The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 23, 2001-23 Classîfied BON US! HOURS MONDAY TO FilA Al Cassified Ads 9:00 AM - 500 PM AL appear at... 10Mw I I h . !rr L l.i -NANNIVIERSARY Jye& Cal Gervais are celebrating their 4Oth Anniversary October 28, 2001 with a Open House at Kilbride United Church [rom 2 - 4p.m. Best Wishes On/yt BIRTHDAY FOR Sale by swner. Four 1 BRM Basement Apt bedrsom execative tacs- VOUR mini ceu Milton. New letchen, hasse. CompIl sPdat- Hsw bis a cheque do yss bath, laundry facrirtrea. edi tinished basement, 1need? Lears hsw switchina $745.00 per month Centrai Air, 3 car driveway. ,stores cas bocal yaar bank inclsding utilities. No Aslring $1e7,900. 6y Sp- account. Loc autiay. 100% amiakers or pets. 416- pointmenl asiy. 905693- guarantee. a416-480-9570 832-3072 8524 FOR Sale: Hesitage Fans- house, oceted sear 3d niem and Derry. Hsase ro be re- iccated off-site. Cal 905- 82 763FOR lIent walkoat base- 3 bed or 1 bath, tamily ment apatment wdb patio' rora window A/C, Near Go central a ivac, ausdry, pr Starasn 4 appliasces, avait cale bath and estrance. abe immedately $1,250 Shared kitchen (i hwash- plus utiltiea. 905-803-9267 e i. Nansamoker CAREER crth a aîary tai $550/mnth. Rsckwsad. tell Woth alnsd you 519-856-0352 tamily tram home ta help IN Milton, 1 bedroora athera presemve Ibei lamily apatments trora $860, photos and stasies ina large apartmrrest. quiet PR ESINLcul measînglai cay. Holiday bulig g e1 deoral-POESONLcul ci;son aparangngnewly sere o app ris teou ed. 905-875-4989 - ram Calgary loldsng ta test. sere aarmeods jse -1-3 bedmora property snI upscare, photo sale scraP- jLARGE t bedmraM aPart- Miltos Stanisg Feb 1,2001. boak albums. Carl Lysa ment, indlusive. Downtown Cari 403-2284001 es. 212 908-824-9473 Actas, $700. Phase aller 6 O o a 55 Mare Mon pin, 519-853-5589 RENOVATE0 U1r55h room ey? Caîl 80-84-67 Est. ONE bedan aparimesîs fleman preferted. 905-878- 12, Leave Message. $658& $750 mt. Na pets.1 0225 OPPORTJNITY ta corr Av1 at ROvI fat. Appaca-at ha lae paot tmie ortu,,u i tns at Bergama's Paint, ROSltRn.Satn frmhnDacataca Mitas, tram $375. Quiet gestle- bme.Woud vs lie t se mas preletted. 905-878- paid when athers use Iheit QUIET Nan Seraher. <~3632 lelephose, interner ardtd B.R-LA. Modem Kvt - 3 pc. WT Cali 905-455-5130 bath & A.C. Prav. Entranc TOWNHOUSE rasma lot ,Yard & Driveway - $8250. tent et $110 pet ceee la-- IIiU ItJtI No [ PM NPt-Avait. Nov. lot - ckldes aiuthfes, cable TV i*i~l~iiii~i %laeneces. Ph. 985-78- and use aI entre Sasse and ~Ifll..L LL 2 9861 laundty. Avadlable ra seati asd tidy persos. For aew-l isg cel 905-864-9345 MýLCOME* C GION -New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more?. *Having a baby? * tablishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Linda 905-854-1563 Don 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Jaioe905l783541 LUn 905-854-4100 14TH ANNUAL IlAF & ART SALE Saturday, October 27h and Sunday, October 28e" 130 VENDORS 10:00 arn. to 4:00 p.m. Children: FREE - Adults: $3.00 G rgtowg brother Ryan&Klar MDHSeber ho01 Pd and stilige Bupisdpats ar Jipas & CRafstiM tnktAlMOH.saf roesd Dr. SharadDr MEREUITH- i Grthes & Trsale ada are lrillasd a annonce h ae arriva i tir li8 lbii sitrSklrAIlyso Mae Bon84 ma taraH Sepmbr 8, 2001. i404 and eighi sarisTed &pCheryl arerhJhsai Milhristine.Lardi ta arias aad ViH sta adi ai. arias lan Dr ancle or u odru ae peciai ibanka aOsKmr a aaa &ERITHe Gra t &JBMH(é