30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 28, 2001 Mg 'nnis- the (ami/y ofthe fate Jean MGins wish to extend their heart fet thanks ta (amily, friernds and neighhiours for the many acta o(kind- ne.ss and support gîven ta them duning the recent passing af their mather& igrundmnother. Speciat thank-you ta mom h sisters and brathers who were there for her during her stay in the hos- ')pital. We were su oenvhetmed by the muny carde, phone cul/s and donations ,,uA made in memanj ai Jean. A special thon/ce ta Moggje Lizzi, Joy 'I 75.ne/l and Debbie Hoggart for the /bfod brought ta, aur home. Wanie connat exp7ress aur feetings toards the nurses, doctars and staff at . IMilton District Hospital for ail ai yaur * support, consideration and patience through this difficult time. Thon/r you ta Father Darid Wi/helm for the service, We a/sa wish ta thon/r the staff ut McKersie-Kocher funeral home forartherrguidace. - The McC/nnis Femibi FOUND Ch ids red bike. Cati 878-8105 Dale LOSÎT Femate Germas Shepherd Cross. Steeles & Ontario. Wearing Coliar. Name ix Brandy. (905) 876-1518 LOST. "Blackie" Black cal, Thompson and Main St. Cali Ras 905-878-8862 The Famnily Place located conveniently at Bishop Reding High School has openings currently available in aur infant & toddler programs. For more information cali 905-878-0121 CALL for a Iree cusfamized list of registered chiid care providem s the areas of Sam Sherratt, Robert Baldwin, Martin Street, Mikos North. Haiton Child Care Registry 905-875-0235 PART-lime after achool daycare required for kmn- dergarten student on Percy Merry bus route. 875- 3467 REGISTERED daycare in my home. Sam Sherratt ares. 2 caregivems. Cxii 693-9857 RIEULABLE Daycare, agea 1-5. Receipta. 2 mature adulta Laurier and Thompaon. 905-878-0118 HOSSWOOD FARM ORGANICS www.hosswood.com SDelivertng CertIfied Organic Fruit & Vegetablea ta your home on Wed. and Thurs. Itevenrngx in the Georgetown /Brampton/MiIton ares. Ph: (905) 838-4518 E-mail: hosswood@aztec-net.com Ask for Kate APPLIANCES fdoe, FANTASTIC.Savinpal 2 doon; Stove; Mxytxg No GST! Love tour r- autoatic wasirn dry- nîtone, bote pour c an. Alsa apartent set. tours? Sofa & mstc in Unden manranty. 905- chair tram $788. Love 637-8328 seata tram $48 Chair AREthaeseveral tram $t99. Senior dia- 1.000T p1s h ase ceuni. Free Estimatea. Sta00smas. îof ny- Fields Quality Custome ltas er 10 y Uphatatery, - 95 lncre.Witt do living- 875-4427,9-(05 room & hall for $349. sr- cludea cerpel, pod & in- FREE: Large satellite stallation (30 yards) disir, black meair. 905- Steve. 905-639-2902 854-2207 NORDHEIMER piano and besch -futlynecon- a~ ditioned -excellent con- dition. $950 O.BO. and po remave. (905) 854- 4562 HEATHERS Antiques buys estate items, furni- lare,' glass, china, sterl- ing, Rotai Doultons. Cash Paid, Contidenial. 905-703-1107 BARN SALE SatSa & Sun. 9 am -5 Pm Lots et unique alunf Aut otise parts, Old pine windows, Antiques, etc. 18197 Hwy 25 taproa 5 km N. ot 401) ISat Sept 29 am -11umI I250 SaloIr Creu #14 ISatrduy, Sepl 291 Sunday, Sep.3I ISam -5 Pm Nem ciothes & lots of other Items GARAGEJ MOVING I SALE 235 Bronle Street 1192 ISat Sept 291 Houueflold dae, Fumitlure. Something tar Evertre GARÀGE/ MOVING SALE Set. Sept 29 9 am - 3 pmn 2129 15 Sideroadl MOFFAT (2 km meut of Guelph] Garden tuacor, afiainsamu, pamer baols, hand toaIs, 1eef shredder, baoks, gardening supplies, chest freezer & mach moali HUEGARAGE I SALE Sat Sept, 29 RanDate Sunduy luami Side Road in BrcoIrilie Tays, Renovatian Items, and much mortl MULTIPLE- FAMILV I GARAGE SALE ISal. Sept. 29,20101 I :B 0 amloe 00PmI 22Ridge Dr "Sametsng for Everyane" ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Uniimited Acces onît $15.95, great local service and support tram SUR F THE NE T 905-873-2602 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-8914862 1-519-836-1522 1990 Bernta 5 speed. Standard centified & omissions spproved. 