Fuel Explorations a a 3-Weele Course agned ta belp you plan your career. Funded by IDC. For more informatioMo regiater caO Grace (905>333-3499/(905)878-1240 EQUIPMENT LEASING SALESPEOPLE & BROKERS WANTED Higheat Commissions Paid Faxable Leases & Onfine Applications Accounts Protected FIRST MUTUAL LEASING.COM The Equipment Financîng Professions/s TM 1488-3234778, ext. 225 RIIIATS riairmo quires P/T ha/p. Wee- kends 2-3 manth, plus some weefeday hours t ses/fable. Good wages & quiet, piessant baro. Cati Caraf Mon-Fn. 8-4 (905) 877-7080 CAFETERIA bs/p need- ed. Dishwasner ana short arder cao/t and counferpersan. Caf i 905-854-0441 or appi y n persan ta the Bac/t- stretch Kitchen, Mo- haw/t Raceway. CLEANERS, couples & auticantractors required for office deaning. Cou- pie required immediste- y for M/tati location. 30 perweek, appras. 2 boum per dean. $450 per manth. Expenence preferred. 416-729- 8829, anytime EXPERIENCED Eques- bisa Wortung Manager. Maintaining graunda, turf and fana machinery, irrigation & drainage. Caipentey staffs, pluenti- Ina and efectricat /tnoai- edge an asset. Non- smo~nvrranment. METER Ff eader for Mif- tan area. Hydra & water mefers. Piecewark. Trsîrdng & unifarin pro- vided. Benefita avaif- sOle. Reliable vebide required. Saine travel- ing invafved. Plesse les resume ta: 905-853- 6705 or e-mail ta: datra- na@urb.on.ce PART-Toue rnoming stable belp wanled Monday fa Friday. Phane 905-826-2889 or 905496-1029 SEWERS needed s/m- in factory or at ~ Dawntown Mîf- tan. Cal 416-435-7884 for information. WANTED AZ drivers. Rat bed wark for Sauts- ero Ontaria and Micle- ~~espeiiencepra- Caif Basf Trunsfer (519) 853-5773 est. 6 or 1- 800-862-1470 ext. 6 .iuek et Il luise Skif led n Carpeetry, Pi smbing, Efectricaf, Ceramic, Paiflting, Waf/paper, Drywaf 1, P/ester, F/osrcover/tg and altiers. Flesibi t tisers. Receive f iraI cheque by Fniday. FT/TiT panifions avai/. MuaI bave ses f001 s. 1O-yrs taper/turf & refiabie bamportatint. Caf i Mi. Artaur US-175-44 mu Thrtffy Car Rentai, 85 Ontarlo Street North Milton, Ontarlo thrlfty.mllton@on.albn.com VEHICLE INSPECTORS Requirements: Clean current drivers hcense, read & write fluent Englîsh, wîlhng f0 wark autside. Monday - Frîday, 8 arn - 5 pm. Capable aI warking n a team environment. Please forward resume ta: Attention: Larry Keams Toronto Auto Auctona 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Fax: 905476-2341 NQW Fou-tins Donut Maker anit Fou-tins Required Immediat Baker H.lp For Ihose thaf are Ca// please corne by & dr~ 905-827-5200 Attentlon:TIie Oukvilleis Premier FRESII STAI Salon & Day Spa 2705 Durw l~gss î.turnatlonaî Phonel ~ requirto 2 to//une & 1 FSXI9O pari tise Assistant for tht Sa/on P/ease cai/ Jody or - r~ - Barb 505 338-3333 ciChîidleigh 's Requires Help - Weekends, Outdoor work, now untîl October 2lst. Cashiers and baggers Apply m person at retail store, 9528 Highway 25, lOam to 5pm anyday. Arc yon an encrer1 ~ (WhIL~ paced efcaronaaeaii? We are ~ F/T.P/T Cee&u F/T.PIT Wuieara/Waitrenn F/T.PIT Dlahwasber FIT MhhaI~tSleoeOwk F/T Fuel Sar Canhiers Nli'e ride oeneisuuatanilynmbasiaeu danpowiifrs: .C~twaiUS7*l45OMk .AbleeasduhÀaauanl b~dy anqiuetf1m No eopeoeaoo oesenaary Appir e peeser Finir %'ireel Tnark Stop 40 Clelioirn De., Mîlioe YARD DRIVERS Requf ramants: Cl san current drivers f icense, wlffing fa work outslde. 5 days weele 8 arn - 5 pm, abllty ta work in a teain errvl- marnant. Ploase forwsrd rosumo f0: Attention: Larry Keamo Toronto Auto Auctiona 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Fax: 905476-2341 Sean Dealer Store Iii Milton New Hlrlng Futi Tame I Part Time Appliance Sales Consultan.a and Part T/me Warehouse Persan Contact John Sampeon 100 Niplssing Rd., Milton Ph. 905.8784104 Fax. 905.8784100 '~U~Ifled . - . - HIRING ely For Regular Dulies: responsible & reliable, p off your resume: Preudent's Offioe RT FOODS MC. te Way, Mifton o~oe 5-878.9010 Il- IDEAL FOR HOMEMAKER OR RETIR] if yoo are soîgoise ood eajoy tise ados of woekaog nia irospiiof envirool could lire io woek iadeposdeolly aad arc bouse for o pari-urne pi Visiacare wonld like 10 hear froas yOo! ibis is ao idoal posîsos for a ho Visiacarc s opeovider of paliesi lelevisioo acerbes aod we bore laro rq poaletarna aroilairle ai lire MOItas Haapltal Site of lire Holloo Healibo