vTh omas handily wins the Kiwi GolfS cene Tour titie 7?. Champlon Jeff'floeIas' KMw oflfSe 'Iur victory waa omcialy anumod gbis "a week - bu it wras bardy news to anynne involved. Wii an unprecedented aine straigbt evrett wina tobsadt - whgo ne lt ast onh at Qaka of St. George, whcre he upataged bis 17 and 18-yearold boys division opponients with a 5-shot perormiance - thea mlton golfér bad ire b series pointa race long before it waa fmisbed. la fact, the local teen missed the tour's final stop yet stili ended UP with a bealthy margin of victorY over rnrnar-up Kyle Coulter of Blora. He would have easiy been the top overail male finiabr - arnong ai age groupa - bart it flot been for tbe seaaon-enrding absence. Thomas' Qaks of St. George triumph was nearly bighlighted by an added bonus when lie came with- in an inch of a hole-in-one on a dog-leg left par thre 121h hole. "Il was extremely clos," lie remarked. Along with bis aine event wlns, lte division cham eften finishei wids the longeai drive andl feweat nunaber of pults on gre day. H ioexceller! on te more peestiiss W"lo jlunmr Tour mst placei 13th for dus seasen - 4fT gomusesW48hglIm. FelwNtm m un h a é 14SUh MILTON FAIR Friday, Saturday &~ Sunday Milton Fair Septemiber erre 21,2223,2001 MILTN FAIR GROUNDS For nior ifou tiomi.. Cafi ""S.6S The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Seplember 14, 2001- 25 BR coaCh feels team is stili strong despite major player exodus By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Bisbop Rcding Sccondary Scbool's Joe Jurus speni Uic lait two ycars working iowards gridiron succeas. Now bis Isopes resi in simply susiaining 11. With 14 starters and mosi of bis top per- formera loai 10 graduation, îbat'll be a talI order - cspecially wbcn ibere's a Halton Region Tier I cbampionsbip 10 defcnd later Ibis faîl. But BR's senior football skipper isn'i pusbing Uic panic buison jusi yct, staimg thal some skillcd returncea and a rcvampcd offensive aiiack sIsould belp counieraci Uic mass exodus of players. Coacht remnains optimistic "We've still gol some ialenied guys and Uic commitiment level bai Iscen Isigb," be said. "If wc stay IscalUiy, we should be okay. Wc probably won't be able 10 conicnd wiib Uic (Halton) Metro Bowl teamas yei, but by Uic end of Uic ycar we sbould be back 10 wbere we were lait fai." For Uiat t0 Isappen, Uic defending region- ai champions will have lu make significant adjustmenta. Realisticalîy, BR won'i be able to rely ai Iseavily on its grounil gaine ibis season - wiib Uic bass of many gifleil rushers incluil- ing standout Mike Long, who scored seven major in a 7-0 cbampionsbip whiiewash of Oakville's Loyola Hawks. So Jurus plans 10 incorporate a more fre- queni air-strike, and will enlisi tIhe services of îwo quarterbacks 10 deliver il. Taking over for graduate Jodie Si. John are co-piv- ots Andrew Pepper and Kyle Harilen - who when flot tbrowing the pigskin wiIl fll in ai other offensive posta. Meanwbile, Ryan Taylor ran thc baIl rather wcll lasi year and will be looked upon 10 make some big camres again ibis fali. Chris Dumencu and James Kaiser will be among others called on 10 make ground gains. Long's absence will be greaily missed defensively as well - but looking 10 filt the gap is veteran linebacker Mats tsboy. Mark Gribbon, Jurus bopes, will be an anchor on both aides of Uic line. Thse Royals -wbo won Uic regional tille jusi four years afier bcginning ibeir pro- gramn - hadt nearly four dozen players try out for ibis year's teain, a sirong indication that thc prograin remains alive and well despite a significant tumnover. BR will be involved in ibis aftemoon's pre-seaaon controlleil icrimmage showcaae ai Milton District Higb ScIsool. TMeir six- gamne achedule begini nexi Friday, Sept. 21 ai home againsi Oakville's St. Thomas Aquins Raiders. Gaine lime, as always, is 3:30 p.m. s'.~e ~ e44~ And Payday is Stili a Week Awayl 1 S0TOP V INSTANT CASH V PENSIONS WVELCOME V NO CREDIT CHECK <Approval by phone) V HASSLE FREE PAYDAY LOANS 327 BRONTE ST S. WHITE OAKS PLAZA j~IiÉP±~1 : i ~1