Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Oct 2001, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 16, 20017 -xRoutine eye examinations a must: optometrists Eye healtit consciousness isn'l as prominent as il should be, but titanks 10 Eye Healtit Canada Monthin October awareness is growing, say local optomelnllts. "I titnk regular check-ups are a part of chteck- ing your overail health," said Dr. Susan Jany of Milton. "(Eye healtit awareness) sîii bas a way 10 go, but I think il's gettng beller. People are becomusng more conaclous oif their iteallh in gen- elal."1 FeIlow local optomnetrist Dr. Ron Stroitan agrecd, adding taI the majority of people still don'l have titeir eyes examined as regularly as they should. Only about 40 per cent of people go for routine exatoinations. "Every waking day, you have 10 think about where you would be without youc eycs. You wouldn'l be able 10 read your newspaper without tem," he said. "And it's more titan juat your vision that's important. Things like glaucoma and diabetes affect lte eyes and can be detecîrd titrougit reg- ular examination." The majority of people, Dr. Strohan said he believes, take their eyes for granled - only hav- ing thein examiinedi when a condition becomes painful. But mosl limes vision can be impaired wititout pain. 'Everyone seems 10 have lte wrong impres- sion as to wity you need 10 have your eyes exam- ineçi," he said. 'Prevention is lte only cure, and titat's witat we'vc always tried to gel across." For school-aged children, regular examina- lions cao also detect why leaening may have slowed, he said. Infants should be examined ai six-months-old and again annualty up 10 age 19. Your Naturopathic Doctors > eBotanical Medicine - Homneopathy - Acupuncture -Clinical Nutrition. What la Naturopathic Medicine? Naturopathie Doctors arr îrained in Botanical Naluropalhic Medicine is a formi of health rare Medicine. Homeopaîhy, Traditional Chinese whose core philosophy is "the healing power of Medicine/Acupuncture, Clinîcal Nutrition and nature". Our bodies have lte innale ability 10, Lifestyle Counseling. heal themselves. Witen a proitlemn occurs, our What kind of training dues a Naturopathic bodies express Ibis distress in te forit of Doclor have? symptoma. As naluropathic doclors, we itelieve AIl Naluropathie Doclors have compleird aI in tceating the patient as a witole ratiter tas leasi three years of pre-medical studies and foi focusing on isolaîrd symptois. lu ibis way we years of post-graduale studies in medical sci- try 10 gel t0 the source or cause of te problem. ences and naturopaîhie therapies ai as accredit Once lte cause is addressed, symploms will ed Naluropathic Institution. The only accredils resolve and healing .will result. college in Canada is the Canadias College of What kind of trealmenta can a Naturopaîhic Naluropalthic Medicine in Toronto. Ontario. Doclor offer? During the final year of sîudy, fourth year intertîs assess and treat patients ai lte Naturopathîr College Clinie under lthe supervi- sion of licensed naturopathie doctors. Afler gradual. ion, standardied international exams Erika Risîok .. ,,. licensed as a Naturopaîhie Docior.E. la my visit lu a Naluropathic Doctor covered 9 -693-87 by insurance? Mu0, Most private and company insurance policies %Ajay Lada r- ilio do offer coverage. Check wilth your indivîdual L I 1 Wilson Dr., Milt00 insurasce company. 905.876-3047 Fo or fmao aotNatropur hMedicioe ca/i À o a cnatoeofyorad Nampasaj ucDoctr. YOLIP Appot nt,40- Dig19es ti*v Your digestive systein is a long tube ltaI bas one pnimary purpose: t0 break down your food and extract energy adnutrients. Afler yon citew your food il travels dwn lte esophagus 10 your stomacit witere one of the mosl powerful acids found in nature - itydrochloric acid (HCL) - dissolves your food. A titick layer of mucous covers your stomacit's inner walls tu protect il fromn HCL. The delicale balance between lte amounit of acid and te amount of protective mucous is controlled by lte nervous syatemt. Chronic stomacit ache, alto called nervous stom- ach or dyspepsia, is a common stomacit condition. Anotiter is ulcers which occur when te powerful acida est titrougit lte stomacit and intestines - a very painful condition. Heartburn occurî when food reverses course from te stomacit up lte esophagus. -, Gastritis la a termi uted 10 describe inflammation of te stomnacit wall. The stomnach can alto develop benigo and malignant tunsors. AUl of these conditions can be caused by interference in the controlling nerves. Tite medical approach ia often directed aI treating te symptoma wilt medications. Il is not unusual 10 itear of people "living on" over-the-counter or prescription remedies for digestive difficulties. Apart from te risk of aide effects, treating symp- toms cao lead you mintte faîte belief taI your problemr is gone merely because your symploms are gone. The chîiropractic approacit ana- esopit lyres your spinal column for ver- tebral subluxalion complex, a condition taI interferes wiîth siomach nerves and itence proper commu- nication belween your brain and inlemnal organs, including every organ of your digestive îyîtem.  r As early as 1921, il was diîcov- coud caus sonacit esnopritgus ls4 r ins ered ciaus sinah abnomaiie ( n-"'tig and intestinal disorders. 87% of a group of adolescents aufferingS l from, duodenal and/or gaîtric sml ulcers were found bo have "pelvic Intestine distortion" and "blockage" in te spine. in one fascinating sludy, scientiats surgically crealed a ver- tebral subluxation in rabitits: wititing 2 1/2 minutes there were changes in lte stomacit and small intestine. Titese changes could make te upper gastrointestinal tract vulnerable 10 disease and dysftanction. Ins anoter ttudy, 86% of people with stomacit and duodenal ulcers had abnormalitiet in lte area of lte spine taI supplies the stomnacit with nerve fibres. Correction of the spinal problemt relieved stomach ulcers, gastritis, colis and spastic constipation. The job of a chiropraclor is to ensure ltaI the stom- gus acit and the rest of lte digestive sys- temn (as well as ail the otiter organs of your body) are receiving an unoit- structed nerve supply. With a spinal adjusîment your Doctor of Chtiropractic will correct or relieve your vertebral subluxation complex allowing your digestive systemr tu heal and funiction properly. Citiropractors are licensed doctors, o authorized 10, diagnose and treat condi- tions concemning the spine and nervous sysîem. A healthy spine cao improve your lîfe - tee your chiropractor for peniodîr check-ups! A PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAM BY YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION S8 a ri t. . CirpatcCne horc te 95 Man t E. 95 a i St E . Chrprco Centre Dr.~~ ~ ~ ~ JR.Bro 27MatnS . 37 ai St. S. Dr Anna Nf D . a ne 16Wkfed. 31 Ma i t.. gos s-s . HeaIth and Chiropractie' 1 (:HIROPRACTORS OF MILTON U. lt-- IF-I" Il r*q C; N', 1- 1 Il li IL-ý_- 2N, il 1 Ur d

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