Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 2001, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, FnÏday, September 28, 2001-7 ""Miton councîl endorses use * ()' T EP 7ÎT Ut deidetrïtw,tv En iliiht tnwvn - là #1.w. vv -1-UN TIE4a couple of lîght fîxtures to be erected to test their capacity Malboeuf agrees wîth recent editorial about IQfck of fundina for Inrtni ilàntni hàoaIth i,,Iinhg, 'Time Capsules are gems of informnati on extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in context. September 1891 Electric Lighs. At a special meeting of Uic town council on Monday cvening a report was adopted Uiat Uic town sbould be ligbted wiUi electric tight. It was recom- mended that the Bail Electric Light Company, who is presently putsing in Uic fixtures to, ligbt Uic stores and dwellings in Uic town, erect two ligbts as a test of Uieir capacity so Uic committee could report as to, Uic number of lights Uhi would be requircd to, liglit Uic town. The proposition of Uic company is 10 Iights at 15 cents per light for 200 nigbts at a cost of $300 per year, or as many more ligbts an may be required aithUi samne price. In place of 10 Iigbts it will take at lcast 15 or more to Iigbt Uic town properly. On Tuesday, Uic fever on Uic electric ligbt question got so bigh Uiat five of Uic town counicillors signed a requisition (drawn up by Uic mayor) so, reconsider Uic report adopted as the meeting on Monday evening. Tbe Bail Electric Ligbt Comnpany is to ftsenisb 10 or more ligta of 1000 candie power at 15 cents per light, each nigbt, for 200 nights in Uic year for a terni of Uiree years, or an additional term or ternis of three years. A number of conditions were inscrted so Uiat Uic town will bave electrie Iight by Uic 6Ui of October if Uic company will sign Uic agreement as passed. A reso- lution was Uien passed instructing Uic fute an Iight committee to bave 15 lights pad in Uic most suitable places on Uic streets in Uic town. Later Uic cornrittee identified Uic loca- tions: at Uic corner of Main and Court streets, as the corner of Main and Commercial streets, on Main street near Uic band stand, aithUi corner of Main and James streets, as Uic corner of Main and Elizabeth streets, on MWi street opposite J.W. Elliott's, on Victoria street about 400 feet fromn James Street, on Martin atreet opposite Mrs. Cartmer's, on Mary street west near James Deforestas, corner King and Brnwn streets (Regisfly office), corner Hugli and Qucen streets (Mr. Austin Wilrnotts corner), corner Saraht and Foster MVIilton ~ Time Capsules streets (Dr. Freernan's), corner Prince and Pearl streets, corner Pine and Court streets (Mr. Deaconas) and on the corner of East Mary and Chartes streets. November 1891 On Saturday afiernoon and evening the wind was blowmng a perfect hurricane and about at 6 p.m. an alarm of fire was sound- ed. James Lindsay's saw miii on the corner of Pearl and Fulton streets was on fire. M. Lindsay and bis men had been tumn- ing beading (material for making cask- heads) for barrets during thie day and ail hands were at supper when the ftre started. The miii was built of heavy timbera and was filled with heading and other iight stuif. 'Me two hose reels were early on the spot and soon two streamas were playing on the burning building. Altbougb the firernen worked wilingty and bard againat the slrong wind, srnoke and beat in their faces, it was utterty impossible for themn to save the miii which was cornpletety destroyed. One of Dr. Robertson's bouses, occupied by J.S. McCannell, was aiso burned to, the ground -the bouse being in the direct course in wbich the wind was blowing acrosa the street from the mill. April 1892 Monday Town Council considered a by- iaw on its third reading, for the appoint- ment of Stinson Bradley as chief constable, but it was blocked a second time owing to Councillor Armstrong's pledge to the pro- hibitionist Refonners of thc Southt Ward flot to support Bradley. When thc yeas and nays were catied for Uie councilior refused te, vote and as other members declined to do so until bie sbould set the example thc proceedings came to, a fuil stop and the meeting adjoumed teaving the town, as before, witbout a chief consta- blc. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society bv Jim Dilîs, chair of research, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idiredc-.