v Mayor at M1lton to have say i new bighway . e . .i.~ .C . ..r .. .. - I starts Up in I Halton Canabian A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 59 Tuesday, October 9, 2001 36 Pages $ L.00 (GST included) Terrorist attacks cancel school trips to south of border One of the major after effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States bas been the disruption in transportation links around North America, with a corresponding ripple effect hitting local high schools. Heightened tensions worldwide, particu- larly in the realm of air travel within North America, have prompted both Halton school boards to cancel upcoming student tripstfo the U.S. And the Halton District Sehool Board recently issued a moratorium on ail sehool excursions outside Canada until at leasi December 3 1. It resulted in the loso of four planned treks by students - including the E.C. Drury High School wrcstling team's planned trek to New York City 10 watch the No trial date set in slaying World Wrestling Chatnpionships iast month. "Administration set the date," said Mamie Denton, the public board's commu- nications officer. "Il gives us tinie to evalu- ate and assess safety issues for oui stu- dents. It may continue (beyond the calen- dar year). Parents expressed concemn even hefore administration set a date. 0f course, the students are ditappointed." Halton public board Superintendent of Education AI Greyson said schoois may make tentative inquiries about trips outaide Canada after December 31, but are being asked not to make fu-m fmnanciai commit- ments. As for the Halton Calholic District School Board, ail planned trips to Europe including Bishop Reding Secondary School's trip to France and ltaly in March - are scheduted to go ahead, but world develispments may change thal. qf local man Icomment......... 6 A Mississauga man charged with ftrst- degree murder in the slaying of Murray Parrott of Milton will retumn to, Ontario court (provincial division) in Milton November 8. Douglas Stokes, 19, made a brief appear- ance in court Thursday with the jettent of setîmng a tnial date. But because the lawyer representing M. Stokes was awaiting information from the Crown pertaining to rie case, setsing a trial data was postponed for a month. Mr. Stokes seas arrested in St. Catharines September 5 and remains in cuslody. Every once in a white, a neai produci cornes along ltai represents a breakttsroagh. tn titis case, it's not soneting new ltati s so noteworthy -but rather. tite innovation titat bas been mode wiîh something otd. Oue American neigihoues created lte firsi discrettonary investment management program 15 years ago. Since tnception assels under MtANA BRISTOW WILFRED IIRISTOS ..r, vu, Punsi Vre Psden E ar 1,snaie AMsS -0 1e9ef As,,s,v lu > u * <mue uso * mu ninistration have grown t0 over $115 Billion S). Since BMO Nesitt Burns introduced the vanced Program' in Canada, assets under ministration have grown rapidly. id out why high set worth investors are showing mach interest i ihis exciting investment prograin ail for more information today. BMO ()Nesbitt Burns- Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Is aypple season Thre-year-old Elle shares a freshly-plcked apple wfth dad Oz Huner an Chudlelgh's Apple Faim as apple season meachos its peak. Thousanda flock to the local orchard each flu tai take in nature's baunty. Sports ......16-18 Classifued..19-21 Datolns ....... 22 ZoNairs - Cashway* * FM Induttios Pizza Hut * -Home DopoF Future Shop * -Sears* *Sotldd armas anly Unique Erame + 9t2rt SAVE 80% A ON coIàWT II CAfE fw- rou.s<o ar ., VOU K4* fITMWFRDJWM MG LAURIERANW, MiWLTON Iw Pd1 i.s1e LMOuéi* W9OY Roi>2 unm eo.yn P J.4 J"&)'ISU w1 W - - __ - - - r-See page 7 $115 Bilhoii (,'.aii't Be Wrorig