Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 2001, p. 7

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IlMaoriy o jal co mitaisforThe Canadian Champion, Fdy October 26, 2001-7 Maort o jî cmitaf or~ OUR ILADLSW RT vear have honn vaarintq -R T according to report, only one female among 274 in prison Ilime Capsules' are geins of information extractedfrompast issues of The Canadian Champion and other publications ta pro- vide a window into Milton's past. E.xplanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place thse situation in contexi. October 1892 Jailer Vanailen reports for tha jall year dma thare were 274 committala ta jall dur- ing the year, inclutiing 273 maies and one femnale. The majotity committeti, 228 ta ha exact, bave been vagranta. The numnber of committa" for drunkenneas was six anti tha numhar of prisonera awaiting sentence was 30. Halton jall is noted as the hast and most economical. Its rate per tiiero for maintenance anti feed of prisoners was 4 8/10 cents wblle that for Hamilton was 7 7/10 cents and for Kingston 8 cents. November 1892 Two weeks ago tha inspectar for the Fi Underwritera Association tested the agility of our firemen. He reporteti that witbin a minute four tiremen bati the two bose reela reatiy for action and in lest than five min- utes, at a distance of over 200 yards, bad thair bose attacheti and water pouring out on a building. This was satisfactary to the inspectar but our clasa of insurance was lowered from D ta E on accounit of tse small quantity of water in Use reservoir. No stepa bave haen taken ta have Use supply increaaed so that our reservoir may ha kept conatantly full. Nr. Jas. Lindsay bas madie about 9,000 apple barrela thia seaaon. Mlltan is ta bave a telephone connection very shoetly. ibe poles are haing distrib- uteti along Use track thia week. December 1892 A representative of The Champion visit- eti Messrs. Winn & Sonfs sboe factosy one day Iast week One of Use proptietora waa kind cnougb ta eacort hiro Urough Use dif- ferent tieparunents anti explain Use work- ing of Use numerous machines whicb are of Use lateat anti hast patterns anti wiUs whicb almoat all Use work connecteti wiUs Use making of a shor cas ha done. However, in ortier ta tuin out a firat-clasa article, more banti sewing is done in Use Winn establish- ment Usan is usually Use case in aimilar Milton ~ Time Capsules ones. lite reporter was allowed ta inspect the leather for uppers and soles in ail its stages of manufacture andi saw enaugh ta con- vince him that no sloppy woek, such as short with soles partly composeti of refuse leather or paper, was tusned out in Milton, that nothing but the best materials were used and that ail were put together in tbe neatesi anti moat substantial manner. There were 53 hantis at work and the proprietors stated that on account of the great rush of ortiers they would increase their staff as fast as competent banda could ha engaged. Editorial: Last week a combination of prohibitioniat fakirs cailing thcmselves "The Emeralds," a trio of singing evangel- ists, and haaded by a mas named Smith, who boasted of forner degradation as a drunkard, held a series of so-called temper- ance meetings in the town hall under the auspices of Royal Templars of Temperance at the town hall with the inevitable silver collection. Attendance was interfered with one evening by a large party given by a promi- nient Miltonian (J. Head) wbicb was then denounced by Smith since the two princi- pie amusements of the evening had haen demoralizing progressive euchre and soul- imperiling dancing. Chas. W. Martin camne Iast week from British Columbia to visit bis frienda here and wbile examining the tail race of bis fathers (Joseph's) griat minl be discovered that water was nsnning into it as tihe rate of fifteen gallons a minutes fro a leak in one of the waterworks mains. This accounta for the low water in the reservoir for some time past and the town's insufficient supply. When the pipe bas haen repaired there will ha plenty of water again. ibis material is assembled on bhaaf of the Milton Historical Society by Jins Dilla, chair of research, who cas ha reacbed by e- mail as jdiils@idirect.com. Individual Canadians have no reason to be embarrassed by terroist acts, says reader De Editor: Canadians aren't only angereti anti cancemced by Use borrific events of Sepsemnber 1l, 2001, Usey are also embaerassed anti humilias- cd. They're angereti anti concerieti by Use actions of Use serroriats. They're embarraaseti anti humiliat- cd by Use inaction of tie Chretien gavemment. Individual Canadians bave no reasan ta feel embarrasseti or bumiliated by Useir own actions. Ater ail, wben Use receipts are finally