Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 2001, p. 8

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8--The Canadian Champion, Friday, Oclober 5, 2001 illul ~UUULKLYUKI1 Ma.4s aframbI IISIOP elNle !Bleu SCOL ! Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne lyGa La "MÉolScanneli Exhaust ~ (~ ~ ~vu. J~D~ là Everyday Low Pices #Friendly Service e'Locally Owned 701 Main St. En 905-875-3740 Witb the four-day weekend already underway, Bishop Reding guaranteed that the less fortuate are able 10 enjoy this holiday weekend. The Annuel Thanksgiving Food Drive camne to a close on Wednesday. Together, the students and staff of Bishop Reding rallied te, collect more than 5,000 non-perishable food items for their Saint Vincent De Paul Society. Ibis continues B.R.'s past success in this event. The school raised more than double last year's total. Congratulations to Ms. Langilî's class for col- lecting over 400 cans and Mr. Alfano's class for having the most cans per capita. Way to go B.R.! Coming off a stellar season last year, the Senior Football team is hoptng to maintain their momentum. On Friday, they travelled to Burliogton Central and played a hard fought game. Ryao Taylor rant for a total of one hundred and ten yards. scoring B.R.'s sole toucbdown. Meanwhile, James Kaiser managed two interceptions tn the 10-6 victory. B.R. Futbaîl RuIz! The Varsity Girls' Field Hockey teain was also in a action this paut week. In their most competitive match of the season, the Royals fell short against Loyola. Erin Greenfield, Lianna Presse and Bridget Rowe are comniended on their aggresive play. Last Wednesday, Bishop Reding held thse annual Royal Invitational Cross Country mccl. Overall, the teamn performed welI, with îwo of our runners showing the sport bas a great future et Bishop Reding. Congratulations 10 Jamie Grcenficld and Mike McGilI who both finishcd fifth in their respective divisions. Other top finishers wcre Michelle Docîl, Cory Hageman, Tim Mohe and Amenda Robicheud. The Senior Girls' Bakethaîl tcam bas been playing well as they enter mbt Ibis rebuilding seasoir. Facing Erin High School in exhibition action rccntly B.R. dominatcd the match and eaened a 42-31 victory. The great leadership of Alicia New, Eva Sitarz and Audra Pacevicius hclped thc large group of rookies blend into a cohesive unit. We wish tbcmn luck as thcy begin their regular seson. Bishop Reding's greet tradition returnu for enother year with the 151h ennual Talent Show that wilI be held on November 15 et 7 pmn. Do not miss your chance 10 share your unusual or not-so-unusual talents with your peers. Audition formns cao be obtained in the Attendance office. For more information, please sec Mr. Caîzonetti, Mr. Vacca or Mrs. Featherstone. We hope that everyone bas a safe and happy holiday weekend. PVy 1 GRADE "A"àlp' NEWS ~DDISTRCT Mîchelle MorkIey li n SH O Emiy Willoughby It's lime for anoîher edition of "Grade A News" fromn MDHS. Congratulations go out to the Cross Country teamn for a good showing at the B.R. meet last week. Also con- gratulations 10 the Sr. Boys Football team for their 17-7 victory over Pearson lasI week. Way 10 go Stanga, keep up the good work! The Sr. Boys played against Iroquois Ridge on Thursday and we will bning the scores next week. Attention aIl 2001/2002 Grads. It is time for Grad photos October 15-l8th. Please sign up ofl the bulletin board out- side the Business Department. Also remember to check outuide Guidance for the University and College sessions and sigo up for thse ones that you wish 10 attend as it deals wiîh thse application processes for posî-secondary sehools. Also the sehool is organiring a bus trip on October 241h 10 thse College Information Day aI Sheridan College for al studenîs interested in going. Sec Guidance for more details. Are you still n01 sure what career field you wanî 10 enter? Then why n01 attend the career Options Fair at Georgetown District HigIs ScIsool on October 121h 6:30- 9:OOpm or on October 131h 9:00 am - 2:OOpm. There will be over 100 exhibitors fromn a variety of job fields. For more information visit http://careers.amigowebservices.com or caîl the Halton Hilîs Chamnber of Commerce et (905) 877-7119. T'Me progrcss reporta will be mailed on October lOtIs to parents whose studenîs may n01 be doing well in their classes. These lenters are juat to let parents know that tIse teacher is concemred about Isow the student lu doing in clans. Picture re-take day is October 9tIs, if you Isaven't Isad your photo laken for your student card and tIse year book please make sure you cornte. It won't cost you any- thing unlesa you wenl 10 order a package, but Uic year- book tearu doca nced your smiling face 10 add to this year's edition, October 16-17tIs tIse Gr. 10 students will be writing the EQAO Literacy test. A remtnder tIsaI Milton District Hi1gh Sehool is taking part in tIse Community Accesa Prograro. The school is provid- ing publie accesa 10 tIse internet. Members from tIse Milton Community cao corne and learn more about surfing tIse net, c-mail, and gel help with Microsoft programs. TIse prograrn will run ll:30am-12:45pm and froro 3:30pm- 7:3Opm Monday 10 Thursday in thse Learning Centre, roomn 103. TIse Centre will be closed on Thanksgiving Monday. Any adults inîerested in volunteering their lime and skilîs can contact Connie Mare aI (905) 878-8817. TIsaIs aIl Ibis week from Milton District. We hope you al have a wonderful Thaoksgiving weekend. DALTELE1NE DRURY Av E.C. DRURY H1ON SCMGGL Megan Bouor Lyndsey Jones Rob Parker "Why are there su nseny chicken jokies and nul turkey jokes? lt's just ot fair!" -Megen Bauer, OAC Student Well Megan. wbite you thînk about ihis. wby don't we catch our read- ers up on the FUN-TURKEY-tastiîcevcnis tromi ibis pasi week ai Drury?! For starters, if you îbînk the Reacb Team is about getting abjects off of higb shelves, tben you*re dead wrong! IUnder the ectectîc leadership of Mr. Keane. and the speciacted supervision of Mr. Menka. ibis teare bas already begun prepariug for tbeir triomphant reter ta thse baitlefields of knowtedge and tinkage. Go kick some glateus maximus! "My favourite wurds are prom, and committee." -Rob Parker, (SAC Student Speaking ot Prom Commitee, you sbould join! In fact, E.C. Drsry was scrcaming ibis pasi week... scrcamisg lor ice cream! This coutd base been becasse tbe prom committee sold i ce cream on Wednesday in tbe Locker Bay, te, raise money for tbts year's prom. If you are interested in betpîng out, see Jeuny Campbell or Natalie Teed to heip malte tbe 2002 prom tbe mosti memorabie ose yet! Oiber Spartans were also screaming ibis past week, as many sports trains sprung inIa action. Coach Mavro's mob of ragby ladies wvas gear- ine up ta crush their competition in a Burlingion toumameni on Tbursday. This toumey was a big bit amoug ait rugby fans! Inside the Sports Building ibis week, the halls bave been bouncîng! Coach Houidcroft had higb bopes for bis boys volîrybail teams, and girls basketbali teams as they took on cross town rivais Bisbop Reding on Wednesday. "Whet's the deel with those curveil sticks" -Lyndsey Jones, OAC Student Weil Lyndsey, whatever the 'deal wîtb Ibose curved sticks" is. it seems 10 be working! Coach Sbeppard's rtocks of "field hockians" bas been graeing the goals quite successfully ibis past week. To date, the junior girls are în first place, and the senior girls are shosning a loi of sehoot spir- it by comîng ouI ta ail tbe games. Stay tuned for the resulîs of ibese games in nesi week's edîtion of Datelîne Drsry. Os a more somber note, ibts pas( week marked the ose-year anntversary of the trafic loss of tbree Drary studenis. A memorial service was heid wîtb ctose friends of Mark, Travîs and Rory os Friday aI the schoot. These boys wîll be remembered and mtssed by ail of us. As the week IIow draws to a close. remember to gise tbanks for tbe spe- ciai îbîngs and people in your life. Have a safe and bappy Tbanksgiving!

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