266,OOOkms. P/NV, PIB, mag wheels, $2800.00 0.6.0. 905-875-4623 1993 Van Safari 4.3L, V6, 150,000 km, ose omner, mail maintsised, $7,875.00 (905)693- 8589 FOR Sale 1985 GMC Blazer, $600, newer an- gine, good tires. 905- SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - tUt - SELL - LEASE LAI GEST SEILECTION OF UStO VEHICLES INI MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARSO To lease or purcirase your caror truck Hwy 25S. ai Dany Rd. 878-2393 % eTrinaus t use ad: m i1 For more information, visit www.hrblock.ca or contact your local office at 905-575-9534 H&R BLOCC Full time health counsellor positions available in Milton. Provide weight management counselling and sell herbai products in a clinic setting. Retail Sales Exprience preferred. Women encouraged to apply. Phone 905-693-9594 or fax 905-693-9596 resume for an intervew BUYER Here we grow againt A leading nation- al distributor of naturat health care producto, located 30 minutes NW of Toronto, has an immediate opening for a buyer. This boyer woutd ho an inte- gral part of a huying group reporting to a head buyer. Duties woutri include vendor liaison, promotion planning and marketing implementation, new product introduction, inventory review and purchasing. Working knowledge of Excel and MS Word a must. lnterested parties should -respond hy October 5, 2001 by fax, e-mail or mail to Buyer Position" Purity Life Heu//h Producis Limited 6 Commerce Cres, Acton, ON, L7i 2x3 Fax:t 519 853-4660 E-mail: jobs@&puritylife.com Thank pou for your interest, however, onîy candidates selected for interview wilI be contacted. No phone catis please. HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE A sheller for abused women & their childreo require for their Milton Location a part-lime Child &Youth Counsellor (on alempvrary basîs for the dvratff8s et a Maternily Leave) The successlul candidate must posseos a worm Ion- aine peroonalily and have knowledge of violence agaînol womee and ils impact on childies. Experience wvrking wîth children who mal have emotional or be- havîvral difficvlties iv vo asoal. Ao abilt to wank wilh childreo irvm îotancy te advlescence on ao indivîdual and great basis is dasinable. A Child & Yealh Diplo- ma is neqireri. A car is necessary. Ferward rosaime by October 9, 2001 te Titeresa Greer- Executive Girector 2025 Guelphi Line, Suite 223, Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 Fax: (905) 332-1155, Ealtre@atonwomiensolace.com No telephone enquiries please. Haltunls Wemen's Place thanks ail interested candidates but only tllese selected for an Interview wIli bie contacted. 0MDOUE MrI~S rv TAMARACK ROOF TRUSSES INC. Growing Manufacturer of Pre-Engineered Wood Products SEEKS IMMEOIATELY CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNGLOGIST FULL TIME SALARY TB.D. This pasition which wili expose thre successui applicant ta ail aspects of wood pradacts design, engineering and manufacture. Succesaful applicants wiIl be trained tai apply their knowtedge of engineering methoda ta prepare truas design packages for quot- ing, engineering and manufacturing purpases, tram builder sup- plied blueprints. Ail wark which leada ta manufacture wiII be re- viewed and aealed by a prafessianal engineer. Knawledge and esperience with CAD (any type is accepta ble) la a requirement. Forward resuime f0: Mr. Fung 3269 North Service Road, Burlington, ON U7R 3Y3, Telephane: ( 905) 335-0233 Fax: (905) 336-5579 aixtants The Administrative Assistants Lt d (AAL) specializas le administration software solutions for the K- 12 education field. During the past 2 years, aur organization has experi- enced phenomenal growth in aur market and client base. As a