Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 2001, p. 6

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o - Tise Canadien Champion, Fnday October 26 2001 THE CIvADLNv CHAMvPION 9l Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, publisited evety Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4h9 (Box 248), is one of lThe Metroland tnt. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publisisng & Distributing Lf4. group of suburban companies witicii incuites: Aax/Pickering News Attventisnr, Allîstan HeadCourier, Barrie Aduance, Barrys Bay This Woek, Bolten Enterprîse, Brumpton Guardian, 8 -234 1 aurlington Pnst, Burlington Sitopping News, City Parent, City of York Guandian, Collingwontt/Wasaga Cannection. East York Mirror, Crin K:905-878-4943 Aduocate/Countty Rnutes, Etobicoke Guardian, Flamborougit Post, Parnuot Young, Gnorgetown IndependentActon Free Prnss, Halton Business Timtes, K:905-876-2364 Ilunonia Business Times, Kngston Titis Weeli. Litndsay Titis Weoli, Matkhan Econonttst & Suni, Mtdtund/Ponetanguisitone Mirar, Milon Shitsng News, d: 905-875-3300 Mississauga Business Tîntes.. Mîssîssauga Neeus, Napanno Guide, Nassaguweya News, Newntatuetdutora Ena-Barbon, Nortitumberland News, s:905-878-5947 Nortit Yotk Mîrror. Sakville Boaver. Sakvtllo Sitopping Nes, Slimnets Hockey Newus, Stîitla Today, SsitawaiiPliitby/Clanington/Port Port Titis Publisher Week. Petetbarsugit Titis Wilek, Pîcton County Guide, Ricitnond HillITitornhillNaugitan Uibonal, Scanborougit Mirrsn. Stouttville/Unittidge Associate Publisher Tribune. Aduotsing is accepteit on tite conditin titat, in tito event oi a typa- Adnerniseng Manager gaueiical etnnt, titat portion ni tite aduertîsîng spaco occupîod Sy thn nroa Edmtor neous item, tootitet witit a reasonaitto attnuance tot signature, wiii not be citargeit ton, but the btalance ofth0e aduereîsemort wîll Se paît tor i uthlie appli- Circulation Manager caste rate. The publîsiter roserons the rîgitt to categorize advertisentents on - .. declîneý Office Manager Production Manager The Mitten Canadien Cheanmpion te a iieepeinhie Presuet Tabled anti-terrorist ___________ laws are a good start OUR READERS WRITE Anti-terrorist legisiation tabled by Justice Minister Anne McLellan in tdie House of Commons Iast week is a good start to giving police the tools needed to help keep track of and prosecute terrorists and the groups in which they operate. Most of it is pretty straightforward stuif such as detaining suspected terrorists without charges for up to 24 hours before facing a judge and a further 48 hours with permission from a judge. But buried in the 171-page omnibus bill is a disturbing section con- cemning the implication of enacting the legisiation. If the bill is to go forward, and there seems little doubt that it will be passed quickly, the govemment wiII add up to 13 new trial judges and two appeal court judges. We're constantly told of how backed-up our court systemn gets but to think that we'd need that many more judges to deal with terrorist cases is bizarre on a number of fronts. For example, if we deduce that this number wasn't pulled from a bat, the police must be aware of a huge number of potential terrorists or ter- rorist ceils operating in this country. If that's the case now, why weren 't these individuats thrown out of the country before and their groups dis- banded? Even the durrent laws shouldn't have acted as a deterrent to the authorities monitoring the movements of these people. Relader offers crîtî»cîsm to recent cartoon of Talîban; wonders how anyone can enjoy it Dear Editor: What a clever cartoon in The Champion's October 2 edition. If you look carefully you can sec bombs raetning down on the people who have enjoyed the ndle of the Taliban. We surely aren't expectcd 80 take joy from such a depiction. Those of us who can read are well aware ot the horror these people are living under. No rnilk and cookies for the little cbildren this atter- nooin, they have 80 pack up and make their way through the minefeelds 80 get 80 the piece, and quiet of the nice refugee catnps across the border. The picture doesent even do justice 10 the alleed pilots. who retum and landl with ae fli load ufni îbs undet thern. sshen îlney catî't fetnd ae legetienoate target. This whole coettlict is a neghtmnee. People whcî we beleeve t0 be iii error are being soade f0 sufler even more tban they normally do every day of their leves. I know of no 0ne who can take pleasure in seeing such a meserable cartonon. James E. Detiot Milton Terry's Teammate thanks communîty for lits support Dear Editor: Thanks ver mucb for supponeing fice Tcrry Fox. Run. Many tbanks toi aIl tise people that donated moncy Your donations were greatly appreciatcd. for me te, lic abile 80 run in the Tcrry Fox Marathon of Ste yen Anderson Hope. Terry's Teammate Co un cil can 't play favo urites in ne w funding policy TMis week a proposaI was brougbt forward by Councillor John Challinor tisaI would see the Town provide funding for community groups involvcd with legal action in support of Milton planning issues. Tise proposaI, Mr. Cisallinor said, us designed 80 make the procesit of appearing at the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) more democratic. Expertise and legal representation are virtual neceeeitiee when appearing in front of the 0MB, he said, and the cost of those services is rising. Tise cosl ititelf may ise enougistoi convince people 008 80, move forward witis their concerros. Tbe Fniends of E.C. Dnary Park, for example, piled up bille ncaring $50,000 in ils figbî 80 pre- serve the park. But how cani a govemment only provide fund- ing 80 groups who support Ihal government's position? While tise intent of Bbc proposed policy may be beneficial in nature 80 the community, il does ralse issues of faimeits. SIf tise proposed policy is implemented, wisat will become of tise community groupit who oppose Milton planning procedures? Would they 008 also be deserving of funds 10 pay for expert- ise and legal representation? Sbould thcy be left on Bbc hook for thousandit of dollars wisile other groupe see municipal relief? 1 raised tbis issue witis Mr. Cisallinor following the Milton administration and planning commit- tee meeting Monday, when I first iseard of the matter. Kis reeponse was bothersome. He said the issue bas neyer been raieed because tbere bavcn't been any sucb groups oppoeing Multon's planning policies. Public input in tise planning proceos bas pire- From my perspective vcnted community opposition 80i planning issues. To fund such groups, sisould they cxist, lie said, would makc no sense. Why then, I aek, docs it mnakc sense 80 fund groups on Uic flip side of tbat coin? This policy would give fmnancial advantagee 80 groups wbo wouldn't dare 80 challenge the Town in ils planning wiedom. l'm nol suggesting that copposition 10 Milton planning policies is forîbcoming, but that miust be coessidered wbeen preparing a policy such as the one proposed. l'm sympatbetic tu the people behind such groups as the Friends of E.C. Dmury Park and Residents Affected by Intermodal Lines and the cost tbey have, or will. incur during theer fegbts. But municipal govemment hait no place funding their figlils if they're 008 willeng 80 see il go the other way as well. And that opens the door - and taxpayerit' wal- lets - t0 any number of other groups seekeng financial compensation, no matter whose side tbey're on. Counicil can't play favourites. Any policy tbey approve muet be applicd cqually down the line and thie policy presents a cîcar advantagc toi ils planning allies. Box 248, t Milton, 0 (905)8 Editorial Fa Advertising Fa Classifiet Circulatioi an Oliver Neil Oliver Wendy McNalb Karen Smith Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Coles 1 1

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