22 - Thi. Cundan Champion, Friday, September 21, 2001 SPORTS Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ,-Stickin' it to the opposition op Redlng's Edyn Marshall charges pat an Iroquois Ridge cppnet diurlng senior girls field hockey Monday. BR won the seaaon-openlng conteat 1-0, thanks ta felsty teamn play and a firat-haif goal by tRowe. Slnead Irvine dellv.red the shutout. vlMagic Over»25 women capture leagrue championship 'Me Milton Magie Over-25 women's soccer squad punetuated ils strong tesson wiUi a huge exclamation mark last weekcnd aI Etobicokc's Centennial Park. Fortifying thcir efforts for lcagsse champi- onship play, Uic local ladies reigncd supremne - capturing gold wiUi an inspiring mix of domi- nance and dramna. The latter was offéed Uirough Uic tsil-end of Uic toumnament, particularly la Uic title match Sunday. Looking to avenge a third-round lots bo Uic Dixie Aces, Milton battled to scorclesa saie- mates tbrough boUi regulation play and overtime before tsldng Uic shoot-out 3-2. Marlene Wilson stood tanl between Uic pipes - as she did ail wcekcnd long - wbile deposits for Uic winning side camne from Pstti Cunning, HesUier Munro and Joanne Parsons. Mwsro sbarcd Uic spotligbt la semnifissal play as weil, slakig Uic lone tnarkcr bo dispose of Uic top-seated dcfcnding cbanmpion Dixie Strikers 1- 0. Wilson made tome dynamite saves wbile pro- viding bier wiUi effective defente wcre swceper Helene Gadoaey, Jackie Kohl, Silvia Linder and Jodi Hayami gave a UhiougblY impressive performance la rnidfield, completcly neutraliz- lag bier opponents' ace striker. Despite Uieir Uird-round bass, Uic Magic sssurcd Uienriselvcs a seniial berUi by knock- ing off oppontents one and two la convlacing fashion. First to fail by a 4-1 counit was Clarkson. Cunning tallicd twicc to lead Uic attsck wbilc singles wcre chipped la by Munro and Claire O'Sulivan. two-goal effort to pace Uic local ladies past Uic Higb Park Aanazons 3-1. Milton's oUier goal la gamne two came from Jani Gendron. The Magic's toumament victory followed a fourtb-placc finish during regular tesson play. Allant Hobbt coachcd Uic cbampionship team Uiat also includcd Kendel Bradford, Carol Horbatz, Caroline Lingard, Susan Morris, Joanna Nadalin and Chris O'Cailagban. Also part of Uic league Uhit tesson werc Uic first-year cntry Milton Croucbing Tsgers.. ffl&,dPe o T he Score.."-' E QUIPMENT In Stock Now! skates e sticks e helmets e clothing egloives e pads & much more! lrk" Gol www.lark soi.co N -fpir Lfi ý,,Sîo-- P )NG .>s ' 6ý BIsh action Bridge A Il 117( "ANADIAN CI IANIPION 11311Z 2 1, 200 1 Merchants edge feisty Lightning By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Merchants' first road trip of the season was both surprising and successful. On the way so Buffalo Monday, Milton enjoyed a rather quick border crossing -which was certainly unexpected in light of beefed up secu- rity spawn from last week's terronist attacks - and then capped the night by outlasting the feisty Lightning 4-3. Dan Bognar scored two powerplay goals down the strctch, including the game winner on a short-range rebound early in the third pcriod. From there, hie helpcd plug the gap on defense lefs hy veteran Chris Krieg - who went down with a tom MCL durig a nasty knee-on-knee collision in thc opcmng frame. "Dan was cvcry bit as goud on Uic blueline as hie was up front. He was really invaluable," said gencral manager Nick Slawson. "Overail 1 think we werc a little more preparcd (Uian for Uic home opener Friday). We gave a reasonably complete-game effort." For thc second straight gamte, Uic defcndmng West Conférence cham- pions' victory waa fuelcd by a 3-for-7 powerplay. I addition to Uic two markers by Bognar, David Ovcjak scorcd wiUi Uic man-advantagc to continue building on a solid exhibition campaign. Former Georgetown Raider Brandon Valente nettcd bit new tcam's only evcn-strength goal early in middle stanza. Michel Bond astisteri on Uic first and final deposits. Trevor Battaglia turned back ncarly two dozen thots for Uic win. Defenceman Matt Bastlett missed Monday's game wbile bit Jr. A nigbts wcrc being disputed by Uic Trenton Sting. Slawson expectcd Uic matter to be resolved by tonigbt - wbcn Uic Merebants begin a tbrec- games-in-as-many-dayt stretcb ai home against Brampton. Tomorrow Uiey're la Georgetown for a 7:30 p.m. start white Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Uicy do battle wiUi Markbam la College Wcckcnd play ai Mississauga's Iceland Arena.