o - The Canadian Champion, Fnlday, September 21, 2001 COMMAENT +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadian Champion. published eveen Tuesdoy and Fidnay at 191 Milton, Ont. L_9T 4N9 Main St. E. Milton, Ont., L9T 4iN9 (Box 248), is one of The Metrotont Printing, Publishing & Distnibuting [ftd groun 0f suburban companies which orbites: iteairPickering News Adnertiser, Altîston Heialit/Courier, Barrie (95878-2341 tut once, Barrys Bay This Weefi, Botten Enterprise, Bramptnn Gooritian, Bortiogn Post, Burlington Shonping News. City Parent. City of Ynrki Suardian, Coltingwnod/Wasaga Connection, East Ynrk Mirrnr, Erin Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Aitnocate/Country Rootes, Etntîcntie Guardian, Flamborough Pnst, Forever Yong, Georgetown tndependeit/Auto Pren Press, Cofton Business Times. Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 tioronia Business Times, Kingston Tis Week, Lindsay Thi Wenti, Martetam Ecooomist & Suni, Mlbod/Pnnetanguishene Mirror, Miton Shopping News, Classified: 905-875-3300 Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Circulation: 905-878-5947 Noth Yor rrO atenite Beaver, Ooteille Shopping News, ittdtimees Hoctiey News, trittia Today. OshttwalWtiteyiClarlxgonlPnet Perry This Ian Oliver Publisher Week, Peteeboroughr This Week, Picton Coontn Guide. Richmond tiIlbTteornhhltNoogtree Lîberal, Scarboroogn Mirror, Seoietettbeidge Neil Oliver Associate Publisleer Tribune. Wendy McNab Adeertising Manager Adneetising ix accepted on the condition 1ha1, ix the exent of a tyipo- graphical error, thot portion of the odondtising space occupinit by the erro- Karen Smith Editar mnous item, together with a reasonuble altowonce for signature, wîfl t lbit chorgeit for, bot the balancentf the aduertisement wiIl be poid for ut the appli- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager cable eate. The publisher resernes the rîght in categorize oduxrisements or Teri Casas Office Manager dectixe. Tim Coles Production Manager The Mon Cnaenn Champinos ia Baetotito Peodux ILet's remain wise; jfiglit off ignorance As people of the United States and abroad continue to mouru the unprecedented loss of life from last week's acts of terrorism, it's a time for us to corne together, flot tear apart, as civilized societies. In addition to supporting the men, women and children so profound- ly affected by the loss of thousands of innocent victims, we rnust also, band together as caring multicultural communifles and counitries. This isn't the Urne for reacting impulsively to last week's tragedy - flot on a global scale nor on the much smailer cornmunity level. As civilized and educated people, it's vital now more than ever that we don't paint people of Middle Eastern heritage with a brush moved by anger, frustration and, rnost of ail, ignorance. Anyone who comnuits a hate-driven crime is spreading the work of terrorists like a disease - instead of helping strive for a remedy. So far, therees been no incidents of violence locally reported to police, and hopefully it will rernain that way. Parents can help by explaining to their children that originating frorn the Middle East doesn't mean being a terrorist -just like people being of Italian descent doesn't rnake thern part of the Mafia or people of Chinese beritage cornmuniats. Let's flot let the recent hideous acts of hatred-driven terrorisrn set us back in the strides we have rnade against racisrn. OUR READERS WRITE Western hemisphere-'s very democracy - not just USA - is under attack, sgtsrae Dear Editor: lIn consideration of tbe events that exiet witbin a democracy that sur- round and oupport conditions that would entable sucb a despicable act, sucb as tbe one tbat occurrcd September 11, it becomes apparent that our own traditions) concepts of Western values - oo valiantly fougbt for mn previout genterations - bave evolved into a modem day backlasb of sorts of those princi- pleo. That we bave so liberaiized bard- won basic freedomo into unrecog- nizable shape from tbeir originally- intended purpose must leave tbe Canadian fallen in Fiob Crcek, Batoche, Southn Africa, Cypress, St. Julien, Festubert, Mount Sorrel, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Pasochendale, Amiens, Hirndenburg Line, Dieppe, Fauberg De Vaucelles, Verrieres Ridge-TiIly- La-Campagne, Talaise, The Scbedt, South Beveland, Tbe Rhineland, Tbe Hocbwald, Xarnten, Twente Canal and ceornent day peace keep- ers througbout tbe world wondering juos wbat latter-day notion of free- dom is being protected. It's evident from our being exposed to ceornent events ltas as a working democratic govemrment we are relatively amateurisb in our understanding of ste geo-politic. Others don't exbibit our Canadian libers) sensitivities and in fact, bave even routinely taken advantage of thero. As duped taxpayers, we bave paid for untold amateurisb keystone- cops stunts conducted by aur elect- ed officiais, wbicb teemi to, work in our domestic arena (judging by recent elections), for far too long. We sbould be more demanding of our elected officiais to ousperform their problems, wbicb occur in the internations) forum, wbere it unde- niably and ultimately mattero. Juol tbink of Kreascbev and Kennedy and you will know wbat 1 expect. Jon Komow Milton What a tridy inspiring man, a hero, Terry Fox was Wbat a brave man. Altbougb we bave ta live witit wbat fatle bas chosen for us, that doesn't always mean we bave thse will te bare the brunt and go on. But a young man named Terry Fox bad the wilI and detenssinstion nos to les the band life dealt get die bet of biro. Mr. Fox was diagnosed witb osteogenic sarco- ma (borne cancer) and eventuaily bat) bis rigbt leg amputated six inches above thse knee in 1977. Wbile lying in s bospital bed the nigbt before bis surgery, be read of a man wbo ran in a New York Marathon despite tbc fact be was an amputee. QO pril 12, 1980 at theage of 22, Mr.Fox set out to m acroas Canada mn bopes of raiaing funda for cancer swareness. His journcey was calied the Marathon of Hope. km. Mr. Fox was forced ta end bis mun in Thunder Biay after cancer resurfaced in bis lungs. He died in 1981. Since then, Bbousands of Canadians bave par- ticipated in annus) Terry Fox Runs across Bbc country. Mr. Fox's dream. of orne day flnding a cure for cancer bas been kept alive. Milton residents bad Bbc chance ta keep bis dream alive Sunday duriosg Bbc town's Terry Fox Run. As many as 545 people participated in Bbc event on Bbc grounds of E.C. Dnuy Higb Scbool and bclpcd raise $42,300 for cancer research. It was Bbc tiras time Milton surpassed its fundraising goal of $40,000. 1t's amazirng, ta oay tbe lest, bow anc person's nation. Terny Fox bas inspired that figbter that lieb deep witbin our souls, the courage we thoug)st didn't exiot, tbe bidden hemo m al of us. Twcnty ycars ago, my motheros aunt Ann was diagnosed with brcast cancer. If that wasn't bard enough for tbe famiy to, digest, asoot tune: later a.-a~nuaqas in ilinlnar waasicimi She died scveral montits laser. During that painful time, my family scrambled to flnd any information tbey could about thse deadly disease. A lot of questions were asked to family doctors and donationt began to pour in from my motber's side, as tbey do today. It's nos until sometbing bits close to, home do we then realize the significance and need to fund research for a cure, no matser wbat the illrnets msy be. According to the Nations) Cancer Institute of Canada, an estimated 134, 100 new cases of can- cer and 65,300 deatbs froro cancer will occur in Canada in 2001. Although these statistict may be s)arming, witb the continuing support of the Terry Fox Run on our communities we may be orne atep dloser to,