tallieti, autsitic of Use Uniteti States, itself, Canadians will bave donaseti more valunteers to Use dlean-up in New Yorkdmsa any ather country. Thcy will bave tionateti more rooney ta Use surviv- ing families Usan any oUser nation. Thcy will have given more blond ta Use victima Usan asy oUser pea- pie. Individual Americana know Usis. Ibe Unitedi States governimcnt knowa tbis. Yes, even President George Bush knows this. Sa wby Use infamous snub by Use president during bis bistaric atitresa ta con- gresa? For Use first time in Casada's brief bistasy of direct military par- ticipatian with Use Unitedi States, whan Use prime minster of Canad was calleti upon for bis unqualifleti support by Use presitient of Use Unitedi States Septemhar 11, Canada ditin't answer Use hall. Rather Usas offer our unqualifleti support witb details to fallaw, Prime Minister Chretien dithereti. Preaident Bush was scntiing Use gavemment of Canada a message. At its greateat bans af neeti, its largeat trading paetner, its moat sig- nificant warld ally anti its altiest frienti - Canada - couldn't ha caunteti on ta fight such an abviaus injustice againat Use American peo- ple. When Use Chretien govemment flnally enunciateti wbat support it woulti provide, it was too little, to late. Anti, hayandth Ue outright ineompetence of this govemrment, we now ail know wby. Canada's prouti military bistasy bas been tamnisheti. Thse successor ta Use motiest-sized yet powerful figbting machine Usas won many, many battles in Use Firs World War, Second World War andtihUe Korean War anti helpeti ta maintain Use democratic freedoma we al enjoy today, is in shambles. ibe heart of Canatia's armeti forces is atrong, but its migbt is weak. Canada's flgbting force is baif Use aise it was when Use Chretien govemment came ta power in '93. For example, Canada only bas haif Use numhar of fligbt crews it requirea ta fly ail of its CF-18 jet fightera. Sianilarly, Canada is unable ta properly man or ami its naval fleet of frigates anti destroy- ers. Most ctitically, Canada is unable ta safely maneuver its per- sonnel from land ta ses anti back again because it is using Use infa- mous, aging Ses King haicopters. To underatanth Ue bistary of Use Sea Kings is ta untierstand Use Chretien governent's attitude about Canada'a national tiefense. Military experts as haing 40,000 parts flying in formation have uncharitably tiesctihad Use Ses Kings. For eacb bour of flying time, Usey require 30 bours of mainte- nance time. Tbey were supposeti ta ha out of service by now anti, because Usey are atill in use, more Usan balf-a-dozcn Canadian armeti forees personnel bave necdicssly dieti. These are Use helicoptera Usat Canada is supposeti ta use -ani bas no choice but ta use - in Use war againat terroriaro. Halton residents, in particular, are ail ton familiar wiUs Use Sea King tragedy. Wben the Conservative gavemrment approveth Ue replacement progam for Use Ses Kinga in Use early 1990s, Derian Aerospace of Milton was anc of Use companies subcon- tracteti ta bulti parts for Use replacement helicopter - Use stase-af-Use-ant BO-lOl. Thse con- tract was ta create bundreda of direct anti spin-off jobs for Haiton residents. But, during Use federal election campaign in Octahar 1993, in a fit of pure partisansbip as hie walked off an airplane, Canada's current prime minister promiset ibe wauld cancel Use blicapser contract wbcn bis govemment was electeti. Anti, bie diti just Usat. Ia retroapect, it was anc of Use very fcw promises bis goveroment kcpt. It was a promise hie shoulti neyer have matie. Taday, Canadian servicemen are dying in Ses Kinga Usas aboulti bave been tic-commiaaioned by naw. A belicopter replacement pro- gram baan't been approvcd. Anti, at Use United States' greatest hans of need, Canada is bamstrong by ton few figbting men anti womcn in its military ranka anti unsafe bclicap- sers wiUs whicb ta move Usero about in a Uscatre of war. Little wonder, Casadians are embarrassed anti humlliated. There will ha a federal election in 2003. Canadians owe it ta Use country's military personnel, vol- unteers anti veterans as well as its allies arounth Ue world not ta for- ges Usis satideat chapter in our ml itary history during Usas clection. They necti to elect a new govero- ment Usat, among oUser tbings, underatanda Use importance of national tiefense anti, more impor- tantly, of coming ta Use aid of friends. Dan MCGIII, prealdont Halton PC Fédéral Riding Association ~'c&~ aac Fonn.rly Scannei Exhaust Everyday Low Pr ices 0Friendl Service è Localy Ownd 908-875-3740 Have your say with a Iettr ta the editor. 1lu$IC. Il 1 y v - 701 Main St. E. I s s A. " j fi

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