Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 2001, p. 7

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O(~~~~~!M f1r, F-f r hy!,A defeated accordîng to the The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 5, 2001-7 OuRRLvLI~ Y.ùn ---------- ---c- bu -7l carry when a scrutin y is had Reader frustrated with increased class sizes 'Time Capsules' are gems of informnation extracsedfroni past issues of The Canadian Champion and other publications to pro- vide a wcndow into Milton's pasr. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided f0 place the situation in context. April 1892 Tbe Shoe Factory by-iaw was defeated according to tise Returntng Officer's decla- ration, but it is likely to be declared camred when a scrutiny is had. (Thse by-law had to be supported by swo thirds of the voters on the roll to carry.) Milton bas been consid- erably worked up for some time on tbe question of the proposed bonus to Messrs. Winn & Son and tbougb tbe opponents of the by-law were nos numerous tisere bas been a bitter feeling between tbem and its supporters. Tbe business men of thse town were almost a unit in support. Supporters bad a ftrst clats organization, opponents bad bardly any and they did wonders in tbe way of getting out tbe vote on tiseir side. Non-resident property own- ers came from Walkerton, Barrie and other distant points to vote for tise by-law and people wbo bad neyer voted before tumed out. One of tbem is a lady of about 90 who marked ber first ballot and marked it for the by-law. Town Clerk Cuates made bis official declaration on Tuesday as follows: No. of votes on roll, 255; for by-law 163; against by-law 20; rcjccted 7; total cast M9. Tise number of votes neccssary to carry tise by- law was 170. Tbe by-law was dcfeated by seven votes. As a number of the 255 names on tise vot- ers' list arc tbose of people wbo bave died or disposed of their property since thse list was made up supporters claim is is really carricd by a majority of between eigbt and 12 votes. in tbe event of a favorable result Messrs Winn & Son will commence very shortly thc building of tiseir manufactory. May 1892 A Nassagaweya fariner, wbo bas severa] turnes lately brutally ill-treatcd bis wife Ewbilc drunk, was callcd upon on Monda) cvcning by a dozen or so of bis neighbor and given a fine ncw suit of tar and featb. crs. He did not appreciate thc gift but wii. perisaps be a better busband in thc future. Milton Timze Capsules Walmer Road Metbodist Cburcb, Toronto, now being buils uses material sup- plied from tbe works of Toronto Pressed Brick & Terra Cotta Co. near Milton. A quantity of fine colored bricks is being sup- plied in delicate sbades of grcy, drab and brown. wbicb will be used for inside deco- rations including a dado wbicb will mun around Uic auditorium. There are also roof- ing tiles for steeple work and omamental pieces in great variety. Milton is the bead- quarsers for terra cossa produets. Last weck Murray Crawford of Nassagaweya purcbased Mayor Dice's property in Uiat townsbip, including Uic lake (Crawford Lake) wbicb was stocked wiUi trous a few years ago and on Tuesday be caugbt a fine one, 16 inebes long and weigbing two-and-a-balf pounda. June 1892 The band stand bas been removcd to tbe lot wcst of the town bail. Tbe lot wberc it stood, opposite Messrs. Hollinrake & Son's, baving been bougbt by Messrs. Winn & Son for their sboe factory. (The sisoe factory wbicb was bult on Uic Main street site is now Uic location of Lido Restaurant.) The Act, passed as Uic recent session of Uic Ontario Legisiature to probibis the sale of tobacco, cigars or cigarettes to person under 18 years of age, came into operation on Jane las. The penalty for selling or giv- ing to sucb persons is nos lessthUan.$l0 or more Uian $50. Any person actuaily or apparently under 18 years of age found using cigars, cigarettes or tobacco on Uic streets or in any public place is liable to a fine of from $1 to $5 for eacb offense. This material is assenzbledl on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, chair of research, who van be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. 