C ountry's first-ever Healthy Workplace Week is coming up Are you overworked, stressed and feel unappreciated in the office? Canada's first Heallby Workplace Week will be held Ociober 22 to 28. The week.will be dedicaled to creating awareness in the business communhiy about the benefits of a heallby workplace for employees, produclivity and profitabil- ity. Businesses can use the Healihy Workplace Week as a opportunity 10 take a serious look ai healiby busiress practices. "There is mounîing evidence tbat dissat- isfaciion witb work and poor working con- ditions including long bours, stress and lack of control are ail factors tbat may lead Io negalive bealîb outcomes rangîng from beart disease. anxiely and depression.- said Dr. Bob Nosal. Halion's medical officer of' bealtb. -These healib outcomes bave a ripple etteci on lamities. tbe bomrnunity and ur C. if dit a Is there anyone veç a doesn't know «winan d4ma someoffe whose lifé hasn't been adversely 1 affected by a crîtical iliness upp For LfamSr FREE aW, knit a, piiîk ""S tar,,ý scmf. Information Package on Critical Iliness Nantygio wool Shop udil Coverage domte $2. for every bail of Cali pink "'STAW'yarn sold! 1-800-805-9363 or www.johndepass.com Carnage Squa re Wit.r, go5-876-0212 medical system." The Halton Region Healtb Depariment is encouraging local busiîîesses to try simple in-bouse initiatives sucb as: . Holding a staff recognition event rec- ognîzing employees for tbeir contributions loward tbe organizalion's succens - Feature employees wbo bave made sig- nificani. contributions in a staff newsletter. - Invite a guest speaker to talk 10 employ- ces about work-life balance or ways t0 reduce organizational stress. . Undertake an initiativ'e designed Io improve physical or social well-being in tbe ssorkplace. For more information regarding Healtb Department services and programs for your organization. caîl (905) 825-6060. ext. 7 344. Specializing in Laser and Electrolysis VirEjni M. Cyr bas 19 years experienoe to help you with your individual needs. Cail Now! L 6~ut &kcùw4à 550 Ontario St. S. 41 RegisCereDeriTps 876-1711 0l. ow W.ihý Pl 71 E rolToa! al 9 -9 9 l in 10 women wiII develo BREASÎ CANCER The rsk inceas ns with age. The Ontario Breaut Screening Program providus breasi examina- lion and a mamn- mogran ai no cosi o0 women wbo are 50 years of age or over. Make your appoinimeni today! 71/1er ail. . ?/i's yoi l /e For the centre niearesi you cati: 1 -80068-9304 FR EE BASIC INSTALLATION