Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 2001, p. 8

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8-Tse Canadîan Champion, Friduy, Oclober 19, 2001 Hi GH SCHOOL REPOR ,T_ Our 2001 - 2002 achool year is off toi a fantastic start - hoth aca- demically and socially. Our current enrolement is 50 students, but we expect that to grow significantly as more parents bocome aware of the progratos andi extra curricular activities tIsat me pro- vide - inclu.ding pre-school and after-school care, na aborne- cooked lunch prepared daily on-site by our housekeeper. Our extendeti school day gives us the time 10 cover the Ontario nem curriculum, as Weil as offer many atiditional prograrns. We are into our tbird week of nmimming clanses ut tise Milton Leisure Centre. AIl our students take French, music, karale, yoga, indiviti- ual piano lassons, and sign language. Our Giades 4 -7 students alto take bandi, and our music department is already working on our Christmuas musical - Peter Pan. As well as being tise principal, 1 arn also tise computer teacher andi arn in the procent of updating Our computer laIs sût tise stutients wilI have up-to-date systemu on whicb to leato. We also have on-site diiagnostic testing for all our stutienîn sce that any learning difficulties are speedily itientifieti 11rlniclp»al"s LDesKeto anti individual learning stralegies Put in place. As our maximum dotss size is only fourteen students, our teacbers are able toi give each cbilti more one-on-one assistance than they moulti gel in the regular school syslem. We encourage our studenîs 10 take part in many local aclivilies. A numbor entered items in tIse various categories ait tIse Milton Faîl Fuir - and won tome prize money. wbich tbey are donaling 10 tise US Relief. Before Tbanksgiving, me Iseld a food drive for tIse Local Foodi Batsk. Our students participated in a Terry Fox mun. Our location on the g2-acre Ontario Agricultural Museum grounds provides acceas 10 many historic and furm life experiencet. On tise Tbursday bofore Thanksgiving, our students aîtended a pro- grarn ait thse 1910 scboolisouse, and then enjoyed a full turkcy din- ner ins tise schoolbouse grounids. In the minIer, we milI be going cross-country tkiing and/or snowshoeing and corne spring, play- ing noccer. A reprenentative frorn Milton Public Library han visit- ed tise uchool and matie presentations toi aIl age groups. The scbool is also planning 10 take part in tIse Milton Risk Waîcb pro- gramn in conjuniction mitb tIhe Halton Regional Police. Next meek most of our students - anti many parents - are going 10 the Sham Festival 10 sete tise tat performance of Peter Pan. In Novembor, our Grades 4-7 are going toi tIse ROM toi take part in a museum-run prograrn 10 complele their units on Egypt and Aboriginals. As you can sec from aIl tbese activilies - anti 1 have mentioneti oniy a fem - me mun a very interesting anti enricbing program for our chiltiren. 1 bogan my duties an principal of Milton Heights in Septembor, anti althougb 1 bave only boen Isere a short tirne, 1 arn very impresseti mitis tise commilmrent anti caring sbomn by our teacbers anti teaching assistants. We have a very-metl qualifieti anti dedi- cateti staff mho provide a loving anti nurturing environent in mhich our students flourisb. If you moulti like 10 see us in action, pieuse call (905) 693-1557 anti ask me, Avril Kmuger, 1 moulti bo hsappy 10 introduce you 10 our site, our students, anti our staff. DATELI1NE BURY E.C. BURY aigu SCHGOL Miegan Raouer Lyndsey Jones Rob Parkoer For tbis week's FUN-FILLED edition of Dateline Drury, we decided to ask various "Drunians" how they feel about the current evenîs at E.C. "No Oktoberfest is comniete without lederhosen andi saerkrauti" -Mike Doutre. OAC student and Certîfied Oktoherfesf Sîhalar That's rigbt! Oktoberfest is just around the corner! If you're looking for a rip-moarin' time, corne on down ta this hootenany during TAP next Wednesday. Mow down tbat sausage, dunk our tank andi chub yaur bunny at tbis annual event, guaranteeti ta, tom even the quietest persan ino a raving lunatic! It's THAT fun! Broughl ta yau by tbe ever-wonderful folks of SAS. l'OucheliÎLLRaine"' -A lu LuaekaL, OAC atadeat, barbarie0f htete and rughs, enthusaaa Over tbe past week, aur girls rugby team played a double beader of vast, immense and flot ta mention FUN-FILLED proportionu. Against Nelson, wbomn we beat... Twice! Wben we beard tbese results, we coulin't stop doing cartwbeels. Go Spartans Go! 111 mav fot nnend ail My dînte thinkin, about the 'Toronto Manie Trees'. but 1 sure know ml hockey! Those NHLers sure caoI whack t1a halbl awmd!i - Rob Parker, OAC stuiient aadfetiae aserlord la tbe pasî week, botb tbe members of tbe girls andi boys bockey tearns bave bati meetings ta get tbeir seasons underway. Botb tearus are boping ta make it ta tbe playoffs again this year, ta corne on ont ta tbe garnes (wben tbe season starta) andi SUPPORT THE SPA1TANS! "You know. a volleMai court looks exctly fike a bie tennis court.. Co*ncidence? 1 think NOT!" *Lvnd,çe. Jones, OAC studenf anad <aonfpfracov theanî sf Tbanks ta oûr boys volîcybaîl tearna MAD SKILLS, tbey stormeti tbe courts at Blakelock andi brougbt borne tbeir tirst win of tbe seasan! Go Drury GO! Tbey bave a cbance ta repeat tbeir min at tbe lounarnent on Octobor l9tb - Cbeck back next meek ta finti out tesaîts. "l'aî al ln a 'frantc' about pro'ME! -Mat fKing, OAC fftadenf ami McManager Weil Matt, we bave juat tbe cure for your frantic-panic: Join thse prom, coin- rnittee totiay and plan for yaur future! Thank you for taking tbe time ta read tbis exciting edition of Dateline Drury-Halloween's coming.. Do YOU know wbere your costume is? ! ISHOP REDINO 8168 SCIGOLM Mark Rynur Lofmboi» Royal Report Pn By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne The female athletic teums have played well this past week. The Senior Girls' Basketball teain has contin- ued their unbeaten streak foiiowing a win against Milton District on Monday. Rallymng from behind in the second haif, the Royals defeated their cross- town rivais 47-42. Keep up the great work ladies! The Junior Girls' Basketball team has met with similar nuccens this season. The teamn extended its record to 3-0 as îhey also defeated Milton District 34-17. Laura Pacevicius led the defense as they held M.D. scorelets for the entire second quartier. Kaisa Sitarz led the teain with 9 points, and Diana Cosme also had a strong game with 7 points and 9 rebounds. On Tuesday, the Girls' Field Hockey team met the strong Oakville Trafalgar team in quarterfinal action. The girls refused to quit and forced the two- time GHAC Champions into overtime after a scoreless sixty minutes. Through fifteen minutes of overtime, Sinead h-vine faced numerous shots, including a penalty flick and was finaily defeated on a quick shot. Unfortunately, this brings an end to a successful season. The ladies are commended for showing true B.R. spirt throughout the entire year. Ail tean members are congratuiated on their great performance. Best of luck is wished to: Caitin Dick, Sinead Irvine, Edyn Marshall, Keisey Mountain, Nicole Pereira and Alana Zeiek who are graduating at the end of this year. Today, eighteen Bishop Reding students are attending the Catholic Youth Leadership Conference at the Convention Centre in Hamilton. This conference, being attended by students from ail Catholic school boards in the province, wili focus on leadership deveiopment. Ail who are attending are wished the best. On a final note, the B.R. Players are readily making preparations for this year's performances. Congratulations to ail students who earned a spot on the cast iist. ",You can live a lifetime and at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself." "MUbSTANGMESENER MfaIik Musleh Jet! Vendevalk Emily Willoughby MIL1TON DISTRICT E1I9 SCIGOL Welm o rtheffnnpame ediaaaftha "Mustang Mesasee" Ys that* igh, "Grade A News"' has changed wifh ftfe ffmtes. We af MDHS decidad fhaf fhe cofaain aeedad a fraaher marquee. fora aew eea Naaofafurfe oeias fo aseef Attention aft paarets!!! Theae arcacoupfe af very impoanf dafa chaaes thaf yo ohofd moark an your cafaadoas. The miffamireaports are now going fa ha disfafbufad on Novembr 14, nat Nasembar f2. Afan parents nighf has bren movedfta November 22, uof Nocainhar f5fh as was orfgfnafy saoed on fhe Impoant Dota Caads h.oided aut at the stara oftheaschoof yaa IMPORTANT: Aay gadoafîa studenis aha hava not yaf ffald out thaie raquant foa Posf Oacoadary Sahoof Aplcatioas MUST do so immadiatefy an Guidanca. Af oo the second'Posf Seaondaay Workohop oitl fe hon Wadnesday Ofahaer 24th in the mornl. Foc ait f todanta iaferaaiad in eata(c tahe Caf f000 Infoeemation Day at Sheridan Coffaaa. pieuse aigs up in Guidace. Tha tnp witl t h had on Datoher 24th Oaom 11f:00-1:30, and the coof mfff ha paovidiug bus aoapoeition. Aoy studani inter- ested on becomiag a PeerTutoe can piak og an appliation fonn fonam Stodeai Seevices. Spafng of senior stodeot s. thr Se. ttaaga Foothall tetam has unfortunfaf y had a eougea sitan fotheianeaaoan thon waa expoated. The feari fost iheia ganta againot QE Park last week tna ahaahaaktog defrat of23-0 Ot.hangtngitheir seasonarecordiof t-3. Thea tnan ts optimisfia ahout thair eat gaoia against TA Bfakefack, pfayed an tAs turf. Howroar. the Ja. Bay's tan bat or iiiiaccasin the ganes. Lasi ek. after a dafay of 3 days. White Dako cama ta face the boys. The boys mata a gatsy comehback inthe second hafgofthegainefeapultfa a f4-7 win. Thef JItoys record mod ta 2-2. On Maaday the Bonys Voîîeyhafl team pfayed thaie hersi aer gate. 'Me boys brai flishop Radio0 in the Otraf garni, fost the second and puftad out a big in the (hird mateh. The X-Caantcy tram as (akîna parn tha ueachao Rnn nToronto an Oct. f9th. Hockey paacfiars are aso uadactaay. taith ltt aof hoe forte a paantisingaOoaa TMe Sr. Gials Ba-kathall rtea lest ta BR in abheanhereaking deeai of035-28, -and thaia nratgame is aQEPak. The J. girls teailtitaaief payetgainaoainsifBR. mith a hna.oeofa34-t7. Gîted utai]attaa amin thialtaamiig gafes. The ffaiarow Pfay Schoat oîift bas a tam apeninfor a cbîtdnen agas 2-4. The play sahoof rnsTaasday and Thucsdays 10O1-11-t:15 am. ft Dctoer23 t)ecembr20. bîadents taom tha g aaenfîng cfass mttt plan anîd mun variao songs. oames. storie-. ccaits and athea actiottirs for thechidaen. Thora aattt af-e bc nutritiossackspro- sidad.I tyaa are intecesfrd ta haoîrg yoac chîtd attend. gtease phone tha schaat ai (905) 078-2039Thre is a $20 regitation Oée for thaePlay Schotît We'd fike ta malcoma hacki the Oicads fOm 2001t. ao they teinaa homae tee Commencement an Datobr 2hrh. On Dctubrr [trh. apcaximataty 150 otadenis mereracaoned in the Annua Stadrat Excettence Nighi. brane otadeat att had an average of80%~ orhigher tant schoot yeac. ParentsTake Yoaa Kid ta Worh Day i,-on Nooambr 7th. 2001t fora att Gr. 9 stadentn. This is a gond appaaauniiy te show stu dants what an actuat oak envtaanmaent as tEe and aso asefut ta hetp thaut decîde poîssible carrer patho. Jotn usnefmwekOfortheexctttîng rsultfsaoa SeniorcAactirn, whc-cthafjunior otadant s had the chance ao boy ftha senior marient of thein choute tan a tunch date. That' for tatofbcfecifng eek atMoHS. wcchoeyithave a grn ieeknd. 1

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