lO-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 19, 2001 It',s What's Inside That Counts You can't always judge a bonk by ilst caver! My gond friend and renident of Acton, Mo Kiîlick, reminded me of thin truth as she related the following story. My tire lad a siaple in tl. 0f ail times for tbis to lappen - a flai tire. But wben is a good lime for a fiai tire? Not sIen you are searing a suit and you have leet travelling for nearly fisc hours and adding to tbis Ileal pîcture, nigltfal i s approaclîug. Waiî, did I mention that 1 sas on a counttry road? Okay, nos you have île pîcture. Tbere sas only ote îhiug to do: caîl AAA. Yeal, rigît. The cell plouc 1 bougli for security and protectiont in mouments hIke ibis isn'l in range to eall anyone. "No Service" it says. No kidding! I sat for a tes minutes moauing and complaîniug. ls a mate îbing. Then I begat empîying my trunk su thai I could get aithîe tire and Jouis needed lu gel thte job dune. I carry a large plastic contaiter lilled witl slat 1 cal "jusî-in-case-sluff." Wlen I am training or speakitg, 1 love tu lave props wiîh me. 1 baie leavîug auyihing borne su I lritg everytbitg... just incase. Cars huzz ly me. A few leep sarcasîîcally. 1 bear île bons sayîug "la! ha!" 1 say, "You'll gel yours!" Darîness legits lu seule in. Il's lecoming a lit difficuli tu, sec. TIc tire is ou île passeîîger side, îlank God, away from aIl thc traffie, lui makitg il dîfficuli lu lenefit from tle Ileadlighis ut passing cars. Suddenly a car pulls off île coud hehind me. In île lndîng lighi I sec a male figure approaching me. "Hey, do you need aty lelp?" "Weil it ceriaitly isu't easy duitg ibis witb a white dress shirt and suit on," I said. TIen lie sleps itto île lîght. I liîerally sas frigbieucd. This young guy was dresued in black. Nearly everyibing imaginable was pierced and iatooud. His bair was crupped atd poorly eut. He lad lealler bracelets witb upiles on cacb wrist. "Hos about I give you a baud?" lie said. "Weil, 1 don't Inus.. I tbinl I can ..... "Conme on, it silI ouly take mc a tes minutes. " He toul righi uver. Wlile saîching him 1 bappened luo l ad ai tle car and noîiced for tIc firsi time sumeone sittig it thc passenger seat. TIai coucemed me. 1 suddeuly feli ouînumhered. Thougbis ut carjaclingu and rolleries flasled îlrougb my miud. I really jusi wauted tu get tbis over and survive it. TIen, silbout sarning, it legan tu pour. The nîght sky lad hidden tIc approachîng clouds. Itt li he a saierfaîl and made it impossible to finish tle tire change. "Look, my frietd, jusi stop tubai you're duing. 1 appreciale aIl yonr belpi. You letter get goîug. l'il finish after tle ramn stops," 1 suid. "Lel me belp you put your stuif ladk in tle trnu. ht silI get ruined," lie iusîsted. "TIen gel in my car. We'l sait sitl you," lie iusisted. "No, reatlyt l'il take cure of evertbing," I saîd. 'Yuu cault gel in you car sitb tle jack up hIke thai. it wîlI fuît. Corne ou. Gel in," le saîd as le grulled my armi and pulled me tosard tle car. Crack! Boum! Ligblnîng and thunder roared lîke a freigît train. 1 lîîerulty jumped in lis car. "O1, Ood prolect me." 1 Iboughi lu myscîf. Weî aud tîred 1 setîted it the lack seat. Suddenly a smult fraîl voîce catie from île front seul t ofthc car. 'Are you ail rigît?" sice saîd as she îumed arouud tu face me. "Yes, I am," 1 replîed sitl mucl relief seeîug tle old soman there. Il must le lis Mum. 'My nume is Bealrice and ibis is my ucîgîbour, Jeff," tse said. "He iusisted on sîopping sIen bie saw you sîruggling sitI île tire." "I am graiefut for bis belp," I saîd. "Me, tuo!" sice said sith a laugb. "Jeif tales me lu visil my busland. We lad lu place bim it a nursing hume and il's about 30 minutes away fronm shere se live. Su, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, se have a date." SIc laugbed and ubookliber bead. "We're the remake nf the original Odd Couple," Jeif said as hie juined in laughing. "Jeff, that's incredible what yuu su for bier. 1 would neyer have guessed,well, ah, yuu know Il1 sîumbled witb île words. "1 kuo. Peuple whu look like me don't do nice things." bie saîd. Silence. 1 really felt uucomfortahle. 1 neyer lelieved thal 1 judged peuple ly the way they dressrd. 