Thre Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Oclober 23, 2001-21 h SrMustangs engineer big win over B -lakelock- Victory keeps home-field advantage hopes alive Photo irp GRAHAM PAINE >Lions given a Royal beating Bishop Reding's Ryan Taylor drives the field during senior football play againat Aldershot Friday. BR enjoyed e strong tirai hall and defeated the Lions 25-7 10 improve 10 2-3. j By STEVE LOBLANC The Champion It was an afternoon of big renums for tire Mustangs. At T.A. Blakelock in Oakville Friday, Milton District's senior football teamn fougirt its way irack onto rotir tire score sireet and win column iry downing tire Tigers 21 -0. Tire sirutout victory kept hopes for fu-st round irome-field advantage alive and lift- ed tire division twu squad's season record te, 2-3. "'Mhe guys really wanted t0 re-establisir tireir pirysical play ufter gerting sirut out by Q.E. Park," said iread coacir Keitir Pearce. 1i tink it's fair 10, suy tirey did. We were strong in aIl fucets of tire gamne." Defensive coordinator Dave Curk made a few adjustments for week five tirai ullowed iris teumt 10 stifle Blukelock's pass- ing-ricir antack. Scott Carey and Joirn Taylor were partie- ularly effective in tris department wirile otirer standout efforts on defense came Pnge, Dan Greenland-Perry, Mark Periera and Jonh Suter. Meanwhile, Lee Frittenburg offered a dynamite debut at runing hack - amaus- ing 60 yardn in tire opeming half alone and settiuag Up the first of lwo touchdownn by offensive stundout Lewis Deipratt. Brad Finkbeiaser aso reached thre end- zone while Justin Preece kicked ai three extra points and narrowly missed a 38-yard field goal attempt. MD's three majors were ail delivered in tire first haîf. Quarterback Mark Grimwood's impressive air-strike uccount- ed for two of thre scorlng plnys, wirile his scrambling skilis resulted in a few Oirsi downn 10 keep driven going. The 21 points scored represent a single- gume high for tire local seniors tis year. Tire Mustangs nhould ire able to square its record during season-ending play against tire winless Georgetown Rebels Tirursday. MD hosto tire 3:30 p.m. content. Playoff action will begin Friday, Nov. 2. -E.C. 's junior girls ousted in titie match â ýEoIîT,1C.è»r Ill-timed injury, scoring drought does in Drury By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Tire E.C. Drury junior girls field hockey team o-us on a cirampionsirip collision course ail season long witir Burlington's Notre Dame lrisir. Unfortunutely, tire inevituirle impact met with some unfavourable resulîs for tire local ladies aI Oukville's Glen Ashrton Park Friday. First, Justine Williamns wus sidelined when tire bail caugirs lier square in tire jaw -thus removing one of tire îeam's spark plugn irefore competition really gol ireated Up. And things didn'î gel any better for tire baiance of tire aflemoon regional finals, us Our 2001 - 2002 scirani peur is off o a fantastic start hoth academically and vaciully. Our carrent enraiement ts 50 students, hut we expect that top roas rignificantly as marc parents hecome awure of tire prngraons and extra cumrcular activities that se pro. vide -inciudtng pre-scironi and after-scirani cure, and a home-canked lunch prepareul daily on-vite hy aur housekeeper. Our ertended schani day gtxes us the time ta caser tire Ontario neas curriculum, as oeil as offer many additianal pmograms. We are inta oar thîrd oceer of swîmmong classes aitie Miltan Leisure Centre. Al aur students taire Frenchr, music, karute. papa, sndi- vidual piano lessour, andl sign laqguage. Ose Grades 4 -7 studenir alan take brand, and aur music depant- ment ix already workiug on aur Christmas musical Peler Pan. Au oeil as heing tire principal, 1 am aira tire computer teacirer and am lu the procers of optiat- iug ose computer loirs stire students mtl hrave opta. date rystemr an icir ao ram. Wr alan hase on-rite diagnostic oesliug for ail aur studeuts on, trot any ieamning difficoltirs are speediip identiftcd and inul! vidual