Chudkeigh say s Ilarris did a tremendous job By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Premier Mike Harrs will be missed as leader of the Ontario PCs, says party mate Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh. "He was a great leader and Fin sonry to see hlmr go," Mr. Chudleigh said. "When you hear bis announicemnent made you can't help but think back at the tremen- doua job he's done for the people of Ontario who are now experiencing eco- nonic: timnes they wouldn't have dreamed of in 1995." Mr. Harris reaigned as premnier of the province Tueaday, citing "very personal reaaons." His reaignation will corne into effect following the election of a new party leader, expecteri early next year. Following an appropriate grace period, several would-be party leaders will start down the campaign trail. The most likely place for such announicemnents, Mr. Chudleigh said, ia the party's annual con- vention in two weeks. "I think that over the course of thse next fcw weeks you'll tee a number of people that will express an interest in the job." Though Mr. Chudleigs waa reluctant to suggest who may atep forward, thc front- runners are generally aeen to be Finance Minitter Jim Flaherty, Hcalth Minister Tony Clement, Education Minitter Janet Ecker and Environmient Minister Elizabeth Whitmner. Mr. Chudleigh listed Mr. Harris' accom- plisbments in office as govemmirent restruc- turing as well as health care, welfare and education reform. Mohan Anand, who ran for the Liberals in Uic last provincial election, suggested it was Uic premier's critict who drove him to leave office. "His popularity was actually dwindling somewhat and 1 think Mike recognized Uiat," hie said. "HIe brought in some changeaso ich naine of bit 'Commnon Sente Revolution' and had, at least in his ind, .achieved whatever hie could and wanted to give Uic chance to, others to carry on with Uic mis- sion hie started." &Gvt d scoop? Cali' 878- 2341, ext. 234, with your 6»ory Tht Canadian Champion. Fniday, October 19, 2001-3 WE'VF GOT YOIJ CONFRED ""NO RUSK PURCHASING" FPACT Over 7 years mo, <bordswaathe tint to Intrcftee wb*t we cmU go-tk Poebae5n tbe Meawaaimplet yM uniue. itva w» coemiuume t be curw vmyofprviig yua ou cuMomer, Wlth ai4e4 value i the wmy cf -uon -ont. Our occelwmaalWes and guwa*e« tuclu&aug our 804yW na~smie cb8~e arelww se4Wtzené Mwo havu y= -Mw th Mq NOT 80-- MOT S0OU end tabes, )omps and more -a-l at unbevab~ylow pces! llth an amawn "tue kzs"fni e9mS* dùs sale is savais edoy Stop bY La-Z-Boy foitur Goiledc 0,4a &rehuny' Beaass hd ds '&Supo Soie cas dooa number eamnto dùv~-it oe&tLikm et I UV &IR#WYSml [:(05) 331-1600 UScà TPact 1) It's flot new. GM Optimuim has been around for a few years & to date many GM dealers do not participate in titis program ait ail. Tact 8) It sure dose fot apply to each & every used vehicle that participating deai6ers seil but rather only to a select few. Fact 3) The 30 day Exchange Privilege is great, but it's flot the only one. Gorrud's intro- duced that for it's custorners a long time ago and it's still i place on each and eVery Main lot VebLiCle. (excludsog No MI'rlS. Wholesale & as is). Tact 4) Not ail warrantiea are created equal. Some offer coverage on powertramn only, while others offer complete mechanical coverage. And some, have more restricted mileage specifications. Iut over 500 cf th. flase pr.-owned Vau- oee, I Oe1tVe SùIIWi 0 Ngo-Uiak Puaaind cgram why boy aune wb.ere élue? SelIon,1 quauat, value Md~ a factica have eoab1edu W t become One cf tue GORRUDS AU TO 400-410 Steeles Ave. Milton 905-875-2277 Locathd next to Milton Tovota