resait, we are further expanding aur support in tire following ares: Client Support/ Training Representative " Minimam of 3 years experience in hot lina, on-lise and on-site client support. " Training experiesces both clxsaroom and ose-on-ose reqaired. " Excellent commanicationski61115 " Exparienice in system teatisg and problem resolution. " Willing ta travel. " Prior expariesce sn K- 12 edacation anvirosmant a detinite asset. " Expariasce in Sales Support (Le. Damna) a dafinita assat. " Willing to work 8:30- 4:30 and 12- 8 shiffa. Pisasa forwxrd rasumne ta: Emeil: slsinfoOedmlnassist.com Fax: (905) 632-2605 Quality Greens Part Time Deli & Cashier staff required. Apply in person toi Quality Greens 228 Main Street, Milton BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is now hiring foul rime tamn 4pmn, l2pnm - tam. The sccessful applicano niusi be flesible, brehîn sooeaned and able ru work the occasinl wrrkcncts. Yasr rnovivarîonal skills csuloI an ou ansaverage hourly 'ae(if h,-ren- '10.00 and 16.00/hr wiîh al ha-e pan "f ý8.0O/hr. Please apply in persan ar 40 Chishalmi Drive No phone catis please ciiihzidleigh 's Requires Help - Weekends, Outdoor work, now until October 2lst. Cashiers and baggers Apply in person at retail store, 9528 Highway 25, lOam to 5pmn anyday. Rap. Vile are a Floarirx Wholesxler who re eireeasr a Professiosal aree minded, sapai enced individual. Airpor location ftir nlo pobi transportaion, own ce nacassxry. Please cas tact: Kelly Auger, tax 905-671-8434 or E-ma @ kellya@maelmart.canr OFFICE help wxntsd Classification custame BookcalDxtx dlerk.SaM motivxtad pemson naed ed by service orientai Mihas compxnry ta han dia daily office dulies Microsoft Office & Ac cauntirlg siffts required Hours suitafila for math er with school agad chul dran Fas (905)876-999ý or amail: info@ln surge.com CLaslfed Fax 876-2364 Phone 878-2341 Canari an Empisymeat Csstraciosr nc. Reliras General Labourers for shot taim positi0ons in the Ban ingtsn area. Psy rata: $8.50-$lOlhr Faxosr amail resames 800 Ouaenstoo Rd. Ste. 302, Stoney Creek HAIRSTYLISTS SURLINGTON, MIUTN & WATERDOWN - Exellent Hsarlyî Commission + *Bonasos -_ - toc Benelît PA0R3DM !Equipmool Providori1 * nNo ciootolo reqoîreri * Adoancori Updaling nF/t & P/T. F leo Hoars Lall Robent or Brenda (905) 319-3155 BUCCI BUSINESS OPPORWUNI' for ambîtroas Hairstylist te ront chair in Downlswn Oakeillo. Cai Maisa @ <906)845-8284 FHivAi t saaie ne-ý quires PIT haip. Wee- tends 2-3 montir, plus some weetdxy hours ni xeailxble. Good mages & quiet, pleasant bam. Cxli Carol Mos-Fri. 8-4ý (905) 877-7080 iCLEANERS, couplas & aubcantractoms raquirad for office cleaning. Coo- pte required immedixte- ly for Milton location. 3x ipar weet, xpproo. 2 ihours par dlean. ,$450 par montir. Eopanience preferreri. 416-729- 8829, anytime DZ drivers wsntad le the ares of Hwy 5 and 25 (Palermo Yard) for mis- tan oparations. Ssow- plows, sasders, etc. Ex- parience is an asset. John Eet & Son Lid. Tel: 905-775-4321, Fas: 905-775-0953 FREE training. Drive 4 Us. Scirool Bus Drivers Wxnted. Cxli (905) 877- 4448. Lsidlaw is an equal opportunity Cam- pant. METER Reader for Mit- ion ares. Hydro & mater matera. Place mont. Training & uinifonm pro- videri. Benefita auai- able. Reliable validle nequired. Some truvel- ing involved. Plesse tas neoume ta: 905-853- I6705 on e-mail ta: daa no@arb.oo.ca ISEWERS seeded. Sîm- I le jobs in factory or ai jomne. Domntomn Mii- for information. STOPP'S Dry Cleaners as nom hîring full tîme presser. No espanience necessary. Mon, ta Fni- day. Appît in peraoo, 885 Main S t. Unit 4 WANTEO AZ drivers. Fiat bed mode for Soutr- on Ontario and Midhi- gan, evperience pro- ferned. home meetenda. Cxli Beot Trasfen (519) 853-5773 eot. 6 on 1 - 800-862-1470 ext. 6 à Jj~e w M-ff, l iii mr M-r, Z . ffll