26-The Canadian Chamnion. Frinlav. Ontoher 19. 2001 Clasifie UûlS!!!edÀ MONDAY TO FRIDAY AIICasfe Ad Is t e 9:00OAM- 5:PM AL appear ai... I M VU# DIPWOE IIOUIIU 875-3300m wwLmlonaadianchamnpion..com BIRTHDAY MARRIAGE - FOre Saleae Hntagnnethmai Farmhouse, iocated Aï* 3 Junad ery o Mlton,1bdnm Hos elaated apRoTmnsnm$86 off-sie. Cal 905829 plage ptmet, que 763 - isss a baildinnwydc t floe tt e d M. 905-875-498 wilsDowtn Acton, 70 Phon Sflen 6 pm, 519 staf ad iesand Dryrt. Aailabne Nov. 151. buses torb frm189-Aplcat ioarmnts xlo $eng, 5f-ie.l 05-8866 - as aiatnt, Dqwietw CAREERbuiidhnastory bdMilton. leil.Work longad QUIET8No5-m4ker yourfamly romhom nE 1.-LR Merom to~~~~ ~hn hepohespesreKte 6 pcrbt 51A9C then ami$y photos and PN ris tacp ard &nt soris infarmaingi Dea $6 $8500 h. No wtay. Holda easn aç» Pes Avail.bl Nov. tst - yurmnes or 87 1 80 -9861n a e Ly05-824.-97 suny pated bachelor -AERýt andor t mione eno. p onIE 2N on. Vacant. tohel~ ~ SACOU 1,er 2,sre i .bt & 3C the f phots. ed rom. Fr n e shlY nteo nwaithecireg tihera uligo ad Holedt reain 1-866 s- aine . ov.l oa- 548-1118 . resrv lioen .P. 905-86 yormeoesi oon-8pm.36 BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ADORABLE guesl house la Campbeiviiie. $900/monlh plus ulili- lies. 1 bednoom, lacuzzi, baicoay oser iooking foresl. Refenences, final and last, axailable Jan. 1. 905-854-4590 BEAUTIFUL gnound level 2 bednoomn with walkout, gas fireplace, pnivale drive, patio and satellite. $900/month. Final and Last. Available Nov. 'Cali 878-6262 aI- tern6pm. MILTON - Timbetfea - 4: BR Bkspi approx. 1866 Sq.FI.. 2 fll bxlhx, for- mal LR DR., Hollywood style kilchen, FR with FP, A/C. Pristine condi- tion on Quiet Crex. waik 10 schoois, $1395 per monlh, References neqained. 416-832-3072 3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 balhnooms, finisheit basemeal. Novemhen 1 . Final and last. 905-876- 2997 3 bedroom, 1 bath, fam- iy room, window A/C, Nean Go Station, 4 ap- pliances, available im- mediately. $1.250 plus utilities. 905-803-9267 wunis apamiriii ui smsli house, 2 hed- noom, hetween Camp- beilville and Mississau- ga. Close 10 401. Su- zanne 519-856-2079 PROFESSIONAL cou- ple trom Calgary iooking to reat 1-3 bedroomn pnopenty in Milton start- ing Feb. 1, 2001. Cali 403-228-4001 ext. 212 MALE lias townhouse t0 ahare, $500 per month plus hall utilities. 905-878-7507, Leave Mesge. FOUNO; Car keyx. Childa Drive. Cai 10 idenlify. 878-4071 REWARO $75. Lost from Miii Street ares. Aduit size black puali model scooter. Size of a bicycle. Has Tucan on bars. No questions asked, sentimental val- ue. 905-875-8028. MEDELA PRODUCTS -SALES &RENTALS Better Living Homne Health Care Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 RYAN Craig and Penny nee Dison are lhriiied la announce the birfh of their daughter Kaleigh Margaret September 12, 2001 at Milton District Hospital weigh- ing 61b, 7oz. Deiighled are Kaieigh's Grandparents Marg and Pal Ryan and her Aunîs, Uncies and Cousins. Thaak you 10 Dr. Sharma, Dr. Peers and ail the wonder- fui staff. ýe .257 -e Diatê CURRIE, Ethel Marlorle Psaceully, wili lier famîily by lier sids, on Tussday, Octoher 16, 2001 Elliel passed away in her 891h ysar. Beioaed moîher of Don and Katliy, Bill and Gail and Jim and Carol Ana. Predeceaseit hy her liasbaad Gordon and son David. Wiii be sadly missed hy her graadcfnldrea Stephen and Kim Curtis, Sasa Carrne and Kevin MOQuade, Michael Carnie and Marilyn Lightie, Brent and Nicole Carnie and Heather and Shawn Healey. Loaed hy her greal-grandchiidren Shannon and Amanda Carnie, Jacob Carnie aad Tyler Healy. Also left to remember Ethel are