Tho (lAnnr1inn flhRmnion Fridav. Seotember 21, 2001-13 (NC)-Pick a home-grown zucchini trom the vegetable gar- and add to, zuochini, refrigerate. At L N à O C U don. Add tome fresh mushrooms and a Gay Les inspired serving time, toss Spicy Dressing with One romd west of dressing and you have a salad that'il impreas everybodyl zucchinu mixture. Serve and gamish Guelph Use at SAI.AP with Parmesan cheese. 15 Sîderosit 1 lb 500 g zucchini, cut inta, 1/2 Inch SPICY DRESSING (3 mites oret of 401) sluces Blond dressing ingredients and retrig- 1»Ms ItIt 9 &.M. go 6p.a 1 tbmp 15 mL diceti pîmienta orale to, blond flavours. ~4 2 7 1/2 cup 125 mL battled Italien dressing Makes 4 sorvinga. Preparation lime: 10 iî'-' 26 1/2 lb 250 mL fresh mushraamm. sliced minutes + marinatino and refriaeration 6e, 2 tbsp 30 mL minced anion 1/2 clave gsrlic, crushed shredded parmesan cheese -PICY DRESSING 1/3 cup 85 mL Gay Les Sour Cresmn 1 tsp 5 mL lemon juice 1/4 tmp 2 mL marjaram dash Tabesca sauce dash sait dlash pepper Prepare Spicy Dressing; rofrigerate until ready to serve. Cook zucchini in boiling salted water 3 to 5 minutes or until just tender; drain. Marinate zucchini and pimiento in Italien dressing about 1 hour, tossing often. Drain dressing into a large fry pan. Boil dressing until only oil portion remains. Add mushrooms, onion and garlic; sauté until tender. Drain Il fein PEEL AVE. NEW HOURS Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 10-5 [ NOT OPEN Man. Tues. Wed. C ue (416) 532-1114 OEW GriirEpesa Aweaet Qpen to te public fIease present this a or fler tor ad mit ance *we 4«e 7'ea"e Corne visit our historic country church as we celebrate aur l5Otb blrthday. ishsed ia 1851, the charcli st 1412 Britanaja Rd. West origtaalty served, the mll hamiet of Oum nahmd the sarrouadisg àring commaaity. Now s part of Mutas, tie churcli las serveit the coaasaaty for the putI 150 yemrs. We ne celebrstimg ibis aclevernt wtth an Open leus on suaday, September 30th. Corne jota us for Our regularly schedmed Suaitay Scheol at 10-00 an., or stop by ta eajoy aur laforaul sud frieadily worshIp st 11.00 5.m. if yen oen't malke It for the morning, corne drap in for refreshrnts and horne-mnade goodies betweea 1:30 and 4:00 We are loc"ti an DrItamna RSt, just west of 4th Unme (betweem Hlghwsy 25 and Tragar Rosit), on the soutil site. -News Canada KI (t, J> ',NE DAY ONL SThurs. Sept. 27th, 8 arn a 8 pm NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS OI mi___