Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Sep 2001, p. 21

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510 sieoerai Oakvlles Premier Salon & Day Spa Images International reqoiros 2 fultlme & t part lime Assistant for the Salon. mil fTran Ploase cati Judy or Barb: 905-338-3333 iHAIRSTYLISTS! BURLINGTON, MILTON: I & WATERDOWN Commission v+ Sinses ..~..5 Ex tc. Benetit PaclluaR * Equipment Proided *No clienteto reqoiredt *Advanced Updating 1 F/T & P/F Flîro. Hsurn ICati Robert or Breoda ( 905) 319-3155 CSOER Sersice Rap. We are a Ftooring Wholesater who re- ý aires a Professional, areer minded, experi- enced individual. Airport location mvith ns public transportation, oms car secesssty. PIeuse cas- tact: Kelly Auger, tax: 905-671-8434 or E-mal @ keltya@melmart.com Se. Us art The Hillon Job & Carier Fair on Wad. Sept. 26/01: Adecco Employment Service Mt. MATURE part-tima home maker seaded for elderty lady in Milton/! Campbeltvilte ares. Please appty ta, Bas 1867 Burlingtos Post 2321 Fairview Street, Burtington, Ontanlo L7R 21E3 WANTED: Responsible lise-mn sanny for 2 child- rex ages 15 and 9. sn- ctsdes light housewoile, laundty, csoleing. Ment have drivers liceosa. Mion area. Country en- virosment. Weekens off. Good pay. Witl ac- cept local lina-ouf only if on cati during anenings. 905-876-2498 30% Discount - End of Seasos Special. Deck- man's Protessional Service. Att decks stnippeif anrd ratinished to new. Cedar Special- astt Free Estimates. Lirs- ited Bookings. CatI Nom. (905) 632-1074 GEORGETOWN Self Storage, heated, sprink- lered, vatinus sizes, tom montly rates, sear "GO" 905-M-67464 752 însrutiQa "PROVIDERS Holpîng Providars' Contaranca Octoher 201h. Educu- tînl and informatie chîtd cure reatad mark- shops. Kaynoa speaker Lee Dunstar. Cati Hal- ton Chitd Cure Registry 905-875-0235 lx reg- star. 570 HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC AVAILABLE Licensed Mechanic w/eh aver 15 yearse eoperience on Construction annd Heavy Lift Eupmenn. Aiso Plant Mainntenance. Exceitenn Hydrauin.. Pneumnatnc & Eleceronic skils. I WANT OUT 0F THIE TORONTO tfiis GRID LOCK' Seanf Job Oppernunien ne: H.D. Mecbannc P pe PO. Bus 276 CarsineUville, ON LOP tBO1 MINISTRY 0F EDUGA T/ON TEACHERS 0F THE DEAF The Ernest C. Drury School, for deaf and hard-ooi-hearing sîndents, seeks teachers in good standing mvith the Ontario Collage of Teachers. Contracts are rafed under the Provincial Schools Authorify. Location: Milton. iIntermediate Ciassrorn Teachor (fuli-Olmo, 100%) - Ix lead a Grade 8/9 transition and preparatory-year program wvith a teaching focos un Math, Eniglish and Science; loitermediate division. File EDU-224 " High Schoot Guidance Teacher (fli-t/me, 100%) - ta pravide a tutl range af guidance services O sOndants and toach Grade 10 Career Studios (GLC20); lotormodiate and senior division. File EDU-225 " Kindergartos Teacher (replacement, 100%, avoulable Oct. 1, 2001) - to teach a kindorgarten clans for prxoondty doat studonts, sonne mvith additionat spociat xoods; primary divisinn. File EDU-226 Qualificat ions: valid certicate of registratixn and qunalifications trxm the Ontarix Cottogeofx Teachors; spociatint teachor ot the doal corlticale nr oqoivatont qualificatixns; ooceltent înterpersxnat/cxmmunîcatîon skitto, inctoding ttuoncy in American sign taxguage; 'ahitity tx mark in a mu/tidisc/pioary leam axd with mutti-handîcappod studenis. CLEANERS The Ernest C. Drury SchooF's caretaking and cteanixg tears seeks twx individuats ta prxvide fuît cteaoisg, hxnsekeepisg, mincir- maintenance servicos acrons the campus. You miii: maintain promises by cteaning, dusting, mashiog mails, floors, lurniture, windoves; operate heavy-duty ctaxing equipment; lifHlmuve office equipment/iurnitnre for cleaning: perixrm mincir maintexance/ropuirs (e.g. reptacing lightbuibs), generai services (e.g. garbage coilectixx/disposa), snom remnoval. Thasa are pari-tiras positions, mnrking 30 hnurslmeok. Locailon: Milton. File EDU-216. Qualificaions: knomiedge ai cieaning meihods/procosses, WHMIS (mnrkptach hazardous maieriais information systera) ix safly handie/store chemicat supplies for cteaning, Occuputionat Heatth and Safely Acf re morkptace hazards, . posting visible signs for met itoorsladders; ability tn operate industriai cieaning equipment (Iloor polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc.), fnilom policias/prncedures, ensure comptiance mvith salety/quaity standards, mnrk miih minimal supervisinn, perinrmi physically demanding wnrk; experience erecting/using scaffnlding. Salary range <for fils EDU-216, onîy): $1 6.26 - $1 6.53 per hour Resume and covsring latter must be rsceived by Oct. 5, 2001. Quoing appropriais file numnber(s). send fa: Mlnîsiry of Education, Provincial Schooîs Brînch, Human Resources Deparimeni, 255 Ontario Si. S., Milton, ON L9T 2M5. Fax: 905-678-6089. dCihîédleigh 's Requires Help - Weekends, Outdoor work, now until October 2l1st. Cashiers and baggers Apply in person at retail store, 9528 Highway 25, lOano to 5pmn anyday. BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is nase hirine futt rime 8am - 4pmn, t2pm - 8amn. Thse successfut apptncanx- must he flexible- highty motnvaxed and ablte tee work the nccasionat weekends. Ysnar msnivatinaa skitts cautd earn you an average haunty wage of Oeenween '10.00 and '16.00/hr with a base pay af 8.00/hr. Please apply in persen uit 40 Chiehnnlm Drive Ne phone cale ple Fin The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 25, 2001-21 ______ hn en n virnin'We I-/T.P! I Naiters/Waitress F/TP/I Ilishwasher F/T Hekeeping F/T Fuel Bar Cashiers WCffk naýs;i a nily in Wsincv-niha e ilss * Fexible heurs Cempetitive enenas $7.0lO-$1.Ol turn Aille te shedule aeeund fumilr reim4litiîts Xppiî 11,,,î i, Wl,,l]1 kso .40 M.hi, ). Mil,,n Now hi ring: S Experuenced Lina Cooks, Bapplyn perso &ttaf Bcxrteinderso & ai Saf 575ntorlo Street, Milton 25 905-876-1086 or 25Guelph Street, Georgetown L 905-877-4845 Quality Greens Part Time Deli & Cashier staff required. Apply in person ta Quality Greens 228 Main Street, Milton PART-TIME WEEK-END SALES HELP rneeded in a busy quilting store. En- thusiaamn and energy a muai. Experi- enoe an asset. Please drop or fax a re- e ae erhip fom cnient, beeiso e ereke iN NYC al *plcat mu! Moss ex -8%pceolaene, Vammn!icat Oie ad bck, om painte Homre ncyoatescr yad, endooe 650 mept Chuicamot a 1DZ DRIVERS with mtright tradius hghwyo local. 75-85%, no hold back. choque twice a month. .Send Appo and abstracts affto Rob Wise RamisTrasport liu., Suite 219 400 Grays Rd., Hamilton. Ontario L8E 3J6 Cali 906-5-51U or fan 9U6-560-U KAS Personnel Services inc. OPEN HOUSE. Looking for Work? We have opportu- nities avadlable immediately in Burbington and Oakvitl for the tollowing: *SkilIsd and unskîlsd labour *Packagsrs / Asssmbly lins worksrs *AZ/OZ Drivers *Expsrlsncsd Industiel Sswsrs *C.S.R.'s for osibound oefil contre Mlase loin ue In Durlingte en Wednauday, Seplamlter 26, tram 3pm - 7pm 4043 New Street (ai Walksrs Lins) Tel: 905-637A-755 a Fax: 905-637-9518 www.kasstaffing.com The Hobby Leate Idsr h ae Serioe Wa1e, &20 Hom lime Ceorgeon TONdy48 1-80-68-90.e7-421 www.mcarthuexpreas.eo Re-e Cae Plcmn e. rd nate Requimed aI Appleby Place, a lunury relire- ment residence in Burlingeon. Muse ha RN/RPN wit 3 years management enperieece. Background ix gariatrîc assesament, wnrking wlth commsnity place- ment services and perona! tamity consell- ing mequired. Strnng leudership, organîzatinnat okilîs, and cnmputer titeracy essenlial. Faxorn email resume tn: Mary Turnbull (905) 333-0596 ap.payroll@ Irc.cs We upprecîale ail applîcants, however, only Ohove clrnaen for an interview wtli ho contacted CUSTOMER SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES IN OAKVILLE Expansion ot aur Customer Service Centre requires enperienced Bitingual Customer Service Representatives to ment gromth needs. Futi-tîme and pars- time staff. vie are customer driven and reward service excellencel LaserNetworks provides laser printero, service and supplies ta businesses acroas Canada. Fax Remume ta: (905) 847-5991 Attn: File # TH100 L aserNtworks F JOBS UP THE WAZMO IMMEDIATE POSITIONS Available For: nGENERAL LABOURERS PACKERS >-MACHINE OPERATORS FORKLIFT OPERATORS Ns pay rats user $10. P/eaoe ca/f for immediate appoîntmeot 905-877-1466 er fax reseme 005-877-2411 WILLIS SUPP.Y, exclusive dîsti buor lor uPont Corian is tooking toi energetic part-tim MERCHAJIDISERS/ REPRESENTATIVES toi their residential market in the Oakville 10 West Toronto aiea. The succesolul candidates wîl/ hune strong relulîxnsbrp sk/ils, be wel/ organized and have a h/gb deoire to be on a wînnîng team. Competitive bourty mage and kilometor attnwance. Pieuse borward pour rosumo: hr2@willissupp/y.com BONUS! ALassified Ads appear at... 11, ý11 g0jobs.90V.0nýc'] i

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