The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 19, 2001-21 I'd have t be an idiot chnigiotuitn?353 not to get thesefreebies ISMOKERS' HEIPLINE 1-877-5353 I AMa - from l'M REALLY on page 20 half-pound of coffee, frcc ink-jet car- tridges, a free ccli phone, free coffe maker, and get Ibis, a free home security systein valued at $1,195. l'd have lo be an idiot not 10 get ail Ihese free things. One e-mail doesn't say what free gift l'Il be receiving, but suggests 1 click on the link. It says, 'Take a peek -if you're man enough.' If l'm mani enough? Oh boy. you gol me there. l'Il show you who's mani enough. Turus out il's a book for men who aren't quile man enough. If t take advan- tage of the free trial offer ai my fantasies will be îumcd into realilies. Plus, 1 stili gel a free gift, although they don't say what il 15. There are many great inveslment oppor- lunities offered through my e-mail. One tells me 1 can double my investment in lcss than 30 days. Actually, that's not quite nrue. Il aaks me if I'd 'like" to double my invesl- ment in leas than 30 days. I say, ycs, ycs, yes. And thank you 10 much. Somne offert are jusl 100 good to paIs up. Believe it or nul, 1 can gel two round trip tickets 10 top travel destinations in the United States, Mexico or thc Caribbean for jusl $50. But, of course, there's always a catch. There's a limit of four tickets per order. Another e-mail tells me lhcy can cul my buis in haif. Once I sign up for a free debt analysis their "non-profit credit special- isîs' will take care of the resl. Thcy don't say how they're going 10 cul my bis in half, but t'm assuming it's with a pair of scissors. Everyone loves a free radio, righl? Al you have 10, do is subscribe for 30 days 10, Ibis service which saves you money on jusl about everything, inctuding "300,000 hrand namne elcctronics. appliances, and household merchandise." t don't know about you, but I'm in! Ail that pales 10, the best offer I've receivcd. t cas camn bctween $125 and $175 an hour, That's an hour! I figure if I work 10 hours a day for a year that will be over $600,000. Hard 10 believe, but they wouldn't be saying thal if il wasn't truc. Il doesn't say what 1 would be doing 10, car thal kind of cash, but I better do il soon before cverybody else finds out about il, Pretty soon I'm, going 10 have so many free things and s0 much money I won't know what 10, do with it aIl. 1 benter gel some advice from my good ficnd, Miss Clco. Now wherc did I put that free tele- phone number. Your financial plan should include: * Retirement For a Personal Financial Consultation caîl: Douglas Ridling (905) 876-2400 ext. 226 (905) 624-7526 ext. 226 * Tax Minimization Strategies * Life and Disability *RESP and Education Insurance Planning * Prnfessinnai * Estate Planning Investment Management Investinent fanning Counse( of Canada FINANCIAL PLANNING PROFESSIONALS Shon IçrJobs! Netwo i.5 ,empIoyer'S... For more information e .qp&wAKET hoîhine at (905) 457- 4747 ext. 297 or Toil Fre a180-668-1179 ext. 3297 or 1TY at (905) 27-8630 ww.job smarke t . org Historic Village of Waterdown Weekdays Saturday >j , Sunday 7:00Opn-9:Opini 3:00Opmi-9:00Opin 1:00Opm -4:Opin Group reservations for 10 or more - Weekdays 6:30-7:00 pm Onlyl Contact us by E-mail: TME ROTARY CLUB 0F WATEKDOWN Proceeds to Local communit Projects gin WEB SITE: www.waterdowfl-rotary.fnet HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT Guelph Lino (Regional Road 1) Improvements Clasa Environmental Assesement Study The Regional Municipality of Halton is initiating a Class Environmeiital Assessment to study transportation operation operational issues in the Guelph LUne Corridor, trom 15 Side Road (Regional Road 15) northerly to 20 Side Road (Regional Road 34), in the town of Milton. The potential issues to be studied include road reconstruction, crosa-sectional elements, intersection, drtveway improvements, over-ali operations and the impact of such improvements on the social and natural environmients. This notice signais the commencement of the Clasa Environmental Assessment - a study which will define the problem, consider and evaluate alternative solutions and design concepts, and present the evaluation proceas to interested or affected individuals and agencies at Public Information Centres (PIC's). The study will be conducted in accordance with a Schedulê C project as described in the Municipal Class Envlronmental Assessment, by the Municipal Engineers Association, June 2000. A key component of the study involves the presentation of the evaluation procesa 10 interested stakeholders (public and regulatory agencies) at PIC's. Details regarding the forthcoming PICs will be advertised as the study progresses 10 provide interested stakeholders with an opportunity to meet the Project Team, review the study scope and discusa the issues related 10 the project including alternative solutions, environmental considerations and a preliminary liat of evaluation criteria. The map below shows the approximate limita of Information requesta or questions may be the study. directed to the individuals, below. Mr. Matt Krusto Project Manager wW . Regional Municipality of Hafton - M M l151Bronte Road n Qakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-825-6000, Est. 7225 TtIl Free: 1-866-442-5866 (1-868-4HALTON) - Fax: 905-825-8822 A,~eaEmail: SUb, JI 7a Mr. Jim HorIon, P.Eng. I I TRANS Consulting nc. 100 York Boulevard, Suite 608 RichmnondHill, Otario L4B 1J8 Phone: 1-905-882-4100 I www.region.halton.on.CaIppw/roads This notice issued 19"' October, 2001%N