'e- The Canadian Champion, Flrday, September 28, 2001-15 ~~~ôO02 DOdM Ram 150 Corne on ini for the test drive you have been waîting for! Sevn eMi1o Comffs For Ove 35 Ye 90878-8877AIRO T N ILO 0,t Steelen Ave. Clv 2 Main St. "9WR SNELÀL SATrISFA4CTION"v one block north of the Milton Mail _'ý A"d -sale pces on new vehices eecude freight airt faas tax aamin GST PST and r ee. Retail deinvery ailowance apied. Low frnance rates aailabie in leu of retai deluver alioarce. Leasc rates are based or 48 mont, (Neor, 60 morths) terni witf dowrtpayftet sfnan or eps vaiert trade. Kilometren are lmited to 20 400kmr per year witf an eecess charge of 15 cents per km Lesse excludes t eight, ai !aa jas fax anrr PST, GST ard lc fee Sublect tc appua c,' Du rmrCnrysier Financia Seruices. O.A.c See us for fll details Once Again RAM Leads The Way! You've waited To see it, Don't wait to DRIVE UT! e , 'JA 401hyoe- - 1 t1'ý