The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 23, 2001-13 Region readv in case of emergencv: CAO Have By HOWARD MOZEL so fa Special ta The Champion ofTa lIn the wake of fears surrounding esb terronist attacks and the release of si anthrax in the U.S., one of ibis Halton's top officiais say he's lion f fine-tuning the Region's emner- C gency preparedness.Ma "We bave an excellent cmergency plan in remn place and bas been in place for years," uni assurcd Haiton CAO Brent Marshall. "Wr e , bave done lots of work in tbe past 12 prev monîba perfecling the plan." And ever since the September i1i attacks, Halton's emcrgency planning commritee h as sleppcd up ils activilies. "Obviously that changed lte way wc think in gencrai," added Mr. Marshtall, * slressing ltaI tbe public sitould lake com- * fort in lte knowiedge thal vryhn witich can be donc in advance bas been donc. "Ail thc intelligence we could ever require is bere in Haiton. Ail thc profes- sionais are aI lte table titinlcing." Serious cmergency planning aI thc local level traces ils origins back 10 lte Mississauga Train Derailment of November 1979. Il reaiiy gol rolling around i1992 and since Uien, thc plan bas been tesîed in mock disasters and is con- slantly refmed. The commite itseif bas met titree limes since Uic 9/il strocities, said Mr. Marshall, wile individual members - such as ite and Halton Regional Police Chief Ean Aigac - speak on a daiy basîs. "We bave a really sound footing in place," satd Mr. Marsitall. "Tbe structure îî there. Mr. Marsitall was quîck 10, point out thal Plastic bags disallowed in fali, 2002 By LISA TALLYN Special ta The Champion Slarting next fali, Halton residenîs won't be aliowed 10 put Uieic leaf and yard wasîe ouI for collection in plastic bags. At Halon's planning and public works commuittce meeting Wednesday, members supported a recommendlation Uiat as of September 1, 2002, leaf and yard waste will only be collected in reusable contain- ers and biodegradable paper yard waste' bags. Tbe committee also supported Uic renewal of Uic contract with Gro-Back for compost operations ai Uic waste manage- ment site for five years. Tite recormmendations will go before regional coundcil for final approval tomor- row. "Baunnsg thc use of plastic bags for yard waste collection bas environmcntal and economnical benefits to Uic overail (crm- posting) program," said Patrick Murphy, Halton's cormmissioner of planning and publie works, in a report to Uic committce. Eliminating plastic bags will sitave near- ly $85,000 off Uic Region's annual coin- posling cosi, bringing Uic total to $391,000, and anoUier $9,000 each yeac from staff lime. Il wil aiso resul in reduced odours and improvedi compost quality. T'Me cosl of paper yard waste bags is about 210o25 cents more Uian a plastic yard waste bag. While Uic ban on plastic bags il t0 begin September 1,Uthe voluntary phase-in period will start April 2002. rltere's no evidence of any ceai ltreat titrax anywitcrc in Uic countty. here bave been a number of cespons- ut so fac Canada bas not been a larget.- M. Marshtall. "But we bave 10 lake seciously and arc not taking any situa- iigitly." inadians acen't invuinerabie, Mr. shahl continurd, but be encouraged res- ts to go about Uieic daiiy routines while sining vigilant for sucb anomalies as îown powdcr in Uic mail. Thte botnom itowever, is Uial common sense musl ail. "We're confident wc'rc in good shape in Halton," said Mr. Macshall. "We're taking lhings seciousiy. but not over-reacting." As for security acound waler purification plants and other essential local facilities, Me. Marsitall explaincd ltai a fcw monUis ago a consultant was contracted 10 rcview sucb considerations. Tite report is n0W bcing cxamined by senior staff. If need be, guards wiil be itircd and Mr. Marsitall said security fims wili rcspond on short notice based on lte intelligence ceceived. "Wc're wcii ahead of Uic gamne," ite said. "There is a heigitcned awaceness." Mr. Marshall aiso said thai Haiton isn'i a "fragmented community," meaning thai regionai governmeni now acts as the umbreila organization for police. health. water and cmergcncy planning. "It's ail under one roof," said Mr. Marshall, adding that the Region aiso has good working reiationships with Halton's îwo schooi boards and fire departments. "'Me network is reaiiy tighi." He aiso said his staff bas received the fuit support of clected officiais. "We are neyer ici dlown by them."* he said. CARVE A WINNING SMILE OCTOBER 27 1 IAM - IPM Join us for FREE Pumpkin Carving. *While quantities last. Pumkins courtesy of Andrews Scenic Acres. Plus See Pete Jarvîs as "The Scarecrow" TRICK OR TREAT IN THE MALL OCTOBER 31 4PM -8PM Kids 12 and under can WaIk away with a jbag full of loat! Tricks are for Kids FM IM MALL_ frie ndly & fam iliar Escarpment Countrym'Tourism Partner Shopping Hours: Mon. to Fni. 9:30 arn. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 arn. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Noon to 5:00 p.m. Corner of Main & Ontario 905-878-3900 a hot scoop? Cali us with your story ideas at 878- 2341, ext. 234.