The Canladian Champion, Friday, September 14, 2001- 23 SPORTS îsw5l842-8892 Additl Dwef -w- - . , a. TFECAAIANCAPO RDYSPEBR1,20 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Doun jsnjvlch "lf) end joif Haydar -who tchad wkhl the NICAAs Brown Blsck Beer Mnd Mem H8mph Wfldoet rsepsctlvsy lest sson - are pr.parlng for tryouts wlt ECHL clubs lator this mnth.- MIlton duo prepare for tryouts with East Coast League clubs By STEVE LsSLANC The Champion Malton la already se tho make ita presence frît in thse OHL. And it could very well do likewiae later thus fall athe serai- pro level. Hopea for that rest wlth former Merehanta Jeif Haydar and Doug Janjevicli - wlio're ready to prove tliemselves ai tryoula with East Cost Hockey League (ECHI) clubs. Haydar - captain of the Merchants' 1997/98 squad iliat mnade it ail ihe way to the national Royal Bank Cup - wilI look to crack thse terni-pro ranks wiili New Jersey's Trenton Titans, ihat fellow Miliortian Scott Bertoli ioiled withlsst year and lielped ho the league cliampionship finals. The 24-year-old centre brings a hatle bit of evesytlsing to tie table, including a solid plsysical presence - wbich he offered last year as of a member of University of New Hiampshire's cliecking line. Wbile besi known among local hockey cireles for bis leader- ship witb thse Merchanla, Haydar says tihe pasi iwo years wilb Launer University and dme UNH bave prepared lm, for a poteniially tougli grind alsead witb Trenton. "You're on thse ice every day (ai universiiy), so. it belpa; you get ready for a touglier scliedule-," lie said. Meanwhile, janjevich's hopes for a semi-pro career will corne ftutier south in Florida, where he'll atempt to catch on ii the Everblades. The ihird-year club is run by former Miltonia Craig Bnssh, wbose both the gener-al manager and president Janjevich's ECHL tryout follows a strong senior year with the NCAA's Brown Black Bears. He and linemnate Mati Kohanskay accounted for more than half of the team's offense - and when they didn't get on the scoreboard Brown rarely pulled out the wmn. While Janjevicb's biggest weapon lias always been speed, the 23-year-old winger bas bulked up a litile since bis days with the Merchants and féela ready to, tackle the physical challenges of semi-pro, hockey. "l'Il always have to cliasg to my speed, but I think l'm able to miàx it up a little more Ilsese days," he suggested. Both Haydar and Janjevicli will report ho their respective campa near dhe end of Septemnber. Bertoli could united witli Haydar m Trenton sliould lie not crack the Waahington Capitals' AHL affiliate in Portland - wliere he's eamed a tryout. * Merchants GM impressed with team 's blueline By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The 2001/02 Merchants should make a stronger case for the defense. This according to general manager Nick Slawson, wlio while quick ho, admit lIais year's blueline docsn't have a premier per- former like graduating captain John Nadalin, fela lhere's more depth and skill in place than lasi season. "I think one through seven tbere's a higlier quality on ibis year's team," sald Slawson. "Overall, lbere's more mobilily and more skill." So far local fans haven'l liad much opportttnity 10 sec the team's new blueline ins full force, since Malt Barilett missed the tail-end of exhibition play witb a sprained anle. The 20-year-old Jr. B graduate - a rugged defenceman who helped Cambridge win the Sutherland Cup iwo years ago - will be hack in tise lineup for îonight's home opener and will provide hoih physical- ity and expenience on the point. Said Millon's GM, "He moves the puck really weil and makes great outlel passes. t think bis experience witb hav- ing won the Sutherland Cup will lend itseîf well to, our arena." Goaltending, he helieves, is another area where the West Conference champs have improved. While starter Trevor Battaglia and rookie Sean Samuel have a way to go 10 prove îhemselves like JoeI Cameron did in lasi year's playoff run, the pair have been rock solid the pasi two weeks and have yet te, surrender what would be considered a 'sofi goal'. Offensively, Slawson would have liked tu have another proven goal scorer in place ai this point -not 10 mention an enforcer 10 take care of hus skilled but smaîl forwards. Nevertheless, there's a loi of assets up front this year and the recent additions of David Ovcjak and Wes Martin have added size tu skill. Milton wasn't able tu showcase cubher attrihute ckiring their exhihition-closing clash in Vaughan Monday. The game was called afier about eighl minutes due 10 danger- ously soft ice. The îwo sides chose to square off in a shoot-out for the resi of evening and the Merchants won the impromptu contrai 6-5. 'Me Merchants, who finished pre-season with a 2-2-1 record, were sill deciding on a captain and assistants this pasi week but were expecird t0 have îhemn in place hy îonighl. when lhey open up agaînsi the Burlinglon Cougars. Milton's home opener kicked off a hectie six-games-in-10O nights sîrelch ihatîIl be cappcd with ibree games in as many nights during the College Weekend. Merchant notes: Coach Glenn Walsh and assistants Mike Kalapaca and Dan Sales are aIl hack tu guide ibis year's Merchants ... Former Merchant Frank Fazio, released lasi month, bas heem skating witb Burlinglon while Rick Ferroni bas appar- ently booked up with a prep scbool in tise United States.