leamning strotegies pat in place. As our maxt- mum clas sice rs ouly fouren stsdrutr, aur rach- crs mre able ta gise cacir child more ose-on-are assistance tiras hcp monuld get on tire regolar scironi systea. We encourage aur stadents ta take pant in munpy local actoxities. A oumire entered items in the xari aus caregonies aitie Milton Falir ut and on sorme priZe money, micir thLy mre donoting ta ire US Relief. Belome Thonksgising, we irelti a foodi drive for tire 1oca Food Bankl. Our stdets participated tire Spartans were upsluged ut irotir ends en route te, heing vanquisired 3-0. Like Notre Dame, Drury had surren- dered just one meusly goal aIl season and was undefeated ireading mbt tire title match. Tire Spartans got roitin striking range tirree limes in tire early going, but jusi couldn't pull tire trigger. Prom tirere, tire eventuai champions stepped tirings up and dominated ail but a few brief moments of tire second haîf - cemenling lireir win witir a couple of goals down tire stretcir. Irishr Natalie McCullocir tallied twice, whiile adding tire second insurance marker on u nifly short-range defleciion wus Stephanie Nardili. McCullocir's ganme win- ner o-us deposiled on u rebound following an initial kick save iry Jen Welsh. Drury's goaltender made two other stops in similar fasirion 10 keep lier îeam in tire I in a Teory Fox run. Our location on the 82-acre Country Hertitage Park provides access ta maoy ibis- lorie and farm life experrencex. On the Thursday irefore Thanksgiving. our siadents aitended a pro- gram or the 1910 scrourihouse. anrd (li enoyed a foul turkcy dinner an the schoolhoose grounds. In the wiorer, we will ire going cross-country skrrrrg and/or snowshoeing and corne spring, playing soccer. A rep- resentative fromt Miton Public Library has visited rhe schoal and mode presentalions tn ail ape grnups. Ilie scitool isalua planning ta taire parti n rhe Milton Risi. Watcir progront in conjonction with tire Milton Frre Department. Nent week most of aur stadents - and many parents - are poing In tihe Show Festinai tu sec the last per- fonrance aP Peler Poot. In November, our Grades 4- 7 are poing o the ROM ta taire pari in a museum-mun poogroan o complete their uritu on Egypt aud Ahoriginais. Ar pou con sec fromt ail there activities - and I huve mentioneul ni a few -we mun a sery rntererting and enriching prograt for aur children. t hegan my duâties as principal niMilton Heiphîs in Septemirer, and alohorgir 1 have oniy iteen here a short tomte, 1 am ner impoessed with tire commit- mient and caring sinon hy out teachers and teachrng assistants. We hase a veoy-weii quaiied and dedi- cated staff who proside a inving and nufluoing envi- ronmenti n whrch our students florivi. If you old like Io sec us in action. please coul 905) 693-1557 anud asi. rie. Avril Kruger, 1 aould ire happy to miro- dace yepo oar site, our students. and aur staff. Soar Tn Tire Heights! cirampionship iront -enjoying credible support along tire way from Lauru Ligirtiral and Kutie Wollaston. Also offering solid performances were Cathrerine Polez and Laura Wellstead. On irome field Wednesday, Drury secured a cirumpionsirip bertir hy wirite- wasiring Burlington's Assomption Cmusaders 2-0. Welsir was in net for tire semnifinal win wirile goals were delivered hy Katirerine Greuves and Kristin Mcllroy. Friday marked tire ftrst time in recent memory tiraI an E.C. teamt (not including wrestling) competed in tire regional finals. Muking up tire rest of tire silver-medal team, were Candice Anderson, Stepiranie Beluir, Lauren Gunding, Briltany Lockwood, Kerri McArtirur, Jaimie Robinson, Alison Strazdins, Kuillyn Tnurdu, Alicia Tumer Sara Williams and Jan Wollastonr. Ailprcees o t MH.RC.Ra in rga For av~g ponrre umboshrnt rd Coash Chequ oai I00-36-53 Mito HiglsAcadmy y 8560 TanneRMilton (905) 693-1557 Lfrûm the IriflciDdI's iE)esK...* àEq Resuits wiII be E appearing in E Friday's Canaban Cîinù 1 . * - + = X + = X + - + = X - - + = X + = X + = X 777 x + = x . - + + = X + = X + = X +