The Canadien Champion, Tueeday. Octobe 2, 2001-7 'S'cholarship winner A M ilo tuder t was nanteci reccived the awiuiao l rt n one of eight across Canada to, ing an essay on Stephen King's receive a $3,000 scholarship book 'On Wniting' - the book front Indigo publishmng. she chose aa the best pubhica- g Mochelle Szafer, an employ- lion hetween July 2000 and aee of Coles at Milton Mai, lune 2001. Sa.t cause t ftWI» xb» i r The Centre's pre-apprentioeship programs RUn B cLf0ý1 hakob forcé> provide short-term, comprehensive training Srw zt vuo % *wu. of Su that allows you to start a new career in Iess - 1~~ ~ W~Uê% ~ than a year. p«M Wctdy T«WDOi Industrial Electrician GRAHIAM PAINE Limited Seats (4 The Centr e Available SMG eidop0menî& ?), HALTON HILLS....................... 1"R O L Ir FA R M $3 9 inctud ng antifreeze, tires, wipers, hases * $3. admission per persan or ICUE NEETOI ATR ET $ 10 per family (Max. 6 persans) t * Catch 4 fish or more & receive a Halloween A L LINO-N E TIRE EVENT Pumpkin FREE! ittitg fro 9 5 stem lifetime inspection and rotation every Rentai Rods $3. Plus fax 10 ooo km. See dealer for road hazard protection * Public Fishing for Rainbaw Traut $6and treadmear warrantmes. * 2 spring fed ponds Tie Pa*AC P8/5l *Na fishing licence ALL BRANDS IN ALL SIZES TO SUIT ALL YOUR NEEDS. rreo0"e fanrequired W JWL En'pck, Noalimits * îsh Pnice $5.50/lb Sat, Sun, & Mon. 8am-6pm Io-- 10541 Forth LUne , mUd.Rd ~ JBtwefl1Othanld j eaea 49 0 5 -87 3 -6 9 0 0) Uimeliie ooy Partiopating GMtuierors ffy stinoîdua prices. LOF nciridesup Io 5L ofGM premiL motor oil Qffior alidon mtGM vicleo Oeiaaie Io eil e -jýk j ,e %-r eAdi o offer conrimios aind more deWius or rail 1-800-GMtOIVt. Go oOicial ioademaii of tie Provnce, ofntrio ýsd MmI penrision e ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ do fe t' 4, 6; 0e-eee' à,1"4';iiim",tà