3ear Editor: Tbree weeks into the sebool year here bas been a reshuffling of cacbers and students in severat ccbools in tbe Halson Board of Education. Our sebool in Kilbride lot a teacber because our encoîl- ment was down t0 students fromt last year. Losing a teacber for 30 students migbt be appropriate, depending on tbe existing class sizes, but for 10 students? Nos only bas tbis abrupt resbuf- fling been diseuptive to Uic stu- dents, but also it bas added to tbe teacbing load of the oUier interme- diate staff. Classroom sizes bave now increased in a time wben our gov- emment's commosimet to better education includes a goal for a maximum class size of 25 students. Even 25 is cballenging in Uiose classrooms wbere Uiere are several cbildren wiUi bebavlior, leaming or social problems. Tbere are bildren witb special needs in every class- room wbo aren't identified as sucb. Now most of our classes bave close to 30 students. Tbis was com- mon in my years as elementary scbool, but ebildeen bave cbanged since tisen. Learning expectations and for- mats have cbanged. and bebav- ioral/management issues bave increased. We're nos meeting our students' present needs. Some parents are optmng for pri- vate sehools because of Uieir smail- er class sizes and more individual attention. But not ail of us can afford pri- vade education, and do not want an elitist system. We're entitlcd to a public system tbat enables our cbil- dren to lcam wiUiout a lot of frus- tration. The teacber-student ratio and how it impacts on tise quality of learning in a classroomn is of major importance -tisas is wbere our cbildren spend most of their lime. Tbe new curriculum is supposed to aim at biglier achievement, but in a less optimum leaming environ- ment. Does tisis make any sense? Most parents are too busy eam- ing a living to call tbeir trustees or write letters to tbe board of educa- lion and government officiais about cutbacks or poor manage- ment of sebool funds. But wbere does Uiat leave the rest of us tbat are discouraged witb our educa- tional syssein? If people at Uic board say, "our bands are tied' or give us ail kinds of explanations tbat we don't understand, and our govemment doesn't get more involved in set- ting and enforcing standards. wbst are we to do to help our cbildren? We need anoUier teaciser back ai our scisool, and we need to set a dcfmnite limit on class stres. There are millions of dollars going into road improvement in Uiis province. Aren't our cbildren more important? Sandy Amodio KiIbride Redrexpresses his disappointment over Champion'-4. coverage of sollIdarltY service Victoria Park Sunauy, Sept. 16. 1 was ma impressed by tise 70 uniliSune firefigstera, police aM nd personnsel isey M"os togethae proudly aupporting their Anseilcan coileagues wio, died September 11 in New York, Wasihigton and Pennsylvania i tise worst terorist atac in liatory. 1 want ta express my disappointinent i tise cov- erage cf tbis event by Tise Champion. Fromt my vantage pot, there were close ta S00 people, yeung ansi aid. Wisas was Thse Cisampion's coverage? Thee pho- tas - onte on thse front page sisowhg only 10 fiee- figliters, anosise sisot inside of a very sais portion of tie crwd (certainly flot offeriasg tie comsmunity any perspective cf tise numiser attntling) andi one photo of Me. Hughes spealting. Was tder an article for tise benefit of those wiso were uisable ta attend? No there waan't. Thiere was nothln about tise exprossed sadness attise senseless bas cf lie. Nos only of tise înnocenit cisei wlio diesi, but nos a word about thse deaths cf tise emer- otisars or about tise prayesa for ie safety MWd suc- oua during tise continuing rescue efforts. There was no mentions of tise brotserhood of spir- lit this crowd lsad witlt thousandas around tise wordd partipatin i severai simila expressions cf car- îng. Our prins media lis always been quick to report andi crticize freely wisat tlicy judge to lie flawed. 'lbdY wisen I stuc Tise Cliampion's Jack of cover- age cf a signifficant event in our comnmnty, 1 was angore& You sisosils be crrticized and embarrasse What reaily la important - an article about tise Communities i Blooro conîpetition tisas took front- Page space, or, by tise Vr=c of God, a once-hi-our- lifetime traed and its impact on our çommunity? 1say wake up and tell tise community wisat's impor- tant. Lony RaoM Milton Got an opinion on a local issue? If so, fax your letters to 878-4943 or drop them off at 191 Main St. E. * &hy Our electrlclty uyutem la chuanglng * Kovi me neiv aystwm wIII woek * WhUt comàpetlon vii Meanficnuel na or visit our website at www.est.gov.ofl.caOnai t t »4 thot ofiiriàonte-, nàoàori-Q not heing met Cu"

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