6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 5, 2001 THE TAAL4IN CHAM'PION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadian Champion, publishred eveny Tuesday and Friday ut 191 Main St E, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printint, Publishing & Distibutinq Lld. group nf suburban companies wtiictl inluOns: Ajax/Pickering News Adverisen, Alliston lleraldCouier, nanrie (90 ) 8 8-2 411 Advancen ariy's Bay This Week Bolten Enterprise, Branton Guardian, (905 8 7 8 2 3 4 BulintonPos, BrlinlonShopin Nes, ityParntCity ni York Guandian, Collingwood/Wasaga Cannection, East York Mmi.r Erin Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Aduncate/Country Routes, Etobicoie Guardian. Flumburough Post, Forever Young, Georgetown Iedepenîtenti5cton Free Press, Halton Business Tîntes. Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 HRaonta Business Tintes, Kingstnn This Week, Lindsay Tis Week, Makhfant Ec namist & Sun, Midland/Penetanguishene Mîrror Milan Shopping News, Classified: 905-875-3300 Mississauta Business Tintes Missîssauga News. Napanne Guide, Nassagaweya News, NewmarketAunana Ena-tanne, Nornhumberland News, Circulation: 905-878-5947 North YokMrrr akuil evOkille Shopping News, Oldtîrners Ian Oliver Publisher Week. Peterborough mhis Week. Pîcine Gounty Guide. Richmotnd HillTonhilltVaughan Liserai, Scarboogfl Mîrnr.r StautfitlleUbridge Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Tribune. Adaeaisînt is uccepted on the cuedition Suat, iii the euent ut a tyjpe- Wendy McNab Advertising Manager tnaphîcal ennan, tilat portiun ut the adueriising space occupied by the era- Karen Smith Edieaar neous item, togettier wilth a reusonuble allowance for signature, wlI noisbe changea fon, but the balance ai te aduentisentent wîll be paîd fnr ut the appli- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager cable note. Ose publishen nesenues the right ta categonize aduentisentents on Oeclîne Ties Cales Production Manager The Milten tarai Champin in a Recyolaba Penoci ë W (4UNI Mal, It's time to answer M. -- eaul of United Way O UR READERS WR [TE 'Me economists are hedging their bets but most believe we're head- ing for an economic downtumn in the coming months. What that means in human termns is that there will be layoffs, some permanent, and hardship will follow for many people. In any economic slowdown individuals from every strata of society are equally at risk. Many of them will be directed to a wide variety of social services to, help them weather the storm and get back on their feet again. That's why it's more important than ever that everyone get behind the United Way of Milton's campaign to raise $3 10,000 to, help those peo- pie, their families and others who can so easily slip between the cracks * in our social services safety net. Milton is a growing community and with that growth comes more * need and more pressure on existing services and to, expand those serv- ices. It all takes money. Most Miltonians received donation requests from the United Way in their malboxes last week. * If every one of us does Our bit for the United Way, we can rightly stand up and say we've helped our fellow citizens in times of crisis. It's somnething terrorists couldn't understand. Reader expresses hîs thanks to MDH staff Dear Editor: 1 wisb to acknowledge the quatity staff at Milton District Hospital. During the laie evening of September 24. 1 was rusbed to Milton's emergency department by a friend. tn moments, 1 was met by several of the staff, wheeled iinto a room and quickly assessed aind expert- ly treated. Att were friendly, efficient and uinderstond- ing. The nurses and doctors were thoughtfu atod informative as they attended to, my ittness. 1trhope you're aware how fortuniate Mitton is to enjny such proficient, compassionate and cheerfut staff. Robert Trollope Rockwood Condolences offered to victims of terrorist attacks Dear Editor: t am a member of the human race. I an ian despair over the situation of tbis world. The humain race ix on trial; this ix a test for us. AIl of us. Why must the killing go on? Why are there such poor people elsewbere in this world? Why are there such people in despair from the hunger, diseases, wars in Une world today? My tears, my condolences, my heart bleeds for these poor peopte wbo are fleeing ici somewhere cIse aond caninot fmnd a peaceful place to live. So many displaced people in this world. So many people killed on a daily basis. So many orpbans in tbis world. When is man gomng to understand? When is man going to, be grateful for what he bas? Main's atroc- ities towards bis fellow man. Maan's inhumanities towards oUner human beings. Let man get to tbc root of evil. Let man striste for peace aand hanntony. Not more btoodshed. M. Taha Bronte Street Is this town of ours absolutely awesome or what?ý Unbelievable! l'm almost lost for words, but Unis is a story Unat has to, be told. WiUnin houas of The Champion arriving on people's doorsteps, Une generosity poured un. Last Friday's edition contained a Iciner to Une editor from, Slnyvon Leonard, a 20-year-old single moUner who attends sehool while worlcing part- time to support ber baby daughter. She had ber mucb-ineeded bike stolen from Carniage Square. For Unose wbo miscd Une leiner, wbich wau mostly directed to Une Uieves, a frustrated Ms Leonard described how Une bicycle was ber only metans of transportation to work aand scbool. It bad a spccialized, blue front-mounted baby seat for ber 2 1 -monUn-old daugbtcr. The bike and seat combined cosi more Unan $300 -money she borrowed from, ber moUner and took bier ail surimier 10 repay. As a resutt of Une theft, she bad to leave ber bouse more than an bour earty io watk across town to work, Unein walk across town again toi go to sebool. She also bad to walk ber daugbter to Une leisure centre for bier specialized aquatic Uner- apy. Then early Fridy momieng Une first catI came innto The Champion office. It was a woman who bad read Une ltier and bad a used bicycle to offer Ms Leoinard. 'She can't keep watking across town everyday wiUn Une baby," Une caring woman said. Next, a woman from Mitton Chrysler called and said Une car deatcrsbip along witb Spokes N' Stopes bad gotten togetber and decided 10 jointty purchase a rtew bike and baby seat for Ms Leoinard. Hoss, woindcrfut! And yet anoUner woman catted. 1I bave a bike wiUn a baby seat she can bave," sbe said. Prom the editor's desk As more and more offers started to pour un, t wisbed t baU taken Une fuît namnes of Une calters so, t coutd priant tbemi un Unis counnin. 'Men, pcrhaps, one of Une most touching catIs camne in. A woman pboned te, tell us ber young son wanted to doinate the money he eamned detiv- ering inewspapers 10 Ms Leoinard. He bad bis bike stoten and knew bow it felt. The offer tefi Une reporter who took Une cati teary-eyed. And betieve it or not, Une geanerosity didint stop Unere. Later on un the aftemoon, a man watked mnto Une office and offered 10, give Ms Leoinard $ 100 toward the purchase of a ncw bike. And Io and bebotd, Goodtife Fitness phoned te, offer hetp. And get Unis, on Monday anoUner man arrived at the office and offered $300! More offers, inctuding oines from people in the bicycle business, were stitt coming un at press title. WiUn Une recent acts of terronism un the United States, I've been feeling a tiate down about tbe evil some humans jare capable of and worried about where this wortd is headed. But Unese acts of kindaness bave tifted mny spir- its. Tbey've left me wiUn a renewed feeling of pride un people, our people. M WWýW_ léri lasas ujji£ e Manager