Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 2001, p. 7

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Barn contracts hit a new hiqh as farmers take advantage of The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 14, 2001-7 * w OLRîDîLRS WTRJTE sleîghing in drawing stone and m mà other material used for building Speedîng on Cabot Trait and other Milton M 'Tine Capsules are gems of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other- publications to pro- vide a window into Miltons past. Explanatory cotnment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in contexi. January 1892 W. Peacock, the enterprising haro builder, informs us Usat he has a targer number of contracta for new bamns next season Usan for years. He says Usat farmers are taking advantage of Use sleigbing in drawing stone and oUser material necessary for Use new buildings. The firat annual banquet of Camp Camnpbell, No. 29, Sons of Scotland was helti at Use Commercial Hotel and waa attendeti by between 75 and 100 mnemrbers of Use camp and invited guests. There was no haggis nor Scotch whiskey or any oUser kinti of liquor, nor waa Usere anything par- ticularly Scotch about Use biil of fare, but Use Scotchmnan Usat would have turned up his note at Use tpread would have been bard to please indeed. There waa an abun- dance of flesh, fowl and varmous delicacies ail served up in a style Usat was most creti- itable to Use hotel. There waa a very taste- ful menu card on which waa alto printeti Use programme of toasts. February 1892 At the Teachers' Convention Mr. Bengough of Toronto used a Remnington typewriter to illustrate Use use of Usis machine in teaching English in sehools. Mr. Bengough argued Usat as spelling is simply a matter of formn, Use correct arrangement of Use letters would be shown to pupils in connection wiUs type, flot script, i Use introduction of typewniters Usere was equivalent, educationaily, to a whole years driiling by old meUsotis. Mr. C. J. Lewiss fine new brick building in Camnpbellviile is nearing completion and ta a credit la Use village. (The building remnains at Use souUs east of Use main cor- ner.) The Masonic Bail at Use town hall anranged by St. Clair Lotige was more largely attendet Uan any oUser ever given in Milton and Use greatest succets on record here. Milton ~ Time î Capsules The hall was beautifully decorated, the supper provided by Messrs. P. M. McKay's Sons was excellent, the tables nicely and tastefuily set, the music supplied by the Marcicano orchestra was the best that could be got from Toronto. There were good dancers and beautifully dressed ladies. The brethren of St. Clair Lodge and a number of visiting brethren marched into tse bail roomn about 9.30 p.m. Dancing waa kept up until 4 ar. C.E. White will seli by auction on Saturday evening a numnber of paintinga andi drawmngs by Misa Lizzie Baatedo, pupi of Mr. Forster, the well-known Toronto artist. As Use merits of Miss Bastedo's work are so well known here, it's unnecessary to enlarge on themt, but Use pictures wili be on exhibition at Mr. White's store ail next week. It's not often Usat Miltomians have an opportuity like Use comiing one to buy first class pictures. Mr. Winn, Use Hamilton shoe manufac- turer, whomt some of our citizens have been trying to induce to move to Milton, was here on Friday, inspecteti several buildings considereti suitable for his busi- ness and met a number of Miltonians at Use town hall in Use evening. He said Usat he was weil pleaseti wiUs Use appearance of Use town, satisfied wiUs its fire protection, waterworks and other advantages and i Uat he would corne here if he got a bonus of $8,000. He agreeti to put his termt in writing and when Usey were receivet Uey will be considered at a meet- ing of Use town council. Mr. Winn said he would guarantee to, constantly employ 50 hands, which would mean Use addition of about 150 to our pop- ulation and it is to be hopet Uat he can be induced to corne here. This material is assembledl on behaif of rhe Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, chair of re.search, who can be reached by e-mail atjdills@idirect.com. streets is serlous, ongoing problem: reader Dear Editor: 1 reeeived an e-mail from a friend August 3 1, seling me about her 19- year-old son who hati recently been hit by a car while walking along a mati in Brampton. t ditin't get any dessUls of Use accident - right now isn't reaily a good tine to ask Use boy's momt what happened. The motor vehicle driver prob- lemi on Cabot Trail alto exists on Laurier Avenue and many oUser streets in Milton, not to mention streets in many oUser municipail- ties. Stop signa have becomne ttarting gates where Use tcream machines (motorcycles) pop wheelies and speet Urough street curves. Cars ute stop signa as an oppor- tunity to0 stomp on accelerators. spin Useir tires and t1y10o 'max Use speed' as if Usey're in a quatter mile race. Stop signa are also considereti finish lines for ail vehicles, but no one seenis to know what stop mneans. And comners, even blinti corners, are solety meant to test Use lean of a bike or Use stability of a car. Unfortunately, among Use gooti drivers is an abundance of irre- sponsible young drivers backed by irresponsible parents, whose own irresponsible driving habits are being emulateti and surpasted by Useir offspring. Chailenging Usem brings up Use lawsuit subjeet. You have to watt until you're a victim, in a hospital or funeral par- lor wiUs one of your loveti ones, in order to legalty have the upper hanti - then only to fi out our legal systema is designeti to protect perpetrators and victimnize victimts. You have 10 realize Usas statisti- catly, we're considereti disposable in Use overail schemne of things, so, as to control expenses and keep taxes down. If enough disposables are destroyeti in a short perioti of Urne, Usen somnething mighs be done to pacify Use survivors. Appealing to our part-lime municipal councillora will only generate political statemnents Usat have no substance and wiil not accomplish anytlsing oUser Usan shut Use complainers up. Ron Furik, whote ward includes Cabot Trail, admnits Usat he knowt tpeeding is a problemn, a common one at Usat. Previous complaints were shrugged off by a Town report, which recormmendeti againt Use instailation of a stop sign. I'd love to tee Usat report. But if Use residents are con- cemeti, Councillor Furik says he prepareti to investigate il again and Town staff wii issue anoUser report. Des. Sgt. Jackie Gordon says she was unaware of Use conccmns, but Usat ail speetiing complaints are taken seriously. She says Hatton Regional Police mun speetiing proj- eets in ail areas where Usey receive complaints and Usey're monitored for a period of Uirne and if Usere are speeders, tickets are issueti. Apparensly Usere have been 14 occasions on Cabot Trail this ycar for a variety of incidents, incluting traffic enfoncement anti no speed- ing-related charges have been laid. Does Usis mean Use residents of Cabot Trail are liars, or is it just too difficult to write tickets wiUs ail] Usat doughnut goo on Useir frngers? The problemn goes beyond speed- ing on city streets. Our systemn hais evolveti into a beehive of gross incompetence. We have ailowed a politically-correct attitude to becomne Use comnerttone of our social structure. Now more concemned wiUs who is right Usan what is right, we have lost ail tente of Use truUs. NoUsing wiil be done as noUsing can be done 10 sustain any corrective action on Cabot Trail or any oUser street. You tee, Use people who mun our country focus on who ia right. Thote charged wiUs enforeing what is right have Useir handa tieti tight- ly by Use who-it-right influence, and Use doughnut goo helps Usemn maintain Useir sanity. This is a serinus problemi right now, and it can only get worse wiUs Use population increase and an influx of transients resulting from Use jail expansion. Probably sooner raUser Usan later somneone in Usis town wiil be in a hospital or funeral home as a result of somne idiot behind Use wheel who Usinks Usey have Use right to jeopardize lives by racing on resi- dential roads. Ken Cyr Miton NOF doesn't support hugen pay hike, says Hampton Dear Editor: Your September 7 cartoon "Political Common Ground"~ shows Ontario's Usree political party leaders gloating over Use 25 per cent pay rasse for MIPPs. The fact is Use NDP is opposed to Use increase. I have already said I w0n't accept it. So much for "comi- mon ground."~ New Democrats unanirnously voteti against Use MJ'1 salary review by Use province's integrity coin- mnissioner. We'il be campaigning against Use 25 per- cent pay rasse in Use next eleetion. MPPs should live under Use same salary realities as average working people, whote wages have been held 10 two, one, even zero per cent, not to mention Use minimnum wage workers, who haven't seen Useir rock bottom pay raited for alinost seven years. Your cartooniat deservedly lampoons the Conservatives and Liberals for lusting after this money grab, but Usen misleads your readers by por- traying Use NDP as a party to, this. We're nos. Howard Hampton, leader Ontario New Democratlc Party' HCUISIS Contact Us! DSw e* pgk«ft MeEXflrDOU WRIThe Travel Tream »»W InW L"m ilibeaveWnd t asM yu!905-693-9393 (Inside Loblaws) NORMAL HOURS MON -FRI:.......9:30 AM - 9PM AM#MSAUDAY:.........I12AM -6 PM y w

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