he's working on thia year involves a car full of zombies crasbing tbrough a cemietery. Though Mr. Carneron suggested he spends "too much" timne on bis decorations, he said it's worth tIse effort when he sees how people react to bis work. "If you drove by in tIse daytime, it looks aIl right. But if you corne by as nigbt trne, it's lit up witb strobe lighti and flood ligbts and it looks a lot better,"Mr. Cameron rec- omrnended. "Every night 1 build more zombies and such - putting in a little bit of timne here and there. It takes me about two weeks to get everything set up, 1 guesi." Addmng to the horror of October 3 1, Mr. Cameron puts tIse finishing touches on bis project by brmnging it to life. "I mix and mingle in there witb thern (zombie dummnies). I stand still and wait for people. When tIsey walk by, I sorne- tirnes reach out and touch themn or some- tbing,' be said witb a laugb. With sons Kyle and Jacob pitching in to peak the horror of it aIl, the tradition of elaborase Halloween decorasing isn't likely to die anysime soon. "Kyle actually wants to build bis own lit- tle cemetery now," Mr. Camneron said. "And every year 1 save evesysbing s0 it keeps genting bigger aid bigger." Photo by GRAHAM PAINS Dave Cameron's Halloween display le guaranteed to scare. REQUE8T FOR BlD #01-240 DBIA Main Street CBD Detali Design #01-223 Gateway, Signage and Cofnmunity Identity Program Sealeli Bids on form supplie by the Town of Milton will be received by the Purchaaing Services Department unilü 11:00 aun local dim on: Noveniber 21, 2001 Spfumand foma may bc obtaitted at thse Town Ha, 43 Brown Street Miton, Ontauio, Cosporat Services epu f,2nd Ijooe mig noa lbusnesssss, Nonday throgg11riday, 8:30 ara. to 4:30 pm. Th=reis abid documnt féeeof $26.001($24-30 + $130 GST)for regular bids or $52.00 ($48.60 + $3.40GST for bida widsdrsw- imgs. Payment can be madie wihcash, chequ, litrie or Visa/Mastercard. Projectdesails cmn be fouod on thse Town's web site www.town.milton.on.ca and any other inquiries may be diretei to P« .snat <905) 875-5404.If you would prefer tat this bid be coueed toyou pleae complteheéRequest for Bid bocumnt form on tlhe Town's web site: www.town.mlto.on.ca Plia takets and curret and qpcming bid aù 810post on the web site. CIVIC FACILITIES STUDY PUBLIC OPEN flOUSE Milton Couand dTown Staff arc'M reswig deveopment otin frdm rsigmificant public faciliees in the 7bwn of Milton: Dr. Mike R. Gilbert is pieased to announce the opening of his FAMILY PRACTICE office. New Patients Welcome!. For an appointment, please cail: 905-878-3575 905-693-0767 (after Nov. 5th) Hunter Medical, 200 Mill St., Milton