The Canadien ChamPion, Fniday, October 19, 2001-13 HaUflý_ A C»ut E3o@à 2001 Cbpkr CuoaSr y»Cmefn4pawam & m*wtuebypreds*m 2001 CfryuIoe N... - 2001 Chryier Intrepd "fl*family sptssedafore élrilog check us out at 200 PT CRIE gLMIE EDTIN Touring Suspension IPower Sunroof Leather Trim Seats Heated Front Seat Chrome Aluminum Wheels AM/FM Cass. System Stk# KYP38 TW uece *U$3Mw" RWWIML E Mm gg&Uc pSe T oeu'4 l km tieIID820, - w ----TNAC PCKG Induites: - Up to 5 flme ai MoPar oït - MOPar 0it Ffile * Luise wbere appicable * Rome 4 dime * Iaspedt afl tluid leveis - lnspect electicai slnetta - Insect elecicai system - lnspedt front ait rea braise systeni * haspec cooiat systm . Iuspect exhast syset tespect MMMusis systent £,*r-* 4 I< $39S5 Plus Taxes. &c"l ,44et 2002 Ram 1500 Pick-up It's the kind of truck that malles you stand back, cross your arms and say, "O0hhh Yeahhb." This Ram bas il ail. A bulging hood with Magnum' power under il. That unmistakable big-rig front end. Luxury sedan comfort. And enough muscle to haut a Iew of 'eut around with attitude. It's bigger. It's bolder. It's badder. Your attitude adjustment. GAvb dufRAMb Free 1 litre Windshield Washer Fluid with every Full Maintenance pIkg. donc at Hunt Chryaler DISCOUNT I OTIRES ~IesAv e Hw 25 Der od 1Main St Vo/ Automatic, A/C, Power Windows Power Locks Security Alarmi Keyless Entry Sunscreen Glass le" - y