Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 2001, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Frtday, October 26, 2001 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT i les SCIGOL E.C. D.D.T Bien SCMGOL111 mark kyon Lafraurbomn. pyn Royal Report MaiM9 oiVneak EîyWIoOh ByMark Laframbol aM Fp ymlali uw oli Vndes'u'ui'rvllugb ecit week has shown Bishop Redmng's Megan Rouer Lyndny Jonos Rob PaDrEkerGO On Thursday, thse annual Honour Roll break- Welcome t0 dis week's frigbl-fllled and spooky edlition of Datelisie Welcome ta, bis Friday's edition of the Mustang Messerger. Wr hope ltai everyone fast and awards niglit was held. Resuits regarding Drny! Thbis week, along with our assai barrage of information,' te're also bahm hati a greal wteek. Here's wais orat ai MD. award recipients wil be in next week's edition. going 10 give you an inisight int aone of oui siadets' Halloween fecars. isan oroi.aloa heorMHaolilketaecmetegdatr We would lilce to extend our congratulations to For example...tadfrms, i fu eea DH ol ietwlcretegautn Amy Prisniak and Caitlin Dick who earned titi "The blgh price of caady gives me the shivers. class of 2000/M001 bock ta lte school. lThey have cebuiel for tit comentcement, ya' A poiin hywill lielp orgaisize and Ua rdy IeSno os -Blake Nowefl, Grade 12 student whtch wtll ite loiting place lorigt in jlte scitool's gymnosiare. 'Me cereroeossi year' SATay position.r They Volleyball Teamn sent shivers down lthe spmnes bc starting ai 7:30, but gratis are reqaesled tlie ai lte scitool ity 6:45. We'ti lite lu ruai Student Goverrment events this year with the of tbeir opponenis athen tbey wton tIse consolation final of tbeir toumnament. titanit ail ltote Gratis taho look part jn the mosual Grati paoel, tebere te retorstog elected Grade Representatives including this coli- StilI riding Isigh fromn tIsai win, lIsey defeated cross-town rivais Bisbop gratis toit ta the senior sîtidents abtout tebat life abler High Scitool is teally lite. mng week's barvest festivities. Ail are encouraged Reding in a convincing faabion on Monday night. Meanatbile lIse Junior Note, il's sirar for thte sports upliate. T'se senior Slangs football tram bai mres- to get involved and participate in scliool spirit Boys leain enaured our toato-aide supremacy in volleybafl when daey sa io 10 srTA tatlctIIFiiy bsrm ieaIerOs activities. crushed Milton District. Way lo go, Spailana! Alan on Monday nighl, iewnof20,vrTABlkoklatFdy.Iscae hmterfrt In athletic news, the Senior Girls' Basketball Milton District felI the watd of oui Junior Girls Basketbafl tram, athosiumofityeerevgltrrcrd123oriesam. rtiibro ie team continued its winning ways witli a 46-18 vic- slapped their opponenta silly. Ssily, tse Senior Girls Baaketball tram did score brora te senior's gansie onohurssday, Oc(. 25, in resi week's messeoger. A vesy toryoverWhi Oak. Messa heplerd nd E a fue an ateil ahen they lotit a close one 10 Ihose 'mnonatroun' Muatangs. And srong Lordli lgan tesa, bossever, oserpowrel lihe junior football leara. Thse Is tr lved Wte ascoi w i a 10 an d a n d E congratulationa go ou11 lIste Junior Girls Field Hockey tram, who fiise am an anforsuaai 35-6. Thieir record note gars lima 100a respectable 2-3. lIaIt S T hrl e tea is r ecor of 1 -0 and nsrse- off Ilseir season lasI Friday. Unforbmnately, the tramn diopped a tougb dors- gootalirams are beodlel la lte playoffs in lire commeg teri. Ganti loch Slooge!!! tively. Thler a eodo - n scr ion tu ibose feisty Notre Dans Irish, but congratulations go out1 Us te girls mle janior girls banitbail tlalai a cballesgiog gainetr cross loten rivais E.C. rently tied for first place i their division. Way tO who made Ibis year'l Field Hockey tram dse most successfull evor! Drry las Mooday. Thre gils bang in there nid bariler il ta, lie end teita fatalscr go ladies! Meanwhile, thse Junior Girls' Basketball "Stuffed aluina and Kleene boxes glve me the beebie-jebles" ai 27-24. genr loch orsi line. Tire senior girls ao tm re baskelthal gain agninst also, faced White Oaks recently. Scoring only 2 -Jememy Birook, OAC suUdenl it.C. ata a final score of 17-t4. mbis atm am a redoemmng foctor for are girl's bas- points in Use first quarter Use team recovered and 'lie Sebool Reacb tram i piaclicing tbeir scary faces in prepaaition for ceditsams! Thre renior giol's recordante moves to an ustarsling4- 1. Ibis ter, pulled tlirougli for a 26-18 victory. their loumament Ibis coming flsuriday With duii mucb intimidation and Use lire hockey trsam pînyrli an exhitioin sarne againsl M.M. Rolson. in anricrpatron Congratulations to Lindsey Furik who scored 8 braina 10 bak il ap, Ibes sensational Spartan aie sure lo scare Use pailla oftirscamoopemornNovernber21s. Weteillkorpyoo infonnelianganessm05 points