The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 30, 2001-17 Part-trne, Full-tine or Seasonal Ernployrnent Opportunities Saturdayq November 109 2001 11:00 amn - 5:00 Pmn Milton Mail Sp . d bj y -,for a good cause Brsd GINIs, union chairman et Meritor Suspension Sysame, voinds Up to deliver a pltch et the dunk tank as parl of meant United Way fundraiang acttviUeta the pant. irisai Jim Hall, a man- ~louring enginser, dries off sitR a aint ln dmi dunk tank. Other fundraislng actWtios' incluclsd an employes barbe- cus and a mil-putt cQntest À.uITOu3 -OIE