Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Oct 2001, p. 12

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1~-Tha Cssnnrlisn Chnmninn Tuosdsv. Ociober 23. 2001 Halton stili one of safest places in country: chief "Maplehurst and But historically, Milton has highest crime rate per capita in the region EitOlUdSP By FANNIE SUNSHINE Trie Champion Fui seivloe P~OP~ Compared to other communities in the * Gmaranteed W ~Ib~ country, Halton ranks as OflC of the safest, * Lose up to 1S~/~k I said Halton Regional Police Chief Ean * Algar at a breakfast hosted by the Milton PoePP4<~ Chamber of Commerce Friday. * SIfraSy& ~tffSC~ 'its a combination of things that makes this a won- Explree~3cl29~1 derful community," he said. "Our crime rate is below the national average. The national crime rate is 7,700 (crimes) per 100,000 community residents. Jo 1999, we were at 4,200. We've fallen 37 per cent since 1991." la 2001, there has been an increase incriminaI activ- ity, Chief Algar said. 'We've had 3,000 more cals this year than Iast, Try HERBAL MAGIC FAT BLOCKER from complaming of dog barking so neighbour dis- putes. There's heen an increase violent crime the * Eliminates excess SUgArS & fats ~gionwhschinciudeshonflCide~rObh&Y~5asaUInand O F F dits year we've had three." $ 5 Q IJ below the national average of six to 10 (per year) - Wîth this coupon Valîd ta Nov 5/01 Hîstoncally, Mîlton has had the highest crime rate - per capîta iii the region. "Maplehurst and Mohawk impact the crime rate," he said. "We usually respond to 400 calîs per year as Maplehurst, most of which have to do with assaults and dmg issues. Traffie has heen a concem throughout the community. We've purihased laser radar guns to help with speeding and we've issued 1,000 tickets this o,, ' o o O SI 'o NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO ESTABLISH LOCA A CREMATORIUM IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON TAKE NOTICE THAT she Council of Use Milton will hold a Public Meeting on: NW Date: Moaday~ Novenaber 12,2001. Tinte: 7:30 p.ni. Place: Counell Cbansberai Town Hall, 43 Brow5~8tas~ Milieu to receive inftsnnation and public ifipus on a se~at foegpçrovat su psstal~lisb a crematorinsit pur- suant to Section 4 of Use Cemeteries Aet (tteviaed>. A ntsrnicipality tisas recenses a request for an approval r~qssired by the Ceineteries Ad (Reviseti> nsey bolti public lseauinga b d*ennsne if tise approval is in tise public interesi. TIse propes'ty affected by requeat ta known ,nunicip*lly as 200 Osatarlo Street Soutia and ta legally described as Part of Lot 12 and 13, Concesajois 2, (geographie Towssahip of Trafalgar) Town of MIlion 'tise applicant has requested Town of Milton approval ta ettablish a crematorium on landa witlsin an Open Space Cemesery (OSO) Zone, lise Town of Milton Zoning By-law 6145, as amended, pur- mita s crematorsuin use widiin Use OSG Zone. A key map illustrating Use ares affecteti by dis application is attached to titis notice, This propcrty is currently Use subjeci of a site plan application pursuant 50 Use Planning Act. Any interested person may make awritten submission, prior to the public meeting, and should direct Use submissioil to the Director of Planning and Development. ANY PERSON MAY attend Use public meeting 10 obtain information and make a verbal presenta- lion andlor written subroission, to identify issues of concem and/or express views in support of, or us opposition to, Use proposed crematorium. A copy of an Information Report prepared by Use Planning and Developitient Department, outlining Use application ta more detail and any odier back- ground infonnation will be available on Use Friday immediaiely prior to the public meeting, a copy of which may be reviewed or obiained by contacting Use Planning and Developnient Departanent, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street. The public meeting is an information meeting and staff wlU flot be nsaklng a recomnsendalioii on wbetber to approve or refuse the applIcation at Ibis Public MeetIng. Decision on Use application will be made ai a future date when a fuît review of Site application is completed by Use Town's Planning ad Develoment Departiflent. At Usai time, a Report widi recommendations will be brougiti forward for considerati0i~ and decisioui by Milton Council. Mohawk impact the crime rate. We usually respond to 400 calis per year at Maplehurst, most of which have to do witb assaults and drug issues." CHU LAI AISAR year (for road offences)." Three officers are assigned especially so patrol the Mohawk ares, he added. Two alleged marijuana growers were arrested in town dis year and an arrest was made in the sown's only homicide this year. "Milton has no cases for massage parlors. nighs club or rave incidents." The terrorism attacks in the United Stases lasi month have affectcd people from aIl countries and aIl walks of life, Chief Algar sasd. "ls's hem a new challenge for police hecause we have limited knowledge of terrorism," he said, adding police and other officials such as lire and public health workers have discussed emergency plans. "Canada has nos heen as vulnerable 50 terrorism as oiher paris of Use world because we are nos a super power. Some people have heen sargeted for racial attacks simply because of their skin colour or origin, Chiet Algar added. "We live, work and play in a community ihat we care for and shat cares for us. We lise in a good com- munîty and country - les s keep ut shat way MULTON ON.LINE I h seutown 51)55 on co Persons wbo sigo ihe register at the public nseetiiig, or wbo requesi lu be notifled in wriling lu tbe Town of Milton Planning and Developosent Departnient, will receive notification of when Ibe matter la to corne before Councîl for final conalderation.

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