The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 28, 2001-23 steps: 1. Upon your arrivai at home, place plant in the shade and keep moist until you can plant it. 2. Dig the hofe a minimum of 30 to 40 cm. larger than the pot, root bail or root spread. 3. Loosen the soul at the sides and bottom of the hole to help drainage and root penetration. 4. For dlay soul: plant a minimum of 10-15 cm. above the surrounding soul. Backfill with a mixture of top- soit, manure and peat moss. 5. Sandy sou: Backf iii with a good .gardening mix. 6. Before backfilling ail restraints must be gentiy cut away f rom the plant. (wire, burlap, plastic con- tainers). Fibre pots should be cut off, unless the plant is not rooted, then remove rim and severeiy cut the pot. Root bound plants should have the root bail cut lengthwise. 7. Trees should be staked and tied. 8. Spread mulch or com- post around the base to keep plants moist. Feed twice yearly at the surface. 9. Roses shouid be plant- ed with the bud (bump on the stem) 2" below the surface. 10. Water as needed 2 to 3 times per week dur- ing the first year. 1nurseries and garden centre W..IVMF;_w--- na Bulbs Spiig .Plnt Now! * Perennial GadnMm0 Asters e Flowering Cabbage e Fail Fertilizer, e Rose Collars, Winter Wrap, Burlap * Tropsoli e Triple Mix e Black Loam Sand e Screening 3/4, 3/8" Stone sPine Mulch e Wood Chips * Cocoa Beans e ieBark e Sod e Patio Stones @RdBrick e B.auty Stone * Flagstone *'IBrtanna R. W?à3I ~ MoTe I . -6. d hs - 9.St95 tn1 1 47 ManS . E g C e O Huge selection of solid oak dining room suites Mission & French Country Mix & Match tables & chairs to creat e your own setting, many stains to choose from Many roll tops, fiat top desk file cabinets & office Ch your home office n s, book cases, airs for ail eeds i~~~ I li ]ÏO(K/f N SOLID OAK FURNITURE iit Oul ()\(.l 1.000 1 t. Sligý\\Ioolil - \tcaý 1 sulc(tion ol Oak ý ma rýw-M Ilinj ( ahilict'. Lý