The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 30, 2001-21 Rcdinlg's j-uniorw hoopster,.s fierce ýHîwLs wini Lwice in league play, weak at tourneys By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion When il comaes 10 junior girls basketball success, iî's been feasi or famine this year for Bishop Reding. Heading int yasterday aflemnoon's clash wilb Loyola, BR's young cagers were still undefaated in leagua play seitIs six straight victorias -thse mosi recent of sehich was delivered at Oakville Trafalgar Wednesday. Abigail Adsit's clutcIs rebound shot seith half-a-minute remaining kept flic mn going as thse local ladies prevailed 20-19. Kasia Sitarz led seith eight points wehite standing out defensively seas Laura Pacevictus. "We're vary happy teoba 6-0. Wa're beat- ing taams of equal talent and showing a lot of character," said coach Ricb Lopaz. But BR bas been ai thse opposite end of the prosperity spectrum in toumnamant competition. And tIsaI trend continuad on homne court ibis pasi weekend. During their aight-teami invitational shosecasa, tIse Royals' only bright moment camne in prevanting a lait-place finish by edging Loyola 27-23 Saturday aflamnoon. This followed a Isumbling fîrst round loss tu Our Lady of Lourdes (56-20) Friday aflemoon and a consolation samnifi- nial defeat ai tIse Iands; of Notre Dama (34- 25) Saturday moming. TIse Royals' toumnamant record now stands ai a rathar unimpressiva 2-7. Slow starts burt tIse Isos Isoopstars in each of their unir two contasîs over tIse waakand. Againsi Notre Dame, BR draw seithin tbrea points on saveral occasions and actu- ally took tIse lead on consecutive baskets by Sitarz. Hoseever, a maasly two points in tIsa final quarter thwarted any comaback Isopes. Cassandra Berghammer lad tIse consola- tion semnifinal showdown wiiIs Ialf-a- dozan points white chipping in four apiaca were Sitarz, Diante Cosme and Alania Petrie. Lindsey Furik's 10-point parfornance paced thse hosts 10, victory in thse baiule for seventh. Adsit also stood oui witb eight points. Againsi Our Lady of Lourdes Friday, Furik led with six points Meanwhile, Lakeshore toppled St. Thomas Aquinas 49-34 in thse champi- onship gaene white Notre Damne took con- solation honours by outlasting Assumption 36-31. Should îhey bave prevaîled against Loyola yesterday, tIse juniors' undefeated record will ha in serious jeopardy tomor- rose afiemnoon at St. Thomas Aquinas. Reding's seniors went into yesterday's game seith a 5-1 record after a tough loss to Oakville Trafalgar Wednesday. They ton will be severely challenged by St. Thomas Aquinas - currently one of tIse top teams in Ontario. By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bishop Rading's senior football îeamn bas proven il cas play aI high gear. But 10 ensura any kind of playoff prosparity nexi month, tIse dafanding regional champs seilI hava 10 start doing so a lot carliar in tIsa game. For tIse second lima in thrae weaks Friday, Joc Jurus' Royals spant tIsa antire Oirsi Isaîf trying 10 shift out of nautral. Once thay did il seas much too, laie for a comnehack victory, so staving off humiliation hacama plan B. To tIsaI end, tIse visitons succaadad - as they Isald Burlington's Assumption Crusaders 10 just ona touchdown through tIsa last iwo quartars an route 10 losing thein ragular saason finale 34-15. "Me dafeat dropped tham 10 2-4 -which, witIs Halton Ragion's top four finishars nose moving on tu tIsa Metro Bosel playdowns, is still good anough for a division one opening-round bye and hsome-field advantaga for naxt waak's semifmnals. "Il was a mirnor image of dia gama against M.M. Robinson," said Jurus. "Gord McCarles made some adjusiments on dafansa tIsai Islpcd turm îhmgs around." 0k! Wings to Look i host Russians Memonial Arena wîll ha lIse site for a Russian invasion Ibis Friday - when a teamn travaling fromt St. Petensbung, Russia YOi takas on dia Milton Old Wings. TIsa gama hagins aI 2 p.m. and admission is free. TIsa Old Wings seilI do a litîle glohatrot-4 ting of thair own naxt year witIs a spring trak through Gemiany, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Be sure to read ail about the Milton Merchants and other local sports every Tuesday and wnOo Friday in The Ch.#ampion. Unfortunately, early offensive miscues continued t o plagua the Royals. And Assumption jumped ail over most of thern on the way to placing their guests in a first-haif hammer-lock. Said Jurus, 'They (Crusaders) made some buge runs to the out- side that wa just couldn't contain." The absence of leading tackler Chris Casteller - who sas out with severe headaches due to some high-impact blows taken the weck before - was partially to blamne for this, although veteran Mats Ishoy and company stepped things up down thic stretcb to stop the hleeding. Meanwhile, Ryan Taylor scored on fourth-and-four - follow- ing a botched punt attempt from deep inside the hosts end - for the initial major. Then BR reached the end-zone again on an impressive 63-yard romp by Chris Casa. David Wynne kicked both extra points and added a single on a missed field goal early in tbe third quarter. 'Me Royals' firsi-round bye gives themn two weeks to, work on shoring up their offensive attack bafore the semnifinals next Friday, November 9. Their opponient will be cubher Oakville's St. Thomas Aquinas or Burlington Central. Gamne tîme is 2 p.m. SToday's Paper* for - ir Flyer From *Selected areas only leif Ctaaice notched back-to-bak gaine winners thus Past weekend as the milton AA major novices eked ou a pair of low sconng vitis over Orangeville Dusing dhe fleat clashs SaBaslay. Clarke acored lise Initial, marker in a 2-0 shutout. Assisting on tlhe plaY wer Brandon Haggart and Ricardo Raduka. Lauren Kelly aank an empty net inuranc goal wh&l debvering a ftawlesa performance, beiwee tihe pipe was Tflevor Rae-Hunl. The CoUina Sunoco Winierhawks' netmninder waa e«#a"Y sharp the following day en route to winning the retumn engagement 3-1. Clarke's gamie-winner was sandwichad betwaen goals frum Richard Monk and George Kopas. Brandon Farrell and Gavin Lecky led a rock-solid defan- tîve camnpaign for the 'Hawks. OROLLER4 REGISTRATION DATES: THURS., NOV. 1 s (71)S Pm - 9:00 Pin) FR1., NOV. 2nd (700 pin - 9-00 pin) SAT, NOV 3rd <8M) amn- 1:-00 pin) SUN., NOV 4tb (1: 00 pin - 3:00 pin) PLACE: OAKVIII ARENA COST: $189.00 + G.S.T. <EAS PAYMENT PLAN) SEASON: MID APRI IL END OF JULY YOUTH LEAGUES ADIJLT LEAGUES Now being Pinyeon Sport Court fiooring ALI AGE GROUPS COED (SOME AGE GROIJPS MAY BE COMBINI DUEI TO REGISTRATION) Mail-in regisiraliona macy be picked up ait Ceis Sports 120 Spaors Roud, Oukvilli. FOR MORE INFORMTION CALL IIE LEAGUE @ (905) 332-1234 OR ViSIT OUR WEBSfTE AT www.roled Senior Royals need a stronger start if they hope to enjoy playoff prosperity "iv'1. I ND US T RIE S WINDOWS & DOORS since 1978 IS * DOORS * SMOH