APPLE 71MAIN ST. #1 & 2, MILToN 876-47851 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 142 No. 54 Friday, September 21, 2001 32 Pages S487 Laurier Ave. $ 1.00 (GST mncluded) Photo by GRAHAM PAINE '-That's an armful Duvid Mucuavist wlth son Alexander carrnes in one of two field pumpkins weighing in ut more thun 25 poundu. The homelrown pumpkins huve b..n .ntuoed in th. Miton Fali Fuir, which opens for the woekund toduy ut the Milton Fuir Grounds. Councils teli citizens not to blamne Halton Middle East natives Local multicultural groups are urgmng citizens not to allow their anger associated with the terrorist attacks in the United States to boil over into violent behaviour - either physical or verbal - against people of Middle East descent. "We must ai recognize that the actions of tome individuals should not compel us to direct negative attitudes and actions towards any members of our own diverse communities," taid Rajneesis Sisarda, pres- ident of tise Halton Multicultural Council. Unlike in other regions, no incidenta in Milton had been reported to police (at press Urne yesterday.) Representatives of Uhc Halton Multicultural Council and the North Halton Cultural Awarenett Coundil say they're confident Halton's reputation as a caring and united community will prevail and die citizens wiil draw on their strengths to raise awareness, promote education and embrace diveraity. vTerry Fox organizers reach goal For the firsi Urne since is inception in Milton, thse Terry Fox Run surpassed ita $40,000 fundraising goal, raising $42,300 for cancer researchs Sunday. About 545 people took part in Uic annu- ai run on Uic grounds of E.C. Dnnry High Scisool by cither walking, running, bikcing or rolierblading Uhe 10-km route. Organizers Kinm and Craig Tisomas extended their thanks to Uic participanta and corporate contributors - including E.C. Drury High School, Quality Greens and Unique Sound DJ Services - as weli as tise 45 volunteers who helped t0 make Uic day a success. "We must neyer forget that we should always respect and accept each other," said Elizabeth Carmichael, chairperson of the North Halton Cultural Awareness Council. "'Me council recognizes this is a time of great tension. However, we are confident tisat through working together with com- passion and understanding, we will become a better and stronger community." The groups, which are organizing servic- es for people facmng issues in ligisi of the attacks, have met witb Halton Regional Police to discuss their concems. Halton police Chief Ean Algar said tise community wiil build on previous success- et to prevent acta targeting one comrmunity or faith. "We continue to work in paulnership to ensure tise safety of ail members of our diverse community," he said. "Our community and this (police) serv- ice will flot tolerate any raciaily-motivated incidenta. Offenders wiil face thse full con- sequences of the law." For more information, cail Elizabeth Carmicissel at (905) 877-1211 or Francea Bolanot at (905) 842-2486. Comment.......5 KS Report ....... 8 Litf0e0syles ..16-17 Datolns ....... 18 Sports ......22-25 Classified .... 26-29 * Fdimy, Uoptun* 21 0 * H c uisSes 9 %iag ae u Shffl DM Matu CuSe. lb.S oSu