2-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 30, 2001 FIN. UP TO 4M 48 MONTHS O.A.C. 2001 PT CRUISER ... 2001 NEON LX....... 2001 CARAVAN . . 2001 GRAND CARAVAN 2001 TOWN & COUNTRY 2001 INTREPIO...... 2001 CONCORDE .... 2001 CHRYSLER 300M 2001 DAKOTA CLUB CAB .4 To Choose From .2 Té Chasse From .2 To Choose From .2 Té Chasse From ... .1 ONLY .2 To Chasse From ......ONLY ......ONLY 2001 RAM 1500 PICK-UP........1 ONLY 2001 Pontiaq Grand PrixGT 6 cpi.. fuiiy equipped. cioth hucket, oniy 38,000 kmo. 2001 Cýhrvsior Garnef red 6 cyli auto, p.w pil. t ift cro se, A/C, bai. of tact. warr lUO Plvnouth 6ecpl auto, p.w. p., cruiscontrol AM/FM sass duel doos 7 pans A/C PRE-OWNED VEHICLE DEALS 1999 Chrysior 300M 1990 ou akt Leatheiteorsaten conur p. Club aot Sunr00f, chrorne wheelS, onlp 6 cyl auto, bucket seats, aircotd. cas- 57,000 kms. sette, fibregiass ld, oniy 60,000 ks ne fCrLslor 200 ChrLr Auto, air AMFM Cassette. P.S phb 4 cyl auto, patr 0f blue on colou, -IL CD, alum. nheels A/C, tift 199O1PIymnouth 2% OChravlor 4 cyl p.w p., tt, cruse auto 4 cyl auto, nuer incolour A/Cp.s. A/C, f0 d down ear Seat. P.b *10,000 at 8.25% payment $210.96 for 60 ~~O1O995 for no payrnrtiIi Apri 202. $I~ M 5 1!95 * *Plus taxes and license tees. 2080 Chrysir 2.L y. Ir ra LX o 2,i ci a t p.s. p.b. p. wid. p. iocks, bai. of tact. warr. 1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE 3.3L. 6cyi, auto, p.w pil. fuadl neats, dualiduors. 1998 Chyilr Cirrus Xi 6 cyl auto. p.w p.l.tl.cus 00//tuo alums /shOe $1 3,9950 Il lYoa w Tk&e Hav /lm 041ow CLEARTHMOII Ko IlfAflM tUbi il Take&. JIISTDO fI 19