1lO-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, September 28, 2001 a ll~P ~ (M(j'LDPTICAL 15 Martin St. Milton 1NEMSS$i29 EY I NC UDES EXAMINAIONS V~ FRAME ARANGED .SNLE VSION LENS- ES FAST VSCRATCH EFFICIENT COT . SERVICE 1 YEAR FRAME (i4 ý WARRANTY On. storey building Iocated on beautifuil spaclous grounds sltuated betwn Rockwood and Eden Milis EDEN HOUSE CAR[ EACILITY INC. NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME 51 9-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SIlICE 1968 HANDYMAN SERVICES - Grab Bar Installation - Carpentry Mmnor electrical/ plumbing - Window Cleaning Air Conditioner installation For more inomain LÎ Milton Seniors Activity Centre OCTOBER ACTWITIES Wednesda, October 3: The Computer Club meets at 1:30 p.m. A guest speaker wilI be here to teach us about genealogy and using the computer to generate your family tree. Bring along your questions, new members always welcome. Tuesdav. October 9: Seniors "Lunch Bunch" group meets at Noon at a local eatery. Join themn for good friends, good eats, and great conversation. Cali the Centre for October location. Tuesday. October 9: Join us for a delicious cup of coffee, great conversation and lots of laughs. It's Mingle and Chat at 1:30 p.m. We hope to see you there! Wednesdav. October 10: The Centre holds it's "Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:30 p.m. Corne along ... bring friends! The competition is keen and the conversation refreshing. Prizes awarded. Cost $2. Wednesday. October 10: A Flu Immunization Clinic will be held at the Centre from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Hosted by the Halton Region Health Department. This clinic is for seniors, those with certain medical problems and for workers at high risk of giving flu to others. ,Wednesdav. October 10: The Centre holds it's 3rd annual "Cookie WaIk" hosted by the "Creative Fingers" Craft Club. Purchase the best and most decadent cookies in Town! Take a walk, view the selection, then grab a bag and make your choice(s)! Begins at 10:00 ar. Saturdav. October 13: Grab your cowboy hat and boots and join us for our "Harvest Fare." A country and western theme evening show- casing the talents of our own Centre groups. «Evening includes a -smorgasbord" meal. enter- tainiment, door prizes and lots of fun. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. for a haif-hour social, followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m. - then the entertainment begins. Cash Bar. Tickets $10 each, available at the Centre. Cali for more details. Monday. October 15: Corne along to the always exciting "Casino-Rama!" There's a lot to see and do, a terrific buffet and a chance to grab the brass ring! Bring a friend. Only $2.50 per person. Space is limited. Caîl the Centre today to sign up. Thursdav. October 25: The Seniors' Activity Centre members get together for a monthly night out. Join the "Diners Club" for good fellowship, great food and hearty socializing. Meet at 6:00 p.m.Call the Centre for October location and/or to arrange for car pooî. Friday. October 26: We are off to "Beautiful Baden." Visit Castie Kilbride, one of Southwestemn Ontario's National treasures. Lunch at Baden's historic EJ's Tavern followed by a stop at nearby Baden's Emporium. On the return a sightseeing stop at New Hamburg's historic water wheel. Book our seat today, seats are filling up fast. Cail the Centre for more details. Seniors' Cinemas October Performances, Thursdays starting at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 4 - See Spot Run (Family) Oct. 1l - Sweet November (Drama) Oct. 18 - It Could Happen to You (Romance!Comedy) Oct. 25 - Crocodile Dundee in Lns Angeles (Comedy) Lunch Counter Join us every Wednesday 11:30 ar.- 12:45 p.m. For a delicious meal. great prices. Please sîgn up at the Reception Desk or phone in your order by the Monday of that week. Fnreuais bwlude: Br-ige, Leodnw Pl"y Bridge, Euchre, Cribage, Dingo, Snooker, Darts, Shuffleboard, rai chsi, 1>1-Gong, Line DIancing, Clogging, Drawing & Watercolours, Oil Painuing, Tap Dancing and Seusrs' Cuwwms, Addioaa Activinsle laclude: Library) Bus Tours, Lunch.Bunch, Dmners Club, Kitchen BandComutrCluqb, Folk Art for' ineemediate, Soft Wood Carving Club, Song Spinners Chorus, K " FêséiCm C*, OÙ PaMlq Club. MingIe and Chat plus Speciai Events & Fundraisers. THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. For further details on activities cail (905) 875-1681 INSURANCE AGENCY eW,4«atigq 26 quu - wm Bob Lee roberiiee@aztec-net.com Kim Mitchell kim2@castle.on.ca 245 COMMERCIAL STI MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 Milton penture Clnie CIlusdec 1 HOUR REPAIRS * IMMEDIATE DENTURES -SAME DAY RELINES -SOFT LINERS 159 MAIN ST. E., MILTON MAIN B-2000 $100 COUPON $100 1 AT EFM ELHAECM TOWARD AMY NEW HEARINO MD Î' 4~I5.2o CON KER &^LE rJEXPRS 1 5 -2 0