The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 2, 2001-25 TERRA 13URLINGON $cwino Budlngton, Qalaille, & ourmunng aria toatê on Hwy. #5 retwemn Oint Street and Guelph Unme # (90M) 332-3222 TERRA WATERPOWN U @the Goe Tiane & G aterBy Aea, Ioate on the ornerof Hw. #6 at t Comeon Eaet # (905) 659-1999 TERRA MILTON 5erMin OakviIIe, Milton & Missireauqa, & surroundinq area Iooate on britamia at Trafalgr e (905) b76-4000 ErIrÂ'A -3u F me - 5,er- p ýOE A5A EI