The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 19, 2001-15 Town expected to h-an pick-upn of grass clippings By RICHARD VIVIAN had wits the public when we While supporlive of the whal people will do with their ment as long as we don'i gel to fairly closely to see if we're The Champion went to a region-wide collec- motion, Mayor Gord Krantz clippmngs. "tm al mn favour of the poi of garbage police. fmding more mn the ditches and Grs lipns should lie lion program, saîd Councîllor expressed some concert about savmng money adteevrn Yuwl ae1 otri fi elysvn oe --PIMX-ARDNCT E uYIN.953330 BICK"Tt FINANCIAL SECUR1T CORPORATION ,?search shows that people who work with a finan- cial planner are more likely to reach their goals than those who receive littie or no advice. A financial plan- ner can help you to set your goals, as well as develop a diversified plan including mutual funds, that will get you there. More importantly, a financial advisor can keep you on track through uncertain markets around the world and uncertain times in your own life. Whether you want to retire to the cottage, to Arizona, or to your garden, 1 can help you get there. My name is Melissa DeBrouwer, and l'm a Certified Financial Planner. Financial Planning is ail I do, fuil time, year round. 1 understand that everyone has a unique vision. That's why each plan & portfolio 1 prepare is cus- tomized to refledt that individual or family's situation and goals. A comprehensive financial plan addresses aIl' posible contingencies, so that when life throws you a curve bail, you're ready. Caîl jackie today to book your initial consultation. We look forward to meeting you. 575 Ontario Street South, Milton (90O5) 875-1000n -i p'*as a mutua Fund's skmplfl prospectus carefuty, and conîsulta CeullWe Finacla Pionne bWlae liwoailn. Mutuai furde are not guaranteed; dWur value ane frequanly. Inveano S msy experlnc a gai or bos when they »oU thir unY&ln any mu"ua fund.