and 6 rebounds in lier best gamne of tise sea- off heir competition! Be surto look back next weekfor theesults of teff la apo cmCgrattlarins go out toire croscoutryeatel woaere aay ar a son while Abigail Adgit picked Up 5 rebounds. furt touraament of Use ye. mors on Wedrsesliay. meS junior boy's volrybail tram bayes ta continan lteir atm. Both teamas are wislied Use best at Usey attempt to Meanatbile, othor Spastans; bave been getting o th Ue Halloween spsirit. nrng tesys aiter tir frsI tm ituis pasl teri. keepUser saso recrdsundfeaed.Tbatîs rigIsI, Use E.C. Dnuy Music Departinent i putting on Useir finst ever kep herseso rcrd udeéte. her food drive!! If you live in Use Dornt Park airea, don't Ise suiprisnd bo son Wrtnooî ltas lise seniors are vrry itnsy araoti linis lisse ai year moiîg posl-sec- The Junior Boys' Volieyball teans won tier E.C. Dnsry studnnta out in youi neigbbounbood on Halloween nigIsI. They'il ontiry liecisions. Té emoe yoo in ibrs lime, pirate pay attenion toanonent first ganse of Use season on Monday. Patrick la lrick-or-tieating for non-perisbable food items aid any donatioms would anti messages brore stadent services. Worksitop 4*2 for gadatong stutirols, atteond- Bymne's 5 straiglit points lielped Use teasi overcomne be appreciated. If you're intereatied in belping out wtd Ibis exciting evenl, ing college or unisrrsily am itell on Wetiaestiay. mbis session roardethIe proper a 6 point deficit and defeat Wliite Qaka. please see Nicole Hiebert or Lyndsey Jones for more details. scay on tetrc to fin1 ont yonr applicatins fanes and loocitel on finances. If yoa diti Congratulations to Rookie of Use Gane, David Did you know Usat one of Use groupo of studenta served at E.C. Dnssy is nos attenti ibis session, ilis very important dit yon galta lir gsidance office ta get Free for bis amnazing sets. stadenta wiUs developesental challenges? Well, in ordor ta piomeintrditd- ail of thr iomation, as pesclice application farns anti University caties sete itant- ise Varsity Football tean was also successful pendence for oui studenta, ate provide work placement in Use communily. If eli ans. Worksitap 43 scili bc bell on Tanstioy Oct. 30. Ibis is lire final tcoritshop this past week. They claimsed Useir second victory you own or manage a buainess or company in Use Miltan/Georgetown ares, befote te posr-recmrdary applications are ciue on Norember 9th. At titis tire yoa of Use season by defeating Alderaliot 25-7. Cliis wortld you la willing ta provide a leamning oppoitirnity for onie or tato ltti mass bave your application foaies pmoprly filîrd ont anti yoor chteckts foc tbe pro- Casa, C ris Du encu an John cGuire an for denta? Placemnents are for momnings or afleioons, and Usey are six toitn csig és Casa Chrs Du enc andJohnMcG ire an fr aeeka mn lengtli. 'fl stadenta are accompanied aI ail tinies Isy an os-site touclidowns wbile Dave Wynxse kicked a field goal staff meinlar. If Ibis intereats you, or if you bave any questions about Ibis The Senior Aselion last sveri am a hane saccess. Tttanis lai ail tbo biders te and four singles. oppoitnity, please eall HorIs Goodhoof, Use Hesd of Developinental raiseti 5890 dollars. itis money atili bo aset asarlis tbe Prer. sciicit Me. Hamilton To end this edition of Use Royal Report we Education Depariment, at (905) 878-5688. Pîe comsider "opening asays is gaon lao arazrog. atiit tallotcren fraIt appreoaciing thte Stotirot Coascil leave you wiUs Usis Usougli: everyone wants to be at door" of opportunity for a willing student. is very boss plmoning Halloteen activtties. Ltstes la tbe amooscemeots for mmre thte top of the mountain, but ail the growth and TIsaIs ail for Ibis week's edition of Datrline Dnuiy, aid tee Isope UsaI ate dteils aboat ail lte esests. mlat's ail forlitis rtion ai lie Mustang Messenger. Wr happiness occurs on the way up. atore able ta pump-kln you up for Halloween! Have a great weekend!! hope you ail have a greal teeienli anti o safe anti Happy Hailowtesn Milton Hydro Distribution Inc.gI leNotice of Hydro Service Interruption 9 Milton Hydro will be carrying out maintenance on a portion of its distribution network located north of Campbellville. The planned work will resuit in customers located from just south of 15 Side Road and north of Highway 7 experiencing short duration power outages (5 minutes) on October 29 and October 31, 2001, between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. Ail times are approximate and are subject to change as a resuit of unforeseen events such as inclement weather. Some appliances and heating/cooling systems may require resetting when power is restored. Alarm companies should be notified. If you have any questions, please cail 905-876-4611.

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