4-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, October 19, 2001 SEn7RWOOD SURVEY SECONDARY PLAN STUDY NOTICE 0F INTENT, OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INPUT AND FIRST PUBLIC OPEN HOUSEIMEETING Notic of InentlBackgrouid 'lhe Town of Milton and theSE NDR PLNA A laoegi ofis Haltae Ubaen S C ND R PL NA E Rined if Hthe aven Ube Structure Plan (HUSP) - a atrategy for tnanaging RD. Regional andi local growth for thse next 20 yeara. In rela-4 : . tion tothe proposed grewth, the. Milton Officiai Plan pro- vides for approxisnateîy TEs v 2M00hectares (4940 acres) of - y- otiditional land for new !growtb, whc ',OAeEMlccampT 8the "Urban Expansion Area".A plan for the phauing 14 BIDEg ofthiis new growtb was Tati- ~ fied byMilton Couiil and l'..gi" sCounci in May and lue 1998 resptVl Tise DERRY RD firat phaae of resideatial n deveilapment in tise Bristol $Survcy ia currently nent- way. The Sherwood Servey ~ rentPhae 2of tise pro- poseti residential develop- , nient. in accordance wiIh the pol- cies of th MitnOfca Special Study Aiea P'lan andi HUSP, thse Towvnof __ rodsre ecMr lnAe Milton' ia cerrently procet- SeWO uvy eod> lnAe lng to prepare for tIse deVel- Indian Creek Subwateralled BoJndary tapasent of thse Sberwood 8Survey lands through thse preparaioS of a aecontisrY plan documentant aUPPOtts backgrWMn mtuies. Thbe Parka Mster Plan Uptiate ta bemtng cauried onut as part of the preparation of the Secondaiy Plan and ins accordance with thse Loiasr Services Action Plan (1995), tbe 1999 Action Plan Update anid will upIate the cufrent Park Master Plan (2000). lTeo purTpo of tbe atuti tt prepare a detailed Parkas Master Plan s a basia for thse devetOpfoent Oif dise Sbewood Survcy a='a Publie input Public consultation is an ssential comaponen Of thse peepamatiots of tbe secontiary, plan and relateti studiea. Mesebers of thse public wisbing ta obiain furilser infoaseatOn witb reapect ta the secontiary plan preparation ant selatedi backgrounti sudies shoulti contact M. laill Mansn, Project Ca-odises- tar. Informaton will alan be availble on tIse Town's website a: www,1owe.lilton.on.ea- Members of tbe 1publi who wnIsh ta paricipate se tIsa endertnga and reqears notification of public inee- mnga or otiser maltera relateti to thse stuti», such as futu= copies Of tIse stuti» eewallti, ahoulti con- tact Angola jan=e, poltcy planner at (905) 878-7211 ext. 2307 or at tIse atdreas noieti below. Written subesissions regarding tbia secondai» Plan Proces anti tbe variaus backgrounti studios are welconee at any trne anti asoslti lbc directeti ta: Mr. BI Mmes, c. .<duat, Masning PdeY Manig andDevepmot eart0S Town or Mtofl 43 Brown Str'eet Tek: 905-878-7211, ext, 2304 fflr public Open/Iouse Meeting Maste umgspotadmmmIdulSt plan The public Ila inviteti ta atted tIse initial public ofen hous Mnd Meeting as fOllowa:- ae: Maii. Liom Club Raill (above Milton Merial Arena) r7 Thomapsea ROsI S., Milieu Date: 'Pueuiay, Octo*er 30, 2401 Paxplue of Meeting: Tise meeting whI proviti an norview of tIse secondai» plan stuti» procese anti wdU review, for tIse Master Phau, tbe Pre- limisar problernsitatensent, ,xstisg andI future conditions, andtihie value plannig woksltop resulta. Cep.snts onthe uM « ta nrsptrltasolilo*awtlis If yoa are essable ta attend theo Publie Open Home eut wisb to cm4Aptw a enauset abeet or pravide information wltis respect tu tIse prelnsltary backgrounad- work of tise Matr Pra.pmlIletfratitMMh, please contact Petcr Unn, Towin Engineer, by Frids» November 9, 201 at P« euSTown e* b blUisBoatLYT2b Indian Creek Subwatershed & 16-Mile Creek Functional Stormwater & Environmental Management Strategy Boundaries L) J ;F r 1 î