16-The Canadian Champton, Tuesday, October 23, 2001 Have a sale alld hpp Ha lme Nothing to do? No place to go?. November 2 - 4, 2001 International Centre, Mississauga *Free trip glveaways * Free Parking * Kids under 12 FREE Things to do. People tosee. Places to go. The 2001 Tael & LesShow iwhem you wanlt t Everydhlfg under the sun. check out bundreds of exhibits, induding toue operators. air rail and cause lines, hotels, spas and luxurlous resrs, Ib.ke advantage of great deals and special discounts on a wide vaeiety of trips and destinations. Oier h~lgtsn * Live enteetainment * Blue Jays pttcbtng cage " Indoor golf deiving range * 24' Clming wall " Peformances ly Citque lie *Cwkgdemutesyof * D-Jay the Clown Lotngo s Kitchen catenng * Wine sampling *And mucit mote.- Weekend Highlights ffty.Ptus Dal snvOO Day YTeniiy Day FdNrrb aSaturdoy Noveniber 3 Sa,,dy, Norsrsb« 1.op - 9Ors= 10Gtrso - 6OOprm iOOOoam - 00p.. adissison: Mits $10 - Seniors (50+) &Yonths $12. Kida under 12 FREE (werorpad bym ardit) sponsored by: lsoaiCribean R13C 1INSURANCE Seeeb iteforspeia adumo dicoutsat www.Tre&bendLeuiiUeShow-com Show Hottile 416-201-4787 t i Try these ~ safety tips finanaial advîoe you nefor trick- Your financial plan should include: Strategies *Tax Minimization * Ue and Disability Insurance # RESP and Education Planning # Professional Invesîment # Estate Planning Management For a Personal Financial Consultation cali: Douglas Riding (905) 876-2400 ext. 226 or (905) 624-7526 ext. 226 Iuvestmeut fatning bCounse( N of Canada FINANCIAL PLANNING PROFESSIONALS k U -81« Spïing Ruft (Halton>11C" Gw cu9O58&7777 Thuo2fis ft.*mm- 90m4t WdaeMu Aqsodat Droker om àw w5*2 msui I%Cn Rarely founld in towa a property of this size surrouinded wlhmature trees. Tibs 3 bedroom hiome bas a main floor family roomn with walk- out, offlo or 4th bedroom. roc room, cold cella, eatmin kitchen, avec 2000 sq.ft. of space, double paved drive, ut shed, gas fireplace. AIl this central Itdý lai the beautiful towa of Mîlton. $239,500. A ulbtl IatlV for a bWWf wei wlsW anapll feacd baelyar. TiIs 4 bin «uWo stl alma bungalow ca be any tamlWs hom for a Illetlm,. umiace replamd In '97; cSWu doc* larp tamllyromm; gmeat location, prlca to sel at $234.500 Callfra .tdy This Siriii of townhoim bas ~lay been om of Milinsa flasi CntraWIly an d bocks ontopa*"danim 9leslldu to prhi aft Vwt and w a foryoilrfal*. CO 0 vew, b ave the key to youT future home. $139,900. tttr wtt go the Po toi sal or- ou sb en or c nt c ht ir-treatiflg t's almost that e of year wben tches. gbosts and blins will roamn steets. -laiton Regional lice have put gether a list of fety tips foc trick- -treaters. *When picking t1 a costume il ould be bright and Ilective and short ough that it won't * mpped on. *Masks can limit b lock cyesight. onsideration should be given tu using on-toxic make-up and decorative bats as a fr alternative. *Use flasbligbts witb fresh batteries, otit for lte kids and escorts. - Parents should discuss with their chil- ren wbat's appropriate and inappropriate ehaviour. - Trick-oe-treaters should stay in groupa nd always let someone know where aey're going. - A parent or adult sbould escort smaller bildren. - Older children sbould let tbeir parents now the route tbey're taking and when hey'll he back. - Trick-or-treaters should only go to, tomes tbat bave a porcb ligbt on. Tbey ,hould neyer go into a borne or car to gel a reat. - Trick-or-treaters should stay on well lit streets and neyer cut across lawns or use ailys. - Trick-or-treaters sbould stay on sidc- a'alks. If tbere iso't a sidewalk, tbey should waak on the edge of tbe roadway facing trafftc. - Trick-or-treaters sbouldn't assume that if une vebicle stops that the others will. Sometimes motorists bave trouble seemng trick-or-treaters. - Childeen shouldn't cal any treats until tbey've heen tborougbly cbecked hy par- ents or an adult. Cbildren sbould cat a goocl meal befote tbey go oui. It wilI help to deter tbemn from snacking. - Item should he removed from lawns and steps tu prevent childeen from injury. e. e iste e an on e ,h so eo e *h s lf hasn bee ade- y afectd ey :eoica iln ssa