Coeporolioo. b ibis posilion, yoo w/a ire eespossiirle for lire prosdsioo a sol/on of tire iclorisios restai service îo irospîlal paseois. You arili ho arorate ibeco 10 fore days a oeok for appeosimaloly 00e ao<l iraif boues p (l:iOprnio3:OOprn/.Tiriswoaldiocladoalioeoaloweokondwork. Wo peovide fou traioiog. Sales/ seroico ospencace ibai bas iooolood deali and credo card lraosacîions arould ire irelpfal. Roasonairlo ptooimiiy 10 tir niso a coosideralioo. We provîde compotilire pori-tiior earnings aiid boss If pou arr îoteresled o tins posison, pleaso cou Sîrpirro Lance, O Manager at i 008 051-7892 and leoro yoor namo aod letopirooenumiror. WooIldooorbosttorspoodtorocryaoroirocnlls troc arcooairlrtoc.oactyoo ooro~garda aod appîconcoo for yoor ,otcroo o liii posilioo. JOIN THE TEAM We are currenty loa/ting for smîlîng faces ta jain aur part bine day staff part bine evenînga, nîght shift and weeleends ON THE SPOT INTERVIEWS Fri.Oct.5 il am-7pm V Flesîble acheduling V Paid breaks V Psy for performance increases V Free unlfa~a V Fun work environment V Career growth opportunities We are cerrently binng for aur new restaurant, located aI 590 Martin St., Milton, Ont. Plesse apply n person or fax resume ta 878-7611 "W. Love To S0 You SmiIeI" la partnerahlp veitti Protocol, KAS Personnel Servicea mc. la currently hinng - Customer Cars Rsprsssntativsu Fora dynainlo outbound cail centre n downtown Hamitton. FulI time and part time positions ava/lable (18.35 hrs/wk) If you have: * Higb School Diplama * Dynamie Peraonality * Strong command 0f the Englîsti f anguage * General knowfedga aI computers Wa warit ta meet VOUI OeIl today - KAS Personnel ServIces hic., 4043 New Street (* Wsikera Lins) B.rllngton (U5)-037-9755 plions (905)-437-N1S tua www.kasstafflng.m REOIJIRES IMMEDIATELY FOR3 LOCATIONS: Coantur I1eIp~ Cooks 8 assIstant Manager F/T & P/T POSITIONS AVAILABLE DAYS, NIGHTS ANO WEEKENDS Good sfartîng wage, increase affer 3 montas 4ply ereveate te eNlier locations le peson: 4195 Fulrvlew 50., Burt, Harveyelscofd Cep, 3050 Deviduon Ct, Bail. (At Home Depof) OR 2340 Lakeshors Rd. W., Oak. (Brente) FOREPERSON lalactlon Meula, Plant, lYsai Os*vllle 3-5 years injectise mm/ding toperiesce with Engel mach/sm. Muot tif fluent n Englisti. bath wniflen& verbal Rotafing oltiffo- attersoons/ nigbts. Fer qpf. cal -U74121 lffta~ Use ta Fit w fax su ta: 44741M PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Assistant Superintendent Couple required for large commercial residential complex n Burfirigton. General dean-up and repaira. Minimum 2 years esperience Above aversge psy. - Resumes Attention Property Manager: Fax: 905-639-6527 Tel: 905-639-46 The Canadian Champion, Tuasday, October 2,2001-23 loliiOn, ibon La*. Tecleicleosa und~or oremaker or ~d or 4th Yaer Apprentice areseatadre We are ourrenuly eeeldng a arc Soroîces team-oeleated peerian alsala esperfenced aid admiois- arid motfvatad. Muai 0e energetie. ueO- woeking oo mattwted and enjoy woulcfng wfth peaple. or oftereooo We aller a aoenpe<tfva ualar% gmup ogariibcasli bospilal Applje In pwuon le: opporrool- teldea Lista Serelce Expeeta olarjo S os CUSTOMER service/Data Entry/ Baokkeeping derk. Set-malivafed persan needed by service on- enled Miton oempany ta handle daily office duties. Microsoft Office & Accounting s/tilla required. Hours should suit worfuing Mother. Fas (905)876- 9997 or email:info@insurge.com Administrative Sales Asst. Succensful Oakvllle manutacturing company looking for a dynamic persan ta support tht sales effort. Position includes /ead gatbering, administrative support, prnduct information support, traite shows. Candidate must have escef lent wrltten and orsi communication skills and a posItive personallty. Experience in sales support and/or customer service is preferred. Munt have strang computer skiffs. Reply with resume ta: Box 0352, c/o Tue Oukelile Sauver 467 Speera Roui, OakvIIIa, ON LIII 384 Pkkupouroenledau. t~b. gbe Canabia~ Cbauti 101 Main Se.t Eset, Muten 905-878-2341 - - NANNYIMOibers Helper Canna, mature, retable persan ta piovide nanny and Iigbt housekeeplng services - one neseboin. Counby property, Rada- woad ares. Osen transportation required. Fut-lime. Non-smafdng. Esperience and escetent refarences essentiai. 519-748-5556 Forqetto Ustyoor Now you can Sak ~oor