14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Qetober 23, 2001 (?hurch celebrates historv Lowville United Church wiIl celebrate ita history through the 'Great Revival of 1846' event Sunday. Displays will include a plant that came over in the I1850s on a boat from England (stili in ita original plant container), docu- mnents front the I fOOs including photo wills, and a model of the Villag Lowville from the 1 850s. A 1846l lette, be read from Joseph Featherstone. Doors open ait 4:30 p.m.. followed 1 'old-fashioned' church supper at 5:30 e of r i look )y an p.m dlown Cadet Colin Kelly of the Royal Canadien Army Cadet Corpa in Mîlton pauaea durlng deacent of the i 0-metre absell tower at the Connaught Armny cadet N atil1o na 1 S u m m e r Training Centre In Ottawa. Cadet Kelly attended the three-week Basic Marksman courae ln July and Auguat. Photo by CAPT E.B. LANDALE 2001 NSTC 20' 2002 I~~ P~1 MATI ST., MITO 878-4137 MC ~e ew CL'LfltilJ siU 40 lÎL Rh)KI m a" i doseadspsa f ese CO Pla% s e 4 O1.4 1800