Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Oct 2001, p. 3

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'-ýRegion gives thumbs up to a new Strategie Plan The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 30, 2001-S By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Followmng a number of wordmng changes to strengthen its position and allay public concerns, I regional council approved a new Strategic Plan Wednesday. "A lot of timne - staff's and council's -has gone into develop- ing this document. Though coun- cillors do flot ail agree on every- thing in it, this does represent the consensus," aaid Oakville Counicillor Keitb Bird. The plan provides regional staff with a guideline of goals and prin- ciples on which to, base recommen- dations to counicil, budgets and management decisions. Themnes laid out in thse plan include smart growtb and livability, mobility and prosperity, services to, people, accounitable and responsi- ble govemment, and accessible and resourceful governmen. Before unanimous approval of thse plan *was received, counicil lseard from a series of citizens' groupa expressing concem over tbe wording of thse document. Preaident of Protect Our Water and Environmiental Resources Bubara Halsail said she wasn't satisfied witb general serminology used under thse smart growsh and livability theme. Her conceru was tIsas exploring business opportuni- ties by extracting "energy from. waste" as closed landfill sites could lead to environmentaily-damaging incineration practices. "If your intent is to capture methane, then we're ail for it. But tIse tennis used leave it open to incineration," se told counicil . Suggessing tIse collection of metbane was she intens of tIse wording, counicil amended tbe action to, exclude incineration from possible energy source's. Group complains plan isn't specific enough Oakvillegreen, a non-profit con- servation group, also cballenged tIse "lack of specifics" in thc plan. WIsile eacb goal osatlincd con- tains progresa indicators, a ssarting point is needed on wbicb to base *comparisons and draw conclu- sions, sald Mike Lansdown, Oakvillegreen vice-president. Specilic timelines would also aid in tIse measure of succese, Ie addcd. "How do you know if you actu- aily accomplisb somcetbing unlese you say wbcn you want to, accom- plisb it by?" Ie asked. "Me'b overall timeline of tIsis plan needs to be addressed." But according to Karen Maxwell, thc Region's ssratcgic planning and policy director, tinse- lInca will be cstablisbcd tbrougb discussions wiUi departrncnt brade as Uic 2002 annual budget is devel- oped. Milton group Residents Affectcd by Intermoda Lince (RAIL) also sougbt to sec spccific wording Uiat would express Uic Rcgion's disap- proval of Uic propoord CN inter- modal facility in Milton. "Whetlser or not you can do any- thing (to prevent Uic intennodal facility), it's important for people to know you'rc opposcd," said Rita Post, RAIL chair. TIse crcation of Uic proposed itermodal facility, se suggcstcd, would go againat goals in Uic plan sucb as rcducing smog, Uic inclu- sion of citizens' healUi in planning issues, Uic protection of rural lande, and reduction of traffic congestion. "If CN comes in, Uiis is a com- plete waste of trne," she argued. Bus counicil was reluctant to alter Uic etrategic plan to refer to, Uic inteemodai facility because, as sug- gcsted by Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, it's not somcething Uiat should be includcd. The most appropriate place for such statle- menti, she added, would be Uic Rcgion's Officiai Plan - sched- ulcd for review in Uic near future. UALE ENU WED. OCT. 31ST 9:OOpm ALL REMAIWNG 2001 's' ROCK BGTTGM F»RImCRS!! dwqaoq a 2 DENALI's - Black (1 with roof) 1 JIMMY SLT -Leather, blue & stiver 2 REGAL [S - Leather, moonroof 2MD EXTEUED CARS *ai conditoning *autornatic U U 4.8L V8 5E W udeep tnt9 8 *cromestreels +13e h ta s 4 doer entra + eg; tw * tltsterit C SnPRICE m elm RM W IIII 1 SUNFIRE GT - Black, auto, roof i1 BONNEVILLE SSEi Taupe, fully Ioaded 2 MONTANA VANS - Exl'd, Ioaded *peser tecks *tit&crise USED VEHICLE *spoiler * 05ud Sttel Pl 870-72 I~~f 4 4d oeî au rra ic 1 K pewer sindeom o s .vs 1 klessUU tn 1 ilt & croise 1 9 72 c 3 -air corditienine tl sting +FWsht + tae *loaded UED HJL 2.2L L4engrn n wner UE EIL CASHf Pi(L1 uk50925A * agi pelues se. plus Ireiglit and taxes, lieues. & gas eutra. Cash rebâis lromn GM haes aiready boss sspplie. Motels. $3,40, SusSle Si00 & aierfa Si.000 B IK g E ( A ILTON

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