OM , P«. # '14o Wo ero d" month Wgn apIn lsu pport of tlwlr *mmy gmup» .MOAs umuel, Mâtodom Camw»o M U ppSt Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 23, 2001--9 1I Go dashing through the snow. - a Silbig bite! Ho«da 018320 " Easy to start 5hp Honda GC160 4-atroke engine " Clears a 20" path, throwa anow over 30 feet " 2 pience handlea for convenient storage " Auger Aaaiat Drive helpa propel the HS520 " Rubber edged auger cleana like a broom " Quick and eaay chute control " AC electric atart model available (HS520CS) Burlingion Lawn &Cycle î 637-6208 Halton Region opens new lots for commuters In an effort tc, promote car- poolmng, Halton Region bas announeed the opening of four new commuter parking lots along Hwy. 407. "When it cornes to trans- portation, we have to think cre- atively about developing a vani- ety of alternatives, and carpool- ing is a very practical. option for a lot of commnutera," Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said in a press release. "Carpooling can help drivers get to and from work more eaa- ily and help ensure that our commnunity continues to, be an effective transportation link to the Greater Toronto Ares." The four lots will offer near- ly 1,000 additional parking spaces availlable free of charge for commutera. New locations include Hwy. 407 interchanges ait Appleby Line, Bmonte Road, Trafalgar Road and Dundas Street (locat- ed opposite Northhampton Boulevard). For more information about the new lots, visit /roids Regional councillor is newest member of water task force Halton Regional Councillor Joan Lougheed is the newest mem- ber on a national water quality task force set to, lobby for an aggressive water protection strategy. As a member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Water Quality Options Task Force, Ms Lougheed of Burlington will work to sec the creation of stronger water quality standards and seek ways Io preserve Cartadian water sources. "Over 24 million Canadians rely on treated municipal drirtking water every day. 1$t is ahsoluiely critical that municipalities have the cooperation and support of other levels of govemment in ensaring the safety and quality of our drinking water," she said in a press release. "1 seie shis taak force as an opportunity for municipalities to push the agenda forward." More cool for Focus SE Sport Sedan 1 Fucus SE Sport Wagon $2,999 dowo $275 secnrity $740 freigho $3,499 dowo $275 securty $740 freigflt Or get 39%"48 month porchase finaicing oni ALL new in-stock 2002 Facus Sodani & Wagon. -39 346 *0*00'0 74 146r,8 .',eaanêw erto nnn$O/SrTaTVOtOOrr 4aaoaraananatrs s rr a in eOrtro mssas s * appaaaeiolet Taral kiaa, obllalron rs $11603/$1 '241si11844 Doaa parlement of $2 99/Si 5(//5/ efferra ra sn i ai soT paymland $?7b/$35O/5a0i2 arny deoslrcnn rl fLnase a n 200? Foc's Si ivr * Wagn Lrnimi a Eion frn$239530W$3464,ai o bsorn ar ral-la leal~irO' rat f 91 d a aorn onrrcamm nard Cpfl rn ranrnn rq,ý roypnara c areM oa larnrr.qatan is$12r10311, 3/551/aoc45 7crs/pan ranageletiarn,affropapiae aes- 9'lr ar9to5e a goar, rrastoc-02 -Xir /.rnaîaorn/rcc/,n et 8 ri/a/os rma./r/rSarrrx, 2aa p4TrSg I D fiacnd aiaf9%ai rria ýarn/ranfo r 4 o nr/naymtrs; $338 05 tofTonnrasr $204C n otal fril e reo id$16 i2 3ow rr, t Meanc ae fanmrrerrca rQa,rrr,/ n afame400cwo,,rr/noaaa in ,/ar all e'r n1fAll o /rrxing ara(Jr licnce nrance aadmniraintea/nd A o/aapi tx anera la e orni/ic ra/en fets Onrr ay nr oarr.ror /ai atm rr/ V 5.aof ,/OrrotirCfesaeMaal ýculeandr.rrrrnanne oiirna/YOS1r)( M KiUaas'oofni firsU Powentain Warranty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /0/n isrrrrr air/i cirrf onaaamd[neiFcssre Mtos-ýao i h fdi, eý,lj eaporomû, Ocra1ý,,f ' ýan orMis OIrc ýn ,- ,x Cf ýKf',fi i E