6 - i he Canadoan Champion Friday October 19 2001 6-h anda CpoFiOIA E A 9,T0 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main Si. E., Miltion, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Asocoiate Publisher Wendy McNab Adîerîîoîng Manager Karen Smith Editor Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager- Tino Coles Prnoductin Manager Th1e Canaiena Champion, politshed tonry Tuesday ani Frtday ai 191 Main Su E., Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 (Bnn 248), s onn ni Tnn Mtolanti Prnng, PohEssing & Ditiîuting Lt10 goup nf suburban cnmpaninn wich includns. Ajaxnickering News Adoernnset, Alisinn Hntoid/Corir, Barrin Advancr, Barry's Ban Tis Wînk, Roiten Eninrprisn, Brampton Gardian, Burlinon Pnst, Bontîngion Shnpping News, City Pareni, City ni Ynrk Guardian, ColingwoodiiNasaga Connnctinn, East York Mirrtnt Ern Advncaie/Couniry Rotes, Eloicoke Goardian, Flombornoun Post, Fntever Younng, Georgeton Indnpnnden/Aclnn Fini Press, Halnon Businnss Timns, Huona Business Timns, Kingstnn Tis Wnik, Lindisay This Weit Murirham Economist & San, MidiundPnnetanquishen Mirror Mitnn Shnpping Nnws, Mississauga Business Tmes, Mississanga News, Napani Guidn, Nassagaweya News, Newmarkntl5urora Era-Bannnr, Northiumnberland News, Nnritt Yortk Mitint, Sakuilin Beaunt, Oakitutti Shopping News, Oldimers Hockey News, Otîltia Tnday, Oshawa/Whitly/ClatîngtniPt Pntty This Week, Peterbnrnugh This Wnek, Picton Conly Guîie Richmnd t-ilifThotohil/Vaughan LiSerai, Scarnîoogh Mirttnr SlnatlleUiinhidge Tribune. Advetsing ns accepleti nn the condition thal, in the enent ni a typo- graphicut ernt, Ihal pntionn ni the advertising space occupieti Sy the erîn- nenus item. logeter nit a reasnabie aitonance tnt signatute, null tnt Se cnatgnti tnr, Sut tht balancn ni the adunrtisnmnnt nîli hr naîid fnr ai te appli- caSte raie The publisttit testions the tigit n catigniin advnttihnnihnts nt dcine. Theto 111ecanadie Chempie is a Renyotabie Peon This anthrax se are has us in catch-22 It's a catch-22. On one hand we don't want to overreact, but on the other hand we're better safe than sorry. Miiton's anthrax scare at the mail Tuesday at first seemed to be a lit- tic silly. But when you think about it, after what happened on September il, isn't anything reaily possible? And with that in mind, why take a chance? Event here at our office, our receptionisi is opening mail with surgîcal gloves as ordered by head office, at least for now. There's no need to panic, but it's reasonable for all of us to be extra cautious in opening unknown mail or reporting findings of powder in unexpected places. The police and fire department must take reports seriousiy, and treat themn like actual threats, otherwise the consequences could be disas- trous. And the authorities' response to reports - like the investigation at the mail - may seemn like a bit much, but, once again, with ail the nuts out there, we really are better safe than sorry. OUR READERS WRITEr Local commuter expresses frustration lover news that serlous traffic increases coming Dear Editor: When 1 read the headtine in Tuesday's Chaonpion, 'Derry Road lu need extensive upgrades as traf- tice increases' t didn't know whether 1 shoutd taugb or cry. Commuting 10 Mississauga every day isn't a pleasant experience. When il rains, il's even worse. This moming, because we were moving ai such great speeds. I decided t would lime a portion of my drive. From jusI before Winston Churchitt Boulevard 10 just pasl Mavis Road is about 10 km -and this momning il took 45 minutes. The sad thing is that ibis is nor- mal. And sadder sutl s the fact thal il's onty goîng te, gel worsc. As Milton adds thousands of new residents. the commute witt continue 10 dele- riorale. So, your front page story, 10 me, is tragicatty funny. Hatton and Milton bureaucrats are suddenty realizing thal our roads are "capaci- îy deficient.' Wbat a surprise. I guess because they att work in îown, they neyer noticed untit now. Weil good for Il sure wcoutd have been rnce, thougla, if sonone had tise brain- storm betore people siated muving in usat we needi.d an invesiment in infrastructure. The growth oaf ur îown is proba- bty a net positive, bol traffic east witt be a nighlmare for years 10 come. Att these nesv peuple, Most of whom witt prubabty wurk in Mississauga and Toronto, just wonlt fit un our crowded higbways. Edward Brooks Hayward Crescent I could barely move in that Smurfette costume When t was younger, I coutdn't wail for Halloween 10, roll around. Tise thougist of dressing up, putting on make-up and eating pounds of candy exciled me. il was a lime for my friends and 11 icielc sitly, slay out lte and munch on junk food. What coutd be belter? Il Thinking back, 1 wish I had been a little more on tise crealive side when il came 10 dressing up. Looking like Madonna for six years in a row gol a little old. 1 remember gazing enviously aI the costumes my friends would make themselves, like s fairy princess or a bunny with homnemade ears, wisiskers and tait. And sifting Ibrougis tise junk food aI the end of tise nigist on tise kitchen table was lise best. The little candy bans, guro and caramel nquares were alwayn my favotorile treals. An t grew older and trick-or-tretlng was past my lime (altsogis I did trick-or-lreat îwo years ago ai the age of 20, complele wilh pumpkin cos- tume), I woutd go 10i triends' homes and hand out eandy t0 the scaey crealures who came in tise door. t think t gol more fun out of that than ringing tise bell myself. Since October 31 is just around the comner, I îhoughl I'd share some trick-or-trealing lips wilh Ihose of us who stitl venture mbt the nighl. 1. Try 10 avoid masks and îight plastie cos- tumes if possible. The Smurfelte costume I used 10 own looked culte, but t could harely move and afler awhile the mask became reatîy hot and bard 10 breathe under. 2. Spend lime creating a one-of-a-kind cos- tume. We've att seen witches, ghosts and baby coalumes. The more original tise ides is, the more comptemeots youtIl receive. 3. If you're going trick-or-treating in a group, why flot go as a theme? Like tise characters from The Wizard of Oz or Tise Seven Dwarfs and Snow White. The more time you spend on your costume, tise more you'l gel mbt lise spirit of Halloween. 4. When your triek-or-lreating bag starts 10 become heavy, catI il a nigisl. Remember, you have ic0 be tise one 10 lug il around, make sure you cas carry il. 5. Be graleful for any treat you gel. 1 know how difficuit il cas be in look exciîed over a cas of pop, peanuts or raisins bol please n'y your besl. away amazing candy cubher hy produel or butk, lt your fettow trick-or-trealers yuu pass on the atelt know. Afler att, would you wanl 10 be the one missing out? 7. Since il wilt be chitty when the sun sets, loy toi dress-up in a warm costume. You donti want s winîer jacket 10 take away from yuur greal oulfol. 8. Don't bother ringing the dour bel] if the house has ils tighîn off. Chances ae the people aren't home or they don't wanl 10 be bothered by ghosls and gobtins. 9. If you're caerying a UNICEF box, hang il around your neck instead of holding il. You'tI want 10 have one hand free, since your trick-or- treating bag wilt be in the other. 10. Finatly, donIt est anylhing thal's nol wrapped. You don'l know where il's been or how many people have îouehed il. Have a safe and happy Halloween!