The Canadien Champion, TuesdaY, October 23, 2001-15 Down tow, .n core work m ay be done by start of market a tram MAIN STREET on page i ground thaws this spring and is expected to take three months toi complete. "There's certainly no shortage of concemn, but 1 thinik we're working toward somne solutions," said Sandy Martin, executive director of the Milton Chamber of Commerce. "If everynne is kept in the loop, things should go reasonably well." An early completion bonus and late penalty charge being but into, the work tender haa gone a long way to ease some of thse merchants' concemrs about acceus to their busi- nesses being blocked, Ms Martin added. "We'd reaUy like 10 see li done before thse Fanrs' Market starts (on Victoria Day weekend)." While the entire project- Bmonte Street t b Tompson Road - is designeti to keep business and shoppers in thse central area, the Want to QutSmoking? Dsgn your ire Canadian Cancer Society kmows most as say imong o quit smokng now- then quit for gooti Bat aur smoking cessation programt - Orne "t ait a ime - can help change tire way yo . think about or smoking and provide yau %viti tools fa create tire irest way for yen ta quit. Taire te first step ta irecoming sm0e free. Caf your loca ofice of tire Canadian Cancer Societyoth tocretyn tott-free Cancer tnformation Service, 1-88-939-3333, fon yoar fire copy of ou st at am n Aine avattairte onfîne ai Pin ani "IThere's certaily no shortage of conceru, but 1 think we're working toward some "outkos." historie downtown must receive special considerationa, said Councillor Rick Day. Thse historie core is essentially phase one of the projeci. "1 think they (the histonie core and the eastemn end of Main Street) are fundamentally different places," he told the committee. "If we're trying go protect the old downtown area... it seems to me we're making a miustake by making (the downtown business area) vo darnn big. 'You also have to make it eco- nomically successful so the land- lords can afford to, keep the build- ings up. You've got to give themn al kinds of concessions in parking. taxes, bonusing, variance, etc. 1 don't think we've given the dlown- town a big enough break to encour- age the kind of growth we wang." Admitting his colleague's con- cernas are valid, Councillor Barry Lee reminded the commi of the growth Milton is expected to expe- rience in the nexi several years. T'he downtown core needs to be expanded to adequately meet the shopping needs of the larger coin- munity, he said. "We bave to look at preserving the historic downtown, but we also have to look ahead," he said. "The population of Milton is going te, risc and we vhould do this now, because this is our last chance." P»51'2 aUR nul, Ui I cic# X DEIiii an«M ON EEtIU *DEIUNUI>. STANT MONDAT, OER 29TàK! KEURTIN F01157 SELWCIONV! 547 Main St. E. MILTON 878m0931 24 heur Infolimes 414-780-0333 WohulB.s www.fabvilunde ing.Tb rahs e ui(cavada) LP aing hugTriuasea Cari" aunn Holdings, Ire, imegai narrer '11,0ii0a rare vr ayabl 0 ets0 Ys0er or 20S yeis, no ornts Ski-tius bc1 inrrtly arswereo in ay rire Ni loirivave neusas. Sme in-sOiti deails. ane sarelo nd l n BI ni