(om. Dear Editor: l'm in fuit agreement wiUi your editoriai commenta of September 7 pertaining te, Uic refusai of Uic provincial govemment to cover Uic budget shortfaii of the Northt Halton Mental HealUi Clinie. The government says it's unabie to corne up wiUi $60,000 to cover Uic shortfail of Uiis important and much-needcd clinie, but seema to have no problemn tinding $3 million to finance Uic 35 per cent aalary increases for MPPs. If our local MPPs voluntarily refuaed to, accept their increases, there wouid be more than enough rnoney to, finance Uic clatie. Wbile on the subject of the MPPs'salary increase, 1 wouid like to rcnsind cveeyonc Uiat aince titis govemment came to power Uicy've been downioading many provincial reaponsibilities onto regional and municipal govemmuents such as rnad maintenance, ambulance serv- ices and social houaing -juat to namne a few. By doing, so Uic workioad and responsibilities of MPPs bave been reduced whiie Uie workioad for municipal polîticians bas increased. So why are our MPPs getting a 35 per cent increase? Common sense dictates that Uiey should be taking a cut in pay, not gcnting an increase. They're doing lesa and have fewcr responaibilities - s0 why do Uicy deserve a pay raise? How ironic it is Uiat wc have a consensus among ail parties in sup- port of Uiis 35 per cent increase. How is il Uiat when it cornes to fix- ing our heatUcare or education systemn Uiey can't secm to agite on anyUiing, but a 35 per cent increase to, Uieir salaries - no problem, united Uiey stand. la it any wonder people have auch a low opinion of polisicians? Rick Malboeut Halton reglonal and Milton councillor DerEd«or. lIn 4Wh of tis ussielievaisie tmjedioe ti" stuk tis U.S. airine induasy calte "It niwnis pres- sures will be brought Io bea by MPa. amae inti- bers of thse travelling publie and others to allow air- âine pilots, wyteoneatyw eryapmuls csd- mgisasdlgum. Mis Canatda Safety Cousuci friiy Secogaie tisa csnipioyoeave di earsoioosibl ity to proety equipand lain worksi oder tunai ze wok plac aafety. However, tise ue as h"~ raises dii- ficuktand disnobg qsiosfor bth pblic safe- ty and employee saety Sisâe tend te, reveal pro- pic Whso earsy a wcapo for protectio met more llkey toemes violnc tiai reduc k. Ise weapa la a»lmo incaiiety te be uaed agains tise viebdimtsi by tiseni ht asolt also be iStd tiai haudgmait are classifleal as prohibitve wespoea ussder Big C-68, lihe fedira Sovernnsent's pin con- Anying tais s iniply fof ccpl be Ess*L T flýipods cma 8aoeedowm Single mom expresses frustration over her stolen bicycle Dear Editor: lin 20 ycars otd and a single moUier of a 2i1-monUi oid. l'm rais- ing my daughter alone, going to, achool and working towards my grade 12 diptoma. t alto work part- tirne as a waitrcas te, support my daughser. On Tucsday, Sept. 18 as 9:30 arn. i iocked my bike up as Carniage Square and wens to work. t rcturned for my bike as about 2 p.m. teogo to achoot. I was upses to find my bike bock cut and my bike missing. It was my only means of transportation te, work and achool. It bas a specialized, blue front mountcd baby-seat for my daugh- ter. The bike and seat combined coat more Uian $300, wbich took me ail aummer to repay my molli- er, who had toancd me Uic money. 1 would juas tike to Uiank Uic per- son Uiat bas made my tife juas Uiat mucb harder. Because of you, t bave to icave my bouse ovcr an hour earty tu waik my daugbtcr to, daycarc, Uien walk acrosa town to work Uicn walc acroas town again to go te, achoot. t aiso bave to walk my daugbter to Uic icisure centre for bier specialized aquatic tberapy. 1 can't understand why a person feit Uiat atealing my bike with a baby seat and a dinosaur born was sucb a great triumph. 1 workcd long and bard for that bike so i could havesa better way of gctting around wiUi my daughtcr. It wili be soe time befote 1 wiit be able to replace it. If anyone bas scen a blue NorUiland mountain bike wiUi a blue front mounted baby-seat, picase contact me Uirougb The Champion office or Milton police station. Shyeon Leonerd Milton Donated to the Wierzbîckî family." -Riders and volunteers required - Over 300 iders wii attend from across Southern Ontario. Vista Headlights.................. r~jjJ~ I Rogular Prie $22.1M 89 ONAI ST N. MITO 9086-67 SaIety councl proaldent hope. terorlts ' acta won 't. Iead to potentlally-dangrous precticos In air tra vol 1 1 IL ('ý-\NAD1AN CHAMPION

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