<Halton returns Conserva tîve 5iiCapo 120- iIncumbent David Henderson O RRALI /u to power in federal election -MP wîns by 'Time Capsules are gems of informati .on extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications ta pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in context. February 1892 The officia] election results return M. David Henderson, Conservative, ta repre- sent Haiton in Ottawa by a majorisy of 440 avec J.D. McGregor, wbo was represcnting the Patrons of lndustry in their first elec- tion bere. Campbellville: The Terra Cotta Company bas started the foundation for extensive buildings wbicb Uicy intend ta crect in the'spring. The above company intend ta employ 50 hands; next summer. March 1892 i.D. McGregor, Uic defeated candidate of thc Patrons of lndussry in Uic recent Haiton byc-election was in Milton Monday and it is reportcd ta have been discussing witb saine fricnds Uic proposai ta enter a protcst againas Mn. Henderson's return. During Uic lait fcw ycars Halton bas bad its fil of election contests and electian protcsts, more of thein perbaps Uian any ather constisuency, nat cxcepting Haldisnand. Party feeling bas been kcpt canstantly at fever beat and unless Uicre's a good reason ta believe that if Mr. Henderson werc unscated bie could be defeateti in anothcr contest, it wauld be Uic better and wiscr plan ta drap Uic ides of a protest. Joseph E. Hanley, of Nelson, wbo served in Uic 102nd Penosylvania valunteers dur- ing Uic American war, bas rccivcd a pen- sion of $4 per monUi from Nov. 21, 1889. He wiil bave about $100 back pension coming ta hum. At a meeting rcgarding a proposedl bonus ta M. Winn's shoe company bie proposed a bonus of $5000 cash within anc week after being in full operation and $600 a year for five years with exemption froin taxes. He wiil erect a brick building ta cost between $2.000 ta, $3000 with machinecy ta Uic value of $4000 and employ not leat than 50 banda wiUi an average payroll of $300 per clear majorîty Dufferin Aggregates ernpoyee frustrated Milton lis2. Timze Capsules week. As sccurity ta the tnwn hie will give a lien on the building and plant for 10 years. Council wcnt into committee of the wbole. Isaac Cartmer favoured having a by-law submnitted to the electors. W. H . Lindsay said Milton is comidng out of its sheil. We now have waterworks and electric lights, and 18 houses are unoccupied. He believes in granting the bonus. M. Ezard was in favour of granting the bonus. Dr. Freeman believes this to be a golden opportunity. G.A. Hemstreet supported allowing the ratepayers to have their say. It was moved by E-.J. Hollinrake, seconded by J.H. Pcacock that Mayor, Reeve, Councillor Campbell and the mover be a special coin- mittee to prepare a by-law to carry the said proposition into effeci and that the coin- rnittee be instructed to inquire into the standing of Mr. Winn and report at the next meeting of thc counicil. April 1892 Solomon Hannant bas posted notices warnng ail persons against trespassing or fishing in the pond. He intends to place a large number of pickerel in thc pond in a few days. A new post office bas been opened as Auburn on the 7th line in Uic townsbip of Trafalgar. John Saunders postmnaster. The naine of the post office is Agerton and no doubt Uic village wiil be known by Uiat naine henceforth. The finst annual sale of the County Horse Breeders' Sale Association was held here on Tbursday of lait week and wias largely attended by buyers from Toronto, Hamnilton, Woodstock, Montreal, Gaît, Brampton and other places. There were over 100 entries received of saddle, car- niage, roadster and draught horses. This material is assenbled on behalf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilîs, chair of research, w/w can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirec.com. Dear Editor: lInm cmployed as a qualisy con- traI tcchnician for Dufferin Aggrcgases and in my scvcn ycans of cmployment I can boncstly say wiUiout besitation Uiat it's a comn- pany Uiat's unique in its commnit- ment ta Uic Milton caminunisy, ta its employees and to the environ- ment. It's been frussrasing ta me in Uic past few monUis Uiat Uic local media bas neglected ta report on Dufferin's contributions ta the environanens aid on Uic vitai raIe it bas played in Uic communisy for Uic past 38 years. I myscîf bave been invalvcd in