Lr r JIm Strein 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Merkers Cemetety Lettering WIIW. St. PauI's United Church 123 Main St., Milton WWE Saturday, November 3: 9 AM - 3PM ARTISANS, VENDORS, BAKING, ICRAFTS, CHILDREN'S ACTIVmTES, NEW-TO-YOU CHILDREN'S CLOTIIING, CAFE AND MUCH MOREI Uvr one 11 1cerimasl Evorysm Weltmasl Rim8àIImus I mmv 11 moult CMiuIp FIE CURRIE, Ethel Marj orie Peacefsiiy, cilh ber famiiy by her aide, on Tsesday, October 16, 2001 Ethel passed away in ber 801h year. Belsved mother of Don and Kathy, Bill and Gal asd Jîra ast Carol Ans. Predeceaset by ber hssbund Cordon ast son David. Witt be aadiy miased by ber grandchiidren Stephen ast Kim Currie, Susan Currie and Kevin McQuate, Michaei Corrde and Marilys Lîghtle, Brent ast Nicole Currie ast Heather and Shaca Healey. Loved by ber great-grasdchiidren Shannon and Amanida Csrrie, Jacob Cordie ant Tyler Heaiey. Ars eat 10 remember Ethel are ber aister-in-iaw Jean Marshall, brother-rn-lac Jobs D. ast bia wile Beosie Cornie as well as many nieces, nepbews ant former frients ast neighbouts in Milton. Frients were received ai the J. Scott Early Fusera Home, 21 James St., Milton os Friday from 2-4 and 7-S PM. A Fuserai Service cao berd fromn Knox Preobylerian Cburch, Milton on Saturday, October 201h ai 1:00 PM. Intermeat foiiswed aI Evergrees Cemetery. In memory orf Ethel, donations 10 Knox Ptesbyterian Church, Milton or the charity of ose's choice court be appreciased by tfhe tamiiy. - mT BAUDLER, Edmund ln Loving Memory of a dear Huabant, cho pasaedi scay on 23rd Octaber, 2000 Alose, but neyer quite alose i face as empty chair; But sometimes in tbe silence i imagine beris there, My companion for s marry years No longer bere witb me, And yet in some myslericas cay He keepo me company. Lovlngly Rememberet by Wlte Kathleen & Family ( 1 wauid tîke ta thank j Shona, Fisna, Sheena & Craig for my Surprise 6Oth Birthday Party & for al aithe hard work they put into it. I wouid aisa like to thank ail ai my frien'ds for caming ta heip me celebrate & for ait ai the I eauv carda and gifla. 1 ol aethanked yau ail eariier. Jbut I have oniyjust aabered Up! JCheers Dannu Cam;eron DeForest, Bill The famiiy & friends ai Bi wouid Çlike ta thank everyane who came ta the funerai home, gave donations, flawers, food, carda, ail ather expressions ai sympathy, Scott Eariy Fuiserai Homne, Rev. C Masters, for a beaulifut service, aisa the dactars & nurses. I Bill was ioved and wiii1 be missed by ail. Monique Beauliea & famlî pv u th An n v ers a ~~~~1 ANNIVIERSARY fomn & Dad ENGAGEMENT FREE listing of regia- teted chîrd cote in ysur area, cai Halton Chird Care Registry 905-875- 0235 MOTHER'S Heiper! Compasion/ Extra Pair of Hando required 10 heip disabied mother of a toddier for severa bouts daiiy. Must lîke dogo. 905-203-1012, Barbara. RESPONSIBLE ysung mother wanla opportun- il 10 shower your chutd with T.L.C. Daycare available FT/PT. Cari 905-203-3113 3 pc Teak Wall Unît. Glass asd Wood Doora wlFealure Lightisg. Size 9f L s 6ft H a 3Oin. D. $750.00 For ail. Cell 416-804-6661 or Eve. 519-853-3394 CARPET i have severai 1,000 yrds. of n6w Staismaster & 100% ny- ion carpel. Wîil do living- toomn & hall for $349. tri- datdes carpet, pad & in- sallation (30 yarda) Steve, 905-639-2902 LARGE Black mesh satellite dioh, Fre 905- 854-2207 Don' let that oldj *stuff in I Your I * closets Iscare You * this -!Halloween! Cal ~ithe Classifieds~ L -vL-- A14 e ,7 îýcNKr,-" 7