-Town couineillors say comparisons are waste of time By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion With the resuits of the first Municipal Performance Measures Reporting (MPMR> in, councillors are concemed unfair comparisons will be * drawn Io other municipalities. This is the first year the MPMIR was mandated by the Province, established by the * Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housmng. The MPMR is designed to keep municipalities * accountable for service levels and identify best practices that may reduce expenses. Municipalities are measured on seven aspects, including winter control maintenance/event response, transit, fir, land-use planning artd local govemment. It's too early to tell how * Milton measures up to osher municipalities or provincially, CAO Maio Belvedere told The Champion. No Provincial benchmarks have been set and tome municipalities have yet to submait their reports, he said. A wide variation i priorities and reporting mechanisms between municipalities make il difficult to draw direct compar- isons, Mr. Belvedere said. It's hard to compare the cost of road maintenance in one area to another unless you understand some area roada will have more of an incline and therefore it may take more sait to keep the road safe, he said as an example of the con- text that needs to accompany municipal comparisons. As mandated, detailed infor- mation about thie report can be found on the Town web site at www.town.milton.on.ca. In explaining his concem about the MPMR, Councillor John Challinor said compar- isons between municipalities should be made with caution. "Our priorities are différent than other municipalisies and that needs to be considered," he stressed. "Some potentially serious errors in judgment could come out of this (if com- panisons are draws on the nuro- bers alone)." Mayor Gord Krantz echoed those concems, saying he believes comparing municipal- idies based on the information in the MPMR is wrong. "When you stant drawing comparitons between munici- palities like tiss it goes nowhere," lie stated. Chch h li t Sm a# e s Modal borne open 22 hmuN e 8 muK Gary Thomas lu attendance 5 ka M. if 401 mGi.W UN Sunday, Sept, 23 2 -4 p.m. 247 Woodward Ave. Diane Maynard in allendance Royal Lepage Real Estate Services S*atiI See e 22 2 - 4 p. m. 776 Clements Dr. Yvonne Christie in attendance Christie & Woods Rosi Estate Ltd. 878-2095 Sunday, Sept. 23 1 - 4 p.m. 4393 Britannia Rd. "3999900 Carole D. Budwodh in atendance Royal Lpage Real Estt Services «Me Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 21, 2001-111 HALTON REGION FREE COMPOST GIVEmAWAY ReSidents OnIy - White Quantitis Last WHEN: Saturday, September 22, 2001 to Saturday, Septomber 29, 2001 (excluding Sunday) Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Halton Waste Management Site Q5400 Regonal Road 25 (Bronte Rd., M Haltoni reasidenuts are entftled to a maximum et 7 bags et compost. per household. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BAGSICONTAINERS AND SHOVEL - RESIDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BAGGING THEIR OWN COMPOST Donaions of NON PERISHABLE food Items wiI be accspted during the Compost give-away. www.rgIooJaItanoo.c AMJ5 TWaU Pfrogram ait MDH brings Cardilac Rehab Services dloser te home Halton Healthcare If you or someone you know bas ever experi- enced angina, have had a heart attack, angio- plasty or heart surgery Hallan Healthcare Services' (HHS) Cardlac Rebabilitation Program can help. The program. wblch operates fromn both Oakvlle-Trafalgar Memoial Hospital (01MH« and Milton District Hospital (MDII), is deslgned la improve participants' heart health tbrough education and exercise. "For each individual. we ldentlfy their speclfic cardiac risk factors and help them modify these faclars in an effort la prevent clisease progression," explains Anne lbmpklns. Cardlac Rehabilitation Coordinalar at H111. "For example. for many of our patients smoking cessation is crucial. We also help themt reach target blood pressure and choies- terol levels. " The Cardlac Rehab teamt includes a medical direclar, reglstered nurses, a dietitian, psychol- oglst. physiotherapists, a klnesiologist and a social worker. Working lagether, they provide program participants wlth medical evaluation, education and supervisedl exercise classes deslgned for patients with heart disease. For Margaret Runnalis, who stsrted the pro- granat MDH inlate July.litbas provided a much-needed support and resource. Two years ago she bad a heart attack and was over- whelmed by ail the resulting changes la bier "You're tld la exercise but the motivation is not always there; I needed la change my diet and lose welght; and was on several different medications" explains Margaret "It was a lot la sort out" The program's exercise component lavolves two classes per week. Speclfic exercise pro- granis are created for each ladividual. "Everybodys exercise programi is différent," explains Margaret "Because 1 have artbrltis, I can't use the treadmlfl - my knees just won't let me. So I walk and use the stationary bicy- cle. " Participants are given a bookiet when they start tihe programt la record thse exercise they are dolng on thelr own at home. "Now I have la go la exercise classes twice a week," says Margaret. "And when you know that someone is checklng up on you. you're far more motivated la exercise on your own at home too. " Margaret bas also found Use educationai ses- sions beneficial. "A few weeks ago, we brought la ail of the medications we are on and a car- diac nurse educalar talked about each one," she explains. "Now 1 know exactly what symp- lams each of my medications treat and how things like diet can impact how effective tlaey can bie." In another session. a dietitian spoke about their diet how It affects Useir heart heaith. She also offered la met w# hls~idugis 'Qu q ~ on one basis, an offer Margaret plans la take advantage of. 'i meeting with hier next week," she says. "I was tld 1 needed la lose welght and I did lose some but flot enough. 1 want la, find out if there are other ways or tips that mlght help me." "It's a very good programt."' says MargaretL "And it's nice la have a support system so close la home.." Written by Rebecca Stoneman, Public Relations Associate at JIalton Healthcare Services. You are Invited te a Cardiac Rhabilitation Program Open House Whon? Monday, October 1, 2001 Whore? Rehabilitation Department at Milton District Hospital Questions? Please cail 905-876-7022