1 was angry wilh sîyself for leing su stupid. "Jeif is a great kid. l'm tnt the unly une le helps. He's a vounteer ai ur cburch. He alto wueks wiîh the kids in tle learnsg centre uithîe luw iscome housiug unit in our îowu," said Beatrice. "l'm a tntor" Jeff said quîetly as hie siared ai nsy car. Silence again played a part uow in a moment of refleclion ratIer than tle unconsforluhle feeling that 1 lad insalted someone. He was right. What le sure un tle onîside sus a refiection uf tle sorld as le sas il. Wlai le sure on tle insîde sas île spirit of gîvîng, cartng and lovîng tle world lie saned tu The raiu stupped and Jeff and 1 changed the tire. 1 tried lu ofler htm money and ut course hie refused ti. As se shuok hands 1 legan to apolugize for my stupidity. He said, '1 experience that tarne reactiuu ufien. 1 uctually ibougît about changîng tle way 1 look. But tIen I saw ibis as au opportutity to make a point. Su l'il [eave yuu sitl tle same question 1 ask everyute who takes time tu kuos me. If Jesus retumed tumorros atd salked amung us agaîn, suuld yuu recognîze Him ly whl Be sure ur ly shat He did?" "But île LORD said tu Samuel, 'Do tut look ut bits appearauce or authle beight ut bis stature, lecause 1 bave refused lim. For the Lord due nt sec as mat tees; for mat louks ai tle ouîsard appearance, but thc Lord looks aillhe leaci." 1 Samuel 16:7 Submifled by Reverend Dan Ragge Senior Pastor of New Life Charch, Milton BANAl Informai Discussions every Weclnesdoy even:ng The Virtue of Detachment Foi Mno colt: 905-878-0011 SOUL "Know. verily, that the soul is o sign of God. o heovenly gemn whose reclity the most Iearned of men haf h foiled ta grasp, and whose mystery no mindi however oeuf e. con ever hope ta unrovel," from Baha'i Scnipture 1 -800-433-3284 www.bahai.org NE -a E 662 *HIR -EMi 11 an ot f er od Phne (95 87-335 Senior Pastor MeV. ù-rua 01gg Oilidren Mca. Natalia Rogue WorsBip Mra. Esther Kastler Youath Rev. Gord Clark 9 am-Eary Worship Serice 9:30 amn - Sunidoy Schoos- ait ages 10:45 amn - Second WVorship Serv'ice JVFNOWM -THE HARVEST 6:3O Pm - Praîse & Worship WEILL WORK TOGETHER Klds Club (Agas 3 105) Kld's Pralse Choir (Orades 1 Io 8) Supen'lsd Nursery a Dynamlc Chlldron's ,mnrams avaflablo durln-g ail servlcoel MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a.rm. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Schooî 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Siudy And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, as of the only of the Father. John 1.14 ~ SOMMSUE COMMUNM CIUCH of The Christan & Missionary Alliane (foraîerlylInown as Mon Alliane Clinrth) 2850 DEBRY RD. *Phome 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Semior Pastor: Greg McCombs Pastor of Youtb Ministries: jack Ninaber 1Oi« A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICIE & "ADvENTuREIÂLND" for kido 3 - Gr. 6 (Nursery care provided Up ta age 2) - For more utso on oun regniar weekir mitities pticatni the churel offie. ý4 Milton Bo isi Churých (900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn Sunday School il arn Worship Service Tile:,"IvwilI not quit" Rev. Greg MaCaula0Y - B-A., M.DIv. We welcome you to... ST. PAU ['S UNITED CHURCH Q) 123 Main St. E., Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 am. ClurcI Seliool & Nursery MISSION & SERVICE SLINDAY Guet Spaeaker Paul Johson ut Wesley Urban Mînîstries Rev. John Benham Rets. Gerry Hofsleiler Judy Hunter, Director nf music Church office: 1905) 878-8895 Jesus Christ wilI return from heaven to set up God's kingdom on earth WHAT MUST WE DO TO BE IN THE KINGDOM 0F COD? The Milton Christadelphians invite you to a f ree talk. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21lst 2:00 pm Cod WiIIing HUGH FOSTER HALL (next to Town Hall) MILTON MILTON Grace Anglican Church SVNHDY317 Main St. E., Milton The Salvation VETHDA the Church on the HiU r yC u h CHURCHTel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 CHURCH wwwwelcome.tolGrace.Milton M lo Invites you to orweekly Satthaih services at Rev. Dr. Mlark McDermott110ar-MongW rsp Huglu Foster Hall, '43 Brown St Milton 1:0a onn osi Sas. 9:30 a.m n- 'Satbath Schooi SUNDAY SERVICES Sat. 1l:00 a.mns Divine Service 8:00 arn - Holy Communion il1:00 arn Sunday School FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 10:00 amn - Sung Etucharist 10NpsigRaUi Diss.over the amazing Bible answers to lite's Churcb School & Coffee Hour 10NpaigRaUi perplexing questions, and île secret t a happy lilè. THRDA aor îanaFa Foîr FREE BIBLE LESSONS, write: P0. Bon 230)12, HRDYMjrSsaeFhr 55 Ontario Si., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B4. 10:00 arn Hesly Coammunion For more Information about aur services, and On îhe INTERNET, http://www.vop.com and www.amsazingfacts.org/bbeschool/schoolmain.asp Mr ai other programmlng please cail 876-2420 PASOR ariîn . Rstîsio, 46-81 410 "M Wbeelehai Accent Tbrongn Parking Lot Doors m