lier sisler-ia-iaw Jean Marshall, brotlier-ia-isw John D. and his wife Bessie Carnie as well as many nieces, nephews and former fniends and neighbours in Milton. Friends wiii be reoeived at the J. Scott Eariy Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Funera Service wiii be heid fromn Knox Preabyterian Charch, Milton on Satarday, October 201h aI 1:00 PM. Interment 1oi foliow ai Evergreen Cemetery. la memory of Ethel. donations 10 Knox Presbytenian Charch, Milton or the charity of one's choice would be appreciated by the lamiiy. HOAG, Roy Il is with much sadness we announce the dealli of Roy on October 12, 2001, ai the age of 88. Retired 35 year empioy- ee of Imperia Dii Lîmiteit. Beloseit husbaad of Miidred (nes McQuay). Dear father of Gayle Gilmore, Dawn Pope (Jack Westwood), Bonnie Dean (Don Simpson),Brbr Bales (Larry Bates), and Cindy Sidnei<ihael Sidnel). Adored g rampa of Tara and Geoff Deani, Andrew, Roy and Allison Sidnell. Roy wiii be sadly thiissed by his good friend, George Dean. To honour Roy's wishes cremation has taken place. He wax a great husbaad, faîher and grandpa. As expressions of sympalhy, donations 10 the Victorian Order of Nurses or Grey Bruce Regional Heaith Centre, Owen Sound would be greatiy appreciated by the famiiy. Arrangements entrusled 10 the Breckenridge-Ashcrofl Fanerai Home, Owen Sound <519) 376-2326 WILLSON - Stephen and Carolyn are proad 10 announce the birth of their son Burkne Peter, weighing 7 has. 14 oz., Satarday October 6th, 2001, 9:55 a.m., ai the William Daier Healli Ceaire (Brampton). Proud Grandparents are Garry & Mary Willson and Peter & Jane Leach. Thrilleit Axais and Unciex are Kelly Wilison Harvey & James Harvey and, Aadrew Leach & Catherine LeSage. Great-Grandparenls: Rita Burke and Tommy & Daisy Gallon. Great-Great Aunts and Uncles: ýUndle Hxward' Willson, John Willsoa andt Uncle Sxndy & Axai Mickie' Gerrie. Stephen. Carolyn andt Burke woxld like 10 thaak their Midwives, Shirley Melizer and Elles Pemherton, fon laking sucli gosit cars of ail of us. A special Ihanks 10 Shelly Hodinka, oxn dean lriend sait Doula. The Willsoas would as like 10 thanli the staff. nurses and doclors for their cars. WIIIS St. Paul's United Church 123 Main St., Milton Whbn: Saturday, NQvember 3: 9AM - 3 PM ARTISANS, VENDORS, BAKING, CRAIFTS, CHIDREN'S ACTIVITIES, NEW-TO-YOU CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, CAFE AND MUCH MORE! Evoryos Umicumal fai thir lrstuas Mmbsi suiv il/ aiuit Chilursun FREE Annual General Meeting Mon. Nov. 19, 2001 - 7:00 pmn JOYCE SCOIT NON OFIT HOMES Inc. Milton Gospel Hall Ornarjo St, N., Mvilton WECME* *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? ~'aigababy? Esalsing a new business? PLEASE CALL US CommunitW Wlcorne Linda 905-85-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Janice 905-878-3541 BuaaneaaiProfeslna Lin 905-854-4100 wekCome exibiie neded paren 905- FR moirn0 egis tered ch mare!yu Care V oel alonCiled Caedd aen 905-5 0235 3 pc. Teak Waii Unit. Glass and Wood Doors w/Feature Lighting. Size 9ft L o 611 H o 3Oin. D. $750.00 For ail. Oeil 416-804-6661 or Eve. 1519-853-3394 APPLIANCES - fridge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag automnafic washer, dry- ier. Also, apartment sel. Under Warnanly. (905) 637-8328 1BUY/SELL stair lifts, wheelchair lifts, hosptal beds, scooters, etc. Cai Siiver Cross 905-847- 5504 CARPET i hase severai 1,000 yrds. of new Sîsiamaster & 1 009/ ny- ion carpel. Will do living- room & hail for $349. an- dludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 *G.AN E . PEING SALE -VE 20 IAO ic:assified Fax 876- VIF FI c SIFIEDS