the Dufferin Aggregates Rchabiîitation Pragram, wbcrc cmployecs work with local Boy Scouts in planting approximatcly 4,000 trecs annuaily. In addition I participate in Uic Dufferin Aggrcgates Quarry Tour Leamning Prograin for clcmentary, college aid university students. Tbis pro- grain teaches environinensa rehia- bilitation and responsible quarry mining practice. Dufferin as a company as wcll as the employees bave supportcd me in fundraising for Multiple Scîcrosis and for Uic Heart aid Stroke Foundation. These are diseases that bave directly affecteti my family mcm- bers aid frienda in Uic Milton coin- munity. The company aisa con- tributes ta Milton District Hospital, a facility Uiat's essentiai ta ail fara- ilies in the Haiton arca. As a member of Uic Milton coim- munity 1, too, bave a vested mntcrcst in whai bappens ta aur local envi- raninent. t've seen firsUiand bow bard aur staff have workcd ta ensure Uic safcty of Uiis environ- ment. I bave total confidence Uiat Dufferin Aggregatcs respects Uic environinent aid will make cvcry effort ta protcct it, wbilc maintain- ing Uic livclibood of spproxinsatcly 120 of my ca-workcrs Uirougbout Uic planncd expansion. Sandra Fargiorgia Mlton Dear EdNtor: We've been working ta support women in Afghanistan andi, like aihers, we aie deeply dis- tresseti by dhe suifening causeti by the rsets terrir- ist attacks in the Unitedi States. We sunge caution in dkie rush ta seek retributian an nations tueki as Afghanistani. The people ofhfghanistan are vidtima of terroriat mie of the Taliban, anti bae been suifening witb 25 Dear Editor: l'm writing an bebsif of Uic Milton MarlIns Swim Club. We wisb ta Uiank The Chainpion, in parsicular Sports Editor Steve LcBlanc and Photographer Grabhin Paine, for Uic wandcrful ncws staries and pbosagrapbs publisbed in Uic paper over the psst ycar. This psst sumtiner, Mr. Paine wcnt above and beyond Uic cail of duty wben hie trsvclled ta London's Canada Suminer Games ta pbatagraph Milton's Jennifer Parents in competition. Wc grcatly appreciate bis tiine anti effort. We'd like you ta he aware of just bow beneficial The Cbasnpion's coverage is for aur teain. First of ail, Uic coverage The Champion bas provid- cd regarding aur swiinuners' successes bas contributcd ta Milton't awareness of aur young athletes' efforts. The recognition that Uic swiinmers receive from fam- ily, frienda, teachers aid classiaast after a Champion article or photo is publisheti pravides thein with tremendout pride and encouragement. yemr of war. NWe.iust ddiffstate between the vie- tumizeti Afghan people andi the trrorits, who bave taken daimn hostage. Making innocent peaple suifer will nat correct anything. It wilI only make the planer a less-kinti place ta be. D.v L.Frnco/a Canaia n hasupport of Afghan Woma The encouragement certainly assists thern ta contin- ue ta strive for persanai success in their rigarous train- ing andi competitive endeavours. lIn addition ta aur campetitive tcam, Uic Milton MarlIns aisa provide a prograin cailei 'l Can Swini'. This programn is focuseti an seccing youngcr (7 ta 12 ycar-old) swinimers Uic sport of swiniiing aid intra- ducet thein ta Uic introductory skiils of competitian. The articles aid photos publisheti by The Champion bave assistcd us in promoting Uhit programmie. Aftcr seeing Uic photos, many youngsters have become interesteti in haw they could parsacipate in becoming a successful swiniier aid joineti aur programt. Over Uic pais several years, Uic swini teamn bas been slowly but aurely expanding in size and talent. The reporting provideti by The Champion bas certainly contributet thUi tcam's growth and Milton's aware- nesa of aur team. Thank you once again. Susan Fraser M/Nton Marflna Sw/m Club preeldent R~UWUNWWU~FMiton ~ LX~U~~K AE7'He A dviicn o Sfearidl Sgoiirndc hic. Grades JK to 7 StiR looking or undecided on an alternative school to suit your child's needs? Milton Heights Academy, a private grade school is accepting students year round. Only Monday and Friday JK & SK spaces stili available. Small ratios, relaxed and motivating environment and teachers. Before and after school care. Registered with the Ministry of Education. m14 i f A (905) 693-1557 ioufZ Reader hopes Afghan peoples won'-t suifer backlash Milton Marins pres ident offers her thanks to The Champion for past yearls sports coverage 1 [lit 1