et Petu's otudont psvilol IV #MW MM"u D.AMRE waUc14uo mms Frdsy oflenoon to roi». momy for tu uooo uutldm progasi Lame ym 0"s ralfsd $1OOM The gopr bww -o Woodwonl AVfus te Ihomo BU& Mffl man *M to Wilso olvo Md *n bu* Phot byFANNIE SUNSMIE I I mý ONINm MILTON! ý st more wln more wlth the KFC Chicken Scratch Ganms, You could wln one of tn huas $1 million pribesa nd thereas millions more ln cash and food. Every card le a winner. Se. ln-store for detelie. 276 Main St. 878-4171 SA7. NOI. 3RDl POOL T'OURNVAMIENVT Starte nt 1:00 Pm yk, dff W IWfttf - -I The Ivy Arms New Pasta Bar on Friday Live at the IVv Nov. 3 -JoSbU Trlio fieo #" 7,e-. v" . Joiu i Our ISok Fe do n a ir one OpnFia 201 Main St. E. 905-876-41899 189 IViji Street - 878-6680 The Grand Chalet Ixceptioua Cassai Dduleg * Aethm«tc Itaie CuisiOW Halloween Dinner, Dance & Show Oct. 27, 11370 MAIN STREET EAST - 905 87 324 STEELLS AVU